*~My writer's notes always consist of me cursing. If you're offended by cursing, my fanfictions aren't for you.

In other news, this is something I've been working on for quite sometime. I also am in total fucking love with the horizontal lines! Regardless, I've been listening to You Da One by Rihanna as well as a medley and mixture of different tunes as I write these typically. It seems a lot of people came back to me when I came back to FanFiction. That I am grateful for and I won't keep you waiting any longer.

DISCLAIMER: As all of my Hetalia stories, Hetalia:Axis Powers (Axis Powers Hetalia), is owned and created by Hidekaz Himaruya. This is used only for the purpose of fun, not for keepsies. Please don't sue me ;_;. Anyways, let's get on with the story. {You do know this is an optional read right?}~*

The Foreshadow...

There's no one left. We're trapped in what we originally planned as fun, but quickly turned into hell. We were all so gullible, trusting each other without knowing what we were really getting into. The challenges we faced trying to keep us all alive we pushed to the limit. Many questions were asked and most were left unanswered. I may never see the outside of this place again, and that scares me both as a nation...and a person...

Friday Afternoon:

As usual, we were getting ready for Friday. Friday was a typical day for partying hard, staying up late and forgetting about what you learned that week. We had parties in each other's dorms, which led to drunken debauchery like sex. But for the first time in a while, we were stuck on what to do.

"So, what's planned for today?" I asked as I tapped my pen against the table.

"Good question, we've partied everywhere already and I'm fresh out of options." Emily said, tipping back slightly in her chair.

"Hey, have you guys heard about this house at the end of the forest? There's a bunch or rumors and legends about it." Gilbert asked.

"Rumors like what?" I asked.

"If you enter, you can never escape. They say either you die or something kills you." he continued

Emily fell back in her chair. "Say WHAT? I don't wanna die. At least not in an unawesome way."

"Wha? What do you mean? It's Friday and we have nothing to do. What's the worst that could happen?" Alfred said.

"Well, last month, Francis tried to rape Arthur and he ended up setting his dick on fire, making the whole kitchen burst into flames so yeah..." I said.

"Oh right, I forgot about that." he muttered. "Okay how does this sound: You have until 4:30 to make your decision. If your going, meet us by the soccer field. If not, just don't show up. We'll only be gone for today. We'll check it out, then leave. In and out in under 10 minutes." Alfred said.

"Good idea, I'm still spilt between going or not." I said. With that, we all left in out different directions.

"So, are you going? Becuase I sure am!" Emily asked. "You have to go, becuase I'm certain that no girls will show up."

"Relax, you're getting over excited as usual. I'm going, trust me. They'd go crazy without any authority from us." I reassured her.

"How much longer until 4:30?"

I looked at my watch. "An hour even. Have any suggestions for things?"

"No...I'm tired. I guess I can take a nap in your room until it's time." she said.

We headed upstairs back to my dorm room and she plopped on the bed. She cut her phone on.

"Who should I send the message about the house to?" she asked.

"Anyone. Just forward it to everyone that you have. We can use the people." I yawned.


She turned over and closed her eyes. I sat in the window, letting the cool air flow through. Thoughts also flowed. I decided to change really quick. I wondered who else would come and if we would stick to the original plan. I doubted it. I peeked behind me. 3:40. I walked back over to the bed. Sound asleep she laid. I tapped her, and she sprang up.

"It's time already? Why so fuckin' early?" she groaned.

"Ask your brother. C'mon, let's go. The walk is a bit long." I said.

She tossed the covers over and stretched. "Let's go."

We headed down the stairs and walked out of the wing. A few feet away, stood the green grass where soccer and football games were held.

"I see you guys had a change of mind. I didn't expect you to come." Alfred said.

We were accompanied by the same people from lunch. Me, Emily, Alfred, Gilbert, Arthur, Francis and Ivan.

"Is it 4 yet?" Arthur asked.

"Oui, we should go. I got a message from Claire saying that she and a few others would be joining us, just a little later." Francis said, staring into his phone.

"Follow me. I showed Old Fritz this, but we never went it. It was more of a sightseeing type of thing." Gilbert said, standing in front.

We began to walk off campus. More and more trees began show as we got deeper into the woods.

"Privet, Adrianne. I don't know about you...but I have a really bad feeling about this house thing." Ivan said, as he pulled me over to the side.

"You too? I really hope this whole "get in-get out" thing stays. I'm not comfortable when I go to places like this. Even with all of you guys." I responded.

We rejoined the group, walking our slow pace. The sun was setting. The trees created an orange dotted pattern as we got closer.

"Haha! We're here. Come on, let's go." Gilbert ran towards the door. We all followed him.

"Everyone good? If not, this is your chance to turn back now."

Silence. We were all afraid. But none of us had the guts to back out. My eyes were on the doorknob, waiting for him to turn it. He twisted the knob. The door creaked open. Nothing was there.

"I'll go in. It's a check to see if the coast is clear." he said.

He walked in. Looked left and then right. He lifted his hand and signaled that it was safe enough. We piled in. It was quiet and had that hollow sound. The sound that happens when the wind blows through the shallow parts of the house. All indications that no one has lived here in years...maybe decades.

"Okay! Split up time! There's seven of us, so one group will have three people." Alfred said.

"Wait what? You're kidding right?" I said.

"No, why?" he asked.

"None of us know this fucking house. Now we're spliting up? The orinigal plan was to get in. Now let's get out." I yelled.

He nodded. I walked over to the door. I turned the doorknob, but it wouldn't move. I gulped. I pulled harder, but the door wouldn't budge. I kicked the door, but no results.

"Adrianne. This isn't funny. Open the door." Emily said.

"I wish this was a joke, but I can't. This door is sealed shut." I said, leaning against it.

"Okay, that spilt up idea is back in action. We need to stick together in our groups. Let's explore...there's gotta be a way out of here." Arthur finally said.

"I don't care who I'm with...I just wanna get out of here." I said.

We all branched off into our different groups. I stood with Ivan. He stood tall and emotionless. I looked up at him quickly before looking ahead and walking.

"Okay, we got a group upstairs and a group going left. We're going right. We just need to explore for things." I said.

We came up on a door. I checked the knob. It twisted. It opened. Scared, my body reacted for me and I dashed into the dark room. I felt along the walls and found a switch.

*click* The lights went on dim, they flickered before shining bright.

"A library. Let's see if we can find something informative, shall we?"

He shuffled in front of me to a random shelf. I walked past him and around a couple shelves. I found a book entitled "Commissuralis Castle". I opened the first page and the picture looked the same as the front of the house. Just then, something appeared in front of me. I looked up and saw grey. I screamed as loud as I could. I felt something hit me, blackness took over...I heard a gunshot before I completely fell into what felt like death...

Now...would I really let lovely Adrianne die like that? Nope. Fat chance. She's alive...just unconscious. Expect the second and third part later on today! :D
