A/N : Hello~ This is my first fanfic ever... i love Hyuuga x Konatsu pair. So, i'd thought to try write one. But, in this story, there will be other pair too. Okay, so... like i said, this is my first fanfic, so... please go easy on me.

Edit: I rewrite a bit of this chapter (it's not really impotant, though).

Disclaimer : I don't own 07-ghost nor it's character. I only own this weird story

Title : Black-Ghost

Author : Risa Varleen

Pairings : Hyuuga x Konatsu, and other pair (maybe)

Rated : T

Genre : Romance

Warning: This story is contain yaoi and OOC and AU.

-Chapter 1: New Life-

-Normal POV-

Kirisaku High School. That is the most famous school at Barsburg Empire. This school using dormitory system. Means, that the students who studied in this school must live in the school's dormitory. Of course, the students can go to their home, but only when holiday season.

So, why is the school used dormitory system? That because this school have sword and magic lesson. The school thought that it'll more efficient if the students live in the dormitory. So, they don't need to tired from bring their swords and other tools all the way from home to school. Of course the school teached them a normal lessons too, like math, history, art, etc.

Well, enough with the explanation. Today is a week before the school started. But it's very crowded here. Why? Because one of the school's rules said: The students must come to the dormitory three days before the school started to prepare their belongings and get to know the school's ground. And with that said, today the school's ground is full of the student who passed the entrance exam and the 2nd and 3rd year too.

-Konatsu's POV-

'So, this is the school, huh? It's really big...' That's the first thing that I thought when I see the school. 'But It really is big...' I kept thought until someone called my name.

"Konatsu!" I turned back and see a boy running to me.

"K-Konatsu... Sorry... Did you waited long?" the boy said, panting heavily.

Well, the boy is Teito Klein. He's my best friend. He has a really cute. The truth... that's the reason why I enrolled in this school. I worried about him. I afraid that some perverted gay trying to seduce him. After all, he got a REALLY cute face even though he's strong enough to protect himself. But still... I'm really worried about him. He's my best friend after all...

"Konatsu? Are you... mad?" he said.

"Heh? Wha-? No! I'm just thinking about something. I'm not mad." I said, smiling.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"Really? Really?" he asked again.

"Yes. Yes. By the way, enough with the talking. Let's go. We need to search what dorms we're in." I answered again.

"Ah. You're right. Let's go, then!" He said with a smile.

After that, we're started pick our belongings and walking towards inside the school to the administration room.

At administration room

Wew... it took us 1 hours just to get to the administration room... Geez... why does this school have to be this big...

"Ummm... excuse me, sir." I said.

"Yes? How can I help you?" said a man.

"We're here to know what dorms we're in, sir. Can you help us?" I asked.

"Dorms? Ah, I see... Could you say your name?"

"I'm Konatsu. Konatsu Warren. And the boy beside me is Teito Klein."

"Konatsu and Teito? Okay, can you wait a minute, please? I'll search for your name and see what dorms you're in."

"Sure." I said with a smile.

A "few" minutes later

Gah! That's way too long! He said to wait for a "few" minutes? It has been 30 minutes since he said to wait for a "few" minutes and he still couldn't found our names! I'm starting to lost my patience here.

'Huh, old man. You'll regreted for make me lost my patience. I'll reported your service to the director of this school. Then, you'll get fired and live in the streets *evil laugh*.' I thought with an evil smirk.

"Hey, Konatsu?" Teito called me.

"Hm? What?"

"Your face... scary... Are you alright...?" Teito asked. He seems noticed the evil smirk I put on my face.

"Heh? Oh, I'm alright. Don't worry about me." I said, putting an innocent smile on my face.


"FOUND IT!" said the man who helped us search our dorms earlier.

Quickly, I and Teito turned our head to the said man.

"You found what?" I asked.

"I found your names and what dorms you're two in!"

"Really? What dorms?"

"You know…. It's really difficult to find your name…. It takes me 30 minutes to find your nam-"

"What dorms we're in? SPILL . IT . OUT . NOW." I said before he can finished what he wanted to said.

"W-well…. You two, Konatsu Warren and Teito Klein, according to the data, you two are in the Black-Ghost dormitory."


