(A/N: Hi! Firstly, I'm putting this up before I put up the epilogue for ANB, simply so I can say in an A/N there that this is up. You're welcome to wait and read that first; it shouldn't be too important either way. Secondly, several people have asked about the origins of Myst's Lullaby and the LOC:ANB end / SotEN beginning theme. The name of the first is just "Myst's Lullaby," and the name of the ANB/SotEN theme is "Moonlight." They're both songs I wrote specifically for LOC, and I also have two others prepared for later.
Also, right when I post this, it's not going to have been beta-read, as my beta is far around the earth and literally seems to go to sleep when I wake up in the morning. She will be beta-reading the rest of this story, as well as LOC's spin-off crossover Legend of Cynder: Light in the Dark. You're all lucky that she's nice enough to put up with all my gruesome mistakes so you guys won't need to deal with them after this prologue. So, a HUGE thank-you to Riverstyxx.
Finally, a gargantuan thank you to reviewers of ANB and any future reviewers of this. You're the reason I have any confidence in my writing abilities at all! I'd also like to thank the teacher who originally taught me to read and write – I'll call her Ms. T – and my parents who are the reason I'm so book-obsessed. So sorry for the gargantuan author's note! It won't happen again, promise.)
(Riverstyxx's note from many years later: Hey, I actually came back to proofread this. You're welcome. Also this is a great story and you will all enjoy it. Have fun!)
The Legend of Cynder: Night Terrors
A black dragon sighed, slashed the stone statue to pieces with her tailblade, and gracefully lowered herself onto her haunches, staring out to blue water.
Heh. Training's all well and good for now, but it'll do little good when she calls me… It's not like there's an enemy she can't defeat that I can.
She looked up at the two moons, glimmering in the darkened sky. They made her silvery underbelly sparkle like starlight. How close the moons were to each other made her gut lurch with apprehension.
Green eyes sparkling, the dragoness turned her back on the fluorescent moons, black scales glimmering blue from the reflection of the ocean. She stretched her wings, their membranes so translucent that light shone straight through, like she was a ghost.
The shadow of the Eternal Night creeps up on all of us. The guardians must see it as well. It's time I taught all I have to teach. She'll need it if she's to survive and overcome the shadow the eclipse will cast.
Emerald eyes blinking closed, the ethereal dragon murmured something to the light wind, softer than a prayer. "Stay strong, young one, for the worst is yet to come."
Her words fell heavily on the air, ringing with a sense of certainty bespeaking the prophecies of old.
Darkness comes, like a soul into sleep
Life goes on no matter how you weep
Standing here, having come so far
Wish with me on a fallen star
Raise your wings, hold on tight
Don't forget there's still the moonlight
And when all seems lost and the end isn't near
Your heart will say where to go from here
Found you here after journeys long
Feels like everything that could went so wrong
Choked up in the black of night
Feels like finally things are going right
Raise your wings, hold on tight
Don't forget there's still the moonlight
And when all seems lost and the end isn't near
Your heart will say where to go from here
Pray for those didn't make