As usual it was nice day in Vongola society. Miraculously enough it was already time for school trip. Vongola style school trip. Everyone was happily chatting about upcoming event. Everyone minus four troublesome boys. As every one of them had some slight relationship problem. It was either they didn´t want to be in it or that they did want it too much and sometimes it was because of stupid misunderstanding or simply lack of intelligence or communication skills. Be it one way or another these said four boys could think about everything but not about school trip.

In pineapple headed boy´s case, he was too focused on running and hiding, which was very similar to girlish brunette´s case, though their reasons varied. As for horse guy, he was on "chasing side" with skylark, and yet again for completely different reasons. But as unwilling as they were to concentrate on their trip they had to take part in it.

Tsuna was restlessly rolling from side to side on his bed. The Vongola style trip was already there, in few hours he was supposed to be waking up, well If he would have been asleep in first place. He had too much on his mind these days. Mostly certain raven and phantom girl in his arms. Brunette was at verge of breakdown, he wanted to find that damn girl and slap her hard for kissing HIS skylark! His Kyoya! But before that he wanted to punch raven even more for cheating on him like that! And just after the moment they have finally… urgh why was this so complicated?

If Tsuna was just a bit smarter, maybe he would question himself what exactly "cheating" meant as he and Kyoya weren´t going out. Well not that Tsuna knew anything about that or admitted it. But no one seemed to mind fact that he accused raven of cheating, it was almost like whole town already knew something the two of them didn´t. As for Kyoya, he was pissed off beyond reason, Tsuna still didn´t understand why, as far as he knew it was all Kyoya´s fault, he cheated therefore he had no real reason to be angry with brunette.

And so little tuna went on sulking and agonizing over it till his alarm went off and it was time to get dressed up.


On the other side of "hiding and running" team was Mukuro. Spending his days in Kokuyo land he felt satisfied. There was no Dino after all. It was his sacred land until Ken joined the group. He was still worried about Chikusa, who even though finally got his first girlfriend at age of 19, still kept on returning to this run-down amusement park. He got too used to following "Mukuro-sama"´s orders (or more like errands). Therefore one day Ken followed his older brother.

Animal-like guy fit in the group almost too perfectly, if not for one tiny glitch.


Mukuro was too occupied with Dino to notice the strange behavior between these two, and here after finally calming down, he was about to explode. His little sweet sister would sometimes come with Ken or would visit him for a short time. Not Mukuro BUT KEN! Can you believe this?!

"What is it between you and my sweet Chrome?" asked once Mukuro. Animal guy twitched at question. It didn't surprise him as much as the devil aura scared the shit out of him. Ken avoided gaze of his gang leader, as he likes to call him, and sweat-dropped. His strange animal instincts kicked in and warned him like crazy.

"What about you and Dino?" Chikusa disturbed the silence. Making pineapple tense for a change. Chikusa, no matter how introverted or whatever he might be, he takes good care of his little brother. And now, he just felt his said brother to be in grave danger. Be this some random anime about mafia and funny flames, Ken would have been brainwashed and made into some weird puppet. Wait, that might actually happen here too. Oh well.

Mismatched eyes tried to make hole in his "friend´s" face, without effect. So Mukuro just clicked his tongue and left the room without a word.

"Th-that was close, byon."

"Sure was."


Chrome looked as her twin reluctantly closed his suitcase while sighing once again. She was feeling pity, well almost. Chrome didn´t understand why her brother was so … dense? No, that would be Kyoya, but Mukuro…he was more like…oblivious? Yes, that might be it. Oblivious to his own feelings, and to feeling of others, namely Dino.

"Can´t you at least try it out with him?"

"Try what?"

"Dating him."


"Don´t give me that look."


"I think that once you date him seriously you find him more… pleasant?"


"At least you could turn him down properly with saying that you couldn´t develop any feeling for him after all. That way even someone as stubborn as Dino would give up."

"Would he?" asked Mukuro beaming.

"No, I was just checking if you was listening."


"Quiet herbivores."