"Yes. The Black-Ghost Dormitory is the most stronger dormitory in this school. It has two parts, the first part is 07-Ghost. It's in the left side of the building. The 07-Ghost is focused on using magic and zaiphon, but not really skilled using sword. The second part, Black Hawks is in the right side of the building. The Black Hawks is the opposite of the 07-Ghost. They skilled using sword, but their magic is weaker from the 07-Ghost." he said, trying to explain it to us carefully.

"So….. what parts we're in?"

"Hmmmm… according to your score and skill in the exam….. Konatsu Warren, you're in the second part, the Black Hawks. And you, Teito Klein…. You're in the first part, the 07-Ghost."


"Ummm, sorry. I think I misheard you. Could you repeat what you said again?"

"Sure. Listen carefully. Konatsu Warren, you're in the second part, the Black Hawks and Teito Klein…. You're in the first part, the 07-Ghost."

"So, you mean we're in different dorms?

"No. You two are indeed in the different parts. But that doesn't mean that you two are in the different dorms. Like I said earlier, the Black-Ghost dormitory is have two parts. So, that's mean that you two are only in the different parts, but still in the same dorms. Do you understand?" the man explained.

"Yeah. Thanks for explaining it to us." I said.

"If you understand, go to your dorms. Here's your school map." Said the man while giving me and Teito a school's map.

"Okay. Thank you very much for your help. Let's go, Teito."


"Ah! One more thing! When you get there, search your dormitory's supervisor, okay? For the 07-Ghost, the supervisor's name is, Bastien and for the Black Hawks, Katsuragi. Search them when you two get there, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you very much, sir. Good bye." I and Teito said at the same time with a smile.

After that, we left the place and headed to the Black-Ghost Dormitory.

2 hours later, at unknown place

"Hey…. Konatsu….?"

"Yes? What's wrong, Teito?"

"Where…. are we?"

"Well….. I… don't know….."

"Are we… lost?"

"It seems... yes."

"So, what do we do now? I don't want to be lost kid!"

"Don't panic! How about if we go once again?"


1 hours later, at unknown place (again)

Where are we now? I think we already passed this place five times…

Damn….. what should I do? Should I ask someone?

I look at my surroundings.

S-Seriously! What kind of place is this? No one arounds! D-don't tell me….. we're in restricted areas? Nooo! I don't want to make trouble and kicked out before I can get my high school life's started!

"Konatsu? Are you alright?" Teito asked.

"Huh? Ah, yes! I'm perfectly fine! Let's go!"

"Heh? Wait, Konatsu! In front of you-"


Ack... At a time like this... I bumped to a guy. A black haired guy. But he's kinda weird. He's wearing a black glasses and eating a lollipop.

"Hey. You alright?" the guy asked me. I can see a concerned eyes behind his glasses.

"Ah, yes! I'm alright. Thank you for asking."

"Good. By the way, what are you two doing in this place?" he asked looking at me and Teito.

"Ah... we're... lost. We're trying to headed to the Black-Ghost Dormitory. But we're lost."

"Heh~? Black-Ghost? Ah! I see... Follow me~" he said while walking to the opposite direction.

"Ah. W-Wait!" I said, grabbing Teito's hand and followed him.

W-where is this now? What is this place?

"This is the Black-Ghost Dormitory." said the man who take us to this place.

Eh? This is the Black-Ghost Dormitory? At least... we're arrived...

"A-Ah! Thank you very much for-" before I can finished, he cut me off by kissed me in the lips.

After a few second, he broke of the kiss.

"W-What's that just now? *blush*"

"Eh? just thought of it as how you thanked me, okay~? Bye-bye~ *smile*" he said and run away.

"You... YOU BASTARD! COME BACK HERE! *still blushing*"

"Whoa! Konatsu! Calm down!"

"How can I calm down! T-That was my first kiss!"


Suddenly, some old man come in and approached us.

"So, are you two Konatsu Warren and Teito Klein?" the one said.

"Ah, yes. And you two?" Teito said.

"I'm Bastien and this is Katsuragi. We have been waiting for you. what took you so long?" Bastien-san said.

