A/N: Stephenie Meyer owns all things Twilight. I just borrow the characters. I promise to give them back. :)

Thanks to everyone who has read/reviewed my little story. Your encouragements mean a lot!

sorry I took so long again! I do have a pretty free schedule for awhile so I hope to get more writing done!

This was such a fun chapter to write! I hope you all like it.

Chapter 9 –Never Have I Ever . . .


"Okay, you kids be good." Esme kissed each of us on the top of our heads and took Carlisle's hand in hers. "We'll probably be home around eleven. We'll be back down to say goodnight when we get home."

The second Carlisle and Esme left, the four of us looked around and grinned impishly at each other. Oh yeah, tonight was going to be a great night.

"Okay, Ali, you get the shades and lock the doors. Ed, go get the shit from my trunk. Bells, call Angela and ask her when the hell she's getting here. I'll order us some pizzas." Emmett waggled his eyebrows at us as he gave us orders before disappearing into the kitchen to find the landline phone.

We all dispersed to do as Emmett asked so very nicely. Edward pulled on his jack and disappeared out the door as Alice flitted around the cabin to shut all of the curtains and lock the back and side doors and I went to my bedroom to call Ang.

Angela's family owned a small cabin on another side of the lake and asked her cousin to drive her over here to have a sleepover with Alice and I tonight.

She picked up on the second ring. "Hey, Bells!"

"Hey, Ang! When are you gonna get here? Emmett's already set the operation in motion." I rolled my eyes at my big brother.

Angela laughed. "I just pulled in the driveway. Oh, there's Edward. Hey, Edward! I'll be right in, Bells."

I hung up with Angela and dug in my back for my phone charger. After I plugged my dying phone in, I walked back in the living room to see Angela and Edward walking in the door carrying several six-packs of beer and a couple bottles of Jose Cuervo and Grey Goose.

I gave Angela a quick hug and showed her to the room she'd be sharing with Alice tonight. She good-naturedly teased me a bit about sharing a room with Edward tonight. When we got back to living room, we saw that Alice had taken over.

Pillows and blankets had been pulled off the couch and set in a circle on the plush carpet with a low, circular coffee table in the center on which sat five shot glasses, the vodka, tequila, and several open beer bottles. Edward, Emmett, and Alice were already sitting. Angela took the empty spaces between Edward and Alice and got comfortable. Surely Alice had some game for us to play.

I was right.

"Never have I ever time!" Alice squealed. Edward, Emmett, and I rolled our eyes. We've played many times. It's Alice favorite game.

"How do you play?" Angela asked.

Alice grinned excitedly. "We go around the circle and when it's your turn you say "never have I ever . . ." and then you something you've never done. If someone has done whatever you said, they take a shot. No lying! And you usually have to tell everyone the story if they ask."

Angela laughed. "So basically, the aim is just to get really drunk?"


"Alright, let's do this."

Emmett quickly poured each a shot of tequila and Alice volunteered to go first. "Okay, I'll do an easy one to get us going. Never have I ever failed a class."

Emmett downed his shot and poured himself another. "What?" he asked when we looked at him incredulously. "It was physics. When the hell am I going to need physics?"

We all laughed.

"I'll go next." Angela offered with a carefree smile. I could tell she was warming up to the game. "Never have I ever . . ." she thought for a second. "fooled around in a car."

Emmett raised his hand. "Definition of "fooling around"?"

"Uh . . . I guess anything from under the clothes touching to fucking." Angela answered with a shrug before taking a sip from her bottle of beer.

Edward and I glanced at each other remembering our tryst after the Halloween dance, smirked, and downed our shots along with Emmett.

"Oh god," Emmett groaned, throwing his head in his hands. "Now I'm going to have to hear about all the shit you two do together." He said gesturing between Edward and I.

I scowled. "Oh grow up, Em. It's not like I don't have to hear all about your exploits when girls come up to me in the hallway at school and ask me if you're sick since you haven't called them back!" I shot back.

Edward hid his laughs with my shoulder. Alice gave Emmett a reproachful look.

"My turn!" I called, already feeling warm and tingly from the one shot. "Never have I ever done drugs, except if this counts." I said, holding up my bottle of beer.

Edward looked sheepish as he downed his next shot. I glared him and crossed my arms across my chest. "A blunt every once in a while won't kill me." He grumbled.

"Gateway drug," Alice coughed obviously. We all laughed.

It was Edward's turn next. "Never have I ever gotten so drunk that I started crying in the corner of the room when my friend cut me off."

"Fucker." Emmett grumbled as he took another shot. He's lucky he isn't a lightweight. "Never have I ever kissed a dude."

The three girls rolled our eyes as we took our shots. Good one, Em.

As we kept taking turns, going around the circle, and getting progressively drunker and drunker, the questions got dirtier and dirtier.

"Never have I ever sucked a guy's dick."

"Charming, Emmett." Alice said, making a face as Angela and I slammed back another shot.

Emmett stared at me, his eyes going wide. "Bells!" He spluttered.

I arched an eyebrow at him. "What did you think Edward and I do all day? Sit around and read the bible or something?"

My brother, ever the mature young man, coughed and pretended to throw up while throwing Edward murderous glares.

"Shouldn't have asked the question if you didn't want the answer!" I said in a sing-song voice.

Yeah, I was just a little drunk.

The doorbell rang, signaling that the pizza had arrived. Alice, being the soberest of all of us went to pay the pizza guy.

After finishing our pizzas, we settled back down for a few more rounds of Never have I ever.

"Never have I ever had my parents walked in while I was with someone."

Edward and I looked at each other sheepishly, remembering the last time we were over the Cullen's house. We were fooling around on Edward's couch. I was straddling his lap and my shirt was off – thank god my bra was still on – and my jeans were unbuttoned and unzipped. Edward's shirt was off and he was grabbing my ass, grinding me down on his lap. We were getting pretty hot and heavy when Esme walked right into his room without knocking. Her mouth dropped open. She recovered herself a few seconds later, pursed her lips to hide a laugh, set down the folded laundry she was carrying, and backed out of the room saying "I'll remember to knock next time," and shut the door behind her.

We took our shots and told them the story, much to everyone's amusement.

"Never have I ever fooled around in my sibling's room."

Mercifully, nobody drank. If Emmett had ever . . . I shuddered at the thought.

"Never have I ever watched porn."

Emmett proudly drank his shot. I threw Edward a suspicious look, thinking he was lying. The tips of his ears were a bit red, a dead giveaway.

"Never have I ever had a threesome."

Thankfully, nobody drank that time.

"Never have I ever had sex."

Both Emmett and Edward downed their shots and threw their respective sisters grateful looks.

A/N: Thanks SO much for reading! PLEASE leave me a review let me know what you think! Love it? Hate it? Just okay?

I love Never Have I Ever! My friends and I used to play it all the time!

Next up: More unsupervised fun!

Thanks again!

- Nikki