The first thing that registers in Masaomi's mind when he regains consciousness is immense pain. He hurt. Everything hurt. Goddamn he HURT. There's a burning, throbbing pain in his abdomen. Fuck, OUCH. He curls into a tighter ball, as if to protect his agonized stomach, only to realize he can't quite move that way. Something binds his feet together, and trying to curl further into the fetal position produces an acute ache in between his shoulders.

What the hell is going on? He can't seem to remember. The last thing he can recall is walking home with Mikado and Anri, and then things get hazy. He moans around the gag (gag!?) tied around his mouth and squeezes his eyes closed tighter. His head is throb, throb, throbbing and it's so hard to think clearly when everything hurts so fucking much. The familiar sounds of the city resonate around him, reverberating in his aching skull like some kind of annoying alarm reminding him, hey, your head REALLY fucking hurts.

He pulls his arms (tied behind his back, what the fuck?) closer to his damaged body. Coherent thoughts slip through the grasp of his mind like flowing water, and god damn his stomach hurts too much for thinking beyond the pain. That can wait until later, when his insides decide to stop acting like flames trapped beneath his skin.

Everything hurt. He is only now realizing how cold he is, his thoughts are floating away like clouds, and are just about as easy to catch, and he's absolutely soaked in something far too sticky to only be water.

He feels himself drifting away, and he doesn't fight it. He just wants to sleep, surely things will be better, and make far more sense, after a