"We were... lost..." I answered.

"No wonder. This school is pretty big after all." he said chuckling.

Good. Looks like they're not mad... Judging from their looks... I think they're pretty nice...

"Hey, old man!" someone yelled.

"Ah, Frau, Castor and Labrador... Come here, please." Bastien said.

Looks like they're from the 07-Ghost's part, huh? Let's see... The one with glasses and the one with violet-like hair looks nice... And the one with blonde hair... looks... pervert?

"Katsuragi-san... we're here." suddenly, a blue-haired guy lifting a smaller boy with pink hair bridal style walked in.

"Only you two? Where's Ayanami and Hyuuga?" said Katsuragi.

"We're here, Katsuragi-san. Sorry for late." he said while dragging a black haired guy.

"Buutt... Aya-tan~ I want to play~" he pouting.

Ack! He's the guy who kissed me earlier! What's he doing here? Don't tell me... He's the member of the Black Hawks? That means, we're in the same part, right? Tch, and here I hope that I don't need to see that guy again.

"Okay. Everyone is here. Let's start shall we? 07-Ghost, introduce yourself to our new member." ordered Bastien.

"Let's just do this quick. I'm Frau, the head of the 07-Ghost part. The one with glasses is Castor, and the one beside him is Labrador. Nice to meet you, brats."

"Okay. Black Hawks, your turn."

"I'm Ayanami, the head of the Black Hawks part and the head of this dorm. The one with pink hair is Kuroyuri and the one who lift him bridal style is Haruse. The guy beside me is...Hyuuga. Nice to meet you.

"Now, Teito-kun? Konatsu-kun? Please introduce yourselves."

"My name is Konatsu Warren and this is Teito Klein. Starting today, I will be the member of the Black Hawks and Teito will be the member of the 07-Ghost. Nice to meet you all *bow*"

"Nice to meet you all *bow*" Teito do the same thing.

"Nice to meet you too, Teito-kun, Konatsu-kun" everyone said with a smile.

"Now everyone, go back to your room. Teito-kun, Konatsu-kun. We need to talk about a few things." Bastien said, smiling.

"Ah, okay."

After everyone left, Bastien-san and Katsuragi-san started explain the dorm to us.

"So, the first thing you need to know is there are roommates. The roommates will be one year or two older than you, so, they can help you get-to-know this school.. Also, maybe you've already heard it. But there are war between dormitory in this school. The war will be held each month. The winner of the war will get the title strongest and given the best dormitory to stay in this school. For now, the strongest dormitory is the Black-Ghost. Do you have any question?"

"Who is our roommates?" Teito asked.

"Well... It's a secret. If you want to know, go to your room, okay? If that's all, go to your room. Here's your room number, your room's key and the dormitory's map." Katsuragi said, giving us a map, a key, and room's number.

"Teito, see you later." I said, giving him a smile.

"Yeah. See you later, Konatsu."

After that, I'm started walking to my room.

Hmm... this is my room, right? I'm nervous now... I hope my roommates isn't that Hyuuga guy... and not a scary one too... *sigh* only one way to find out.

I grab the door knob and open it slowly.

"N-Nice to meet you! Starting today, I will be you roommate! Please go easy on me! *bow*" I said when I enter the room.

"Hm? Sooo, you're my roommate for this year, huh?"

Heh? This voice... this tone... don't tell me that guy is...

I look to the source of the voice.

"Yo, Ko~nat~su~-chan~. I hope we can be a good friends in this year~ *grin*"

No way! My roommate is... that Hyuuga guy? I don't believe this! I must be dreaming! Right, this is... just a nightmare, right?

"What's wrong, Konatsu-chan? " he said, poking my cheeks. Wait. If he can touchs me... then, this is not a dream?

"We will have "fun" in this year, Konatsu-chan~" he said with a wide smile.

No! I... I refuse to believe this! NOOO!

A/N : So... this is chapter one. I think this fic will last long. I don't know how long, but it will be pretty long. By the way, sorry for the OOC, boring story and the grammar errors. This is my first fanfic, so, please don't flamed me too harsh... Anyway, thanks for reading this weird story. Please review, so I can know what you think about this story.