Both twins looked at irritated raven. More irritated by each day. Mukuro straightened himself, finally in his default mood.

"Oya oya, someone is angry because his little bunny´s been avoiding him?"

Kyoya glared back, but said nothing. Until the moment he took out his mobile phone, touched screen in few short strokes and put his hand up to his ear.

"Hey Dino, Mukuro is already prepared so come pick that piece of shit up."


As Tsuna and his family finally arrived at airport, young lad realized unavoidable truth. One way or another, he would have to face raven. They were in same class, in same group even! But how should this little herbivore deal with him? Oh, maybe ignoring would do the work! is what thought dame-Tsuna. But he kinda forgot to take into account the personality of certain prefect. And thus as Tsuna and his brothers gave farewell to their either crying or stoic parents he felt somewhat calm. Brunette went all the way to find his small group consisting of Uni, Haru, Ryohei and himself so far. He chatted happily momentarily forgetting the cause of his insomnia. Somewhere far, in deepest part of airport could be heard faint screams of pineapple which was about to be violated by a horse. But no one paid it much attention anymore.

"G-guys! Decide on the seats already!" muttered Shoichi, the so called homeroom teacher. But no one really paid attention to him either as all kids were excited and talking to each other. Surely the teacher, who kept on holding his belly and moaning "My stomach hurts," every now and then, with greenish complexion didn´t give you much of authority aura.

"I WILL SIT WITH HANA TO THE EXTREME!" shouted we know who.

"Then Haru want to sit with Uni!" at this comment certain greenette twitched and paled much like the mentioned above teacher.

"Eh? That´s not fair," pouted Tsuna jokily.

"Tsuna-san can sit with Kyoya desu!" laughed Haru, meaning it like a joke, but brunette mentally twitched at the idea.

"Ah Haru, you already decided on your seats?" asked Basil as he approached the group. Haru instantly occupied her boyfriend´s hand, giggling much like a madwoman.

"Haru-chan can sit with Basil, I don´t mind," was Uni´s quiet voice.

"So Uni can sit with me then," Tsuna smiled his brightest smile as he was already imagining the happy times he would spend with his best friend.

"B-but, Tsuna, aren´t you sitting with Kyoya?" asked Uni cutely, not noticing fading consciousness of brunette, or maybe she was just ignoring it. Yep, totally ignoring it.

"Okey I´ll take care of Uni," stated suddenly Kikyo who appeared out of nowhere besides his soon to be girlfriend (?). Tsuna was already leaving for mayonnaise land again, but girlish squeals and muttering woke him up. He turned around only to see his fated enemy. Oh yes, he was right there. Finally arriving, with slightly red cheek, as result of his cheeky attitude towards his older brother. Next to him was content Chrome, with her hand slightly stinging from pain as she slapped her little brother maybe a bit too much for her own good. But she would not tolerate fights so early in the morning in their residence. If anything Chrome had supreme authority in their home, even her father rarely crossed her way, knowing his own daughter too well.

"Kyoya, over here!" waved Haru, still not noticing the obvious awkwardness in bruntte, every time raven was mentioned over past week. "You are pretty late, we already decided on seats desu!"

"That´s right," nodded Uni in agreement, "Tsuna saved you a seat saying he wanted to sit with you." The girl giggled quietly, still ignoring paling brunette, who hadn´t had any strength left for arguing. He could feel firm gaze of raven on back of his head, but he refused to look around. Somewhere in airport, maybe in next corridor or so, someone screamed "Why are we running Mukuro?" , "Just shut up and stop following me already!" , "But our group is the other way!" and "I know that already! That´s why I´m going this way!"

"Ushishishi so you and Kyoko are one item now, huh?" laughed Bel, while looking at redhead.

"T-that´s not it!" stuttered beet red Enma.

"I´m so jealous," continued blonde. "Just try not to blow up whole plane, ushishishi."

"No worries my sweet heart! I´ll protect you even if it costs my life!" sing-sang Rasiel as he tried to hug Bel to death. Only to be stopped by one of his daggers which happened to find its way into older´s stomach.

"Aren´t they all lovely-dovely?" muttered Mammon. Luce looked at him, with slight confusion.

"That´s what you call lovely-dovely?" Would be illusionist if this was anime rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Then he chuckled quietly.

"Well, in their case only," he said, then he wrapped his arm around girl´s waist, pulling her towards himself, "But I do know of other ways too." Afterwards he placed short kiss over her slightly parted lips. Luce overcame her initial shock, smile curved her lips as she hugged boy and let herself be embraced back.


Everyone was already seated, plane was in air and so far there were no explosions or anything like that. So far so good. If only certain pair didn´t emit that dangerously looking aura. Tsuna, for sake of his sanity, refused to look at ravne, while Kyoya, tried his best not to be defeated by his crowd-phobia. Sure he could have bought his own plane and like a boss just fly to the island in private jet or something, but hey WAIT! He was freaking student there is no way he could have done that!

Well, okey he could but I guess he just wanted to spend his time with his precious little pet, I mean lover…I mean whatever!

That being said, Kyoya was still kind of pissed off, it wasn´t as visible as he willed himself to forget the presence of hundreds of other people. He tried to concentrate on his beloved cute herbivore, but that piece of **** had guts to ignore him! Since this morning damn brunette haven't looked him in the eyes not even once! Argh forget looking at eyes he didn´t even glance in his way! Raven so wanted to beat the crap out of him, I mean bite the crap out of him. To death of course. But then, THEN that little animal had guts to suddenly turn around, in panic and say:

"Where is Dino and Muku-nii?" while mentioning raven´s older brother Tsuna´s visibly twitched as he felt strong waves of loath coming from Kyoya. "I meant Mu-Mukuro."

"Hn," was skylark´s intelligent answer as he honestly didn´t care. Tsuna pouted a bit at prefect´s attitude but Kyoya just looked the other way. Brunette leaned forward.

"Basil, have you seen Dino?"

"Dino?" asked boy from his seat right before Tsuna´s. He seemed to be in thoughts before shaking his head. "He should be somewhere with his group no?"

"B-but, it´s awfully quiet no? Something, something just feel off, he is in same group as Muku-ni-" another intense death wave "-ro and it´s this calm. I don´t have good feeling about it."

"Just leave these herbivores be," muttered jealous skylark.

"But still…"



In some random private jet´s toilets. Certain fruit was hiding for his life.

"Mukuro, are you alright? Is your belly hurting? Should I call for doctor? Or do you want some medicine? How about I make you a tea! Ah you should have some chewing gum or something sweet, or-"

"SHUT IT!" screamed pineapple, annoyed beyond reason. He even went as far as to hijack some plane only to be followed by… by… by this IMBECILE! ´Give it a try! Yeah right Chrome, not a chance! Not a freaking chance!´ is what his mind screamed. Mukuro clenched his teeth, he stood up from his miserable crouched position. He has decided. He is out of here. The faster the better. "Dino, come closer," said pineapple in his calm voice. He could hear horse´s steps getting louder. Something mustered right behind the toilet´s door. In that moment Mukuro blasted the door open with all his power, knocking Dino unconscious.

"HA!" was pineapple´s victorious roar.


Holding his aching head, Dino slowly opened his eyes, only to see … Mukuro putting on a parachute. Then he saw his beloved smile viciously.

"Kufufufu, arivederci!" and with that he jumped out.


Mukuro felt ari pushing over his whole body as he was falling down into ocean. That was the exact moment he realized that jumping might not have been the best idea. BUT who cared? He was free, finally, finally free!

"Mukuro wait I´m coming!" is would he could hear faintly above. Mukuro slowly turned around, to see what was causing him the dreadful hallucination of damn horse following him. Ah, there it was. That idiot jumped out after him. Mismatched eyes teared up either from feeling of utter misery or from the gust of wind that pushed tears out of his eyes forcefully.

All he managed to do was cream his sanity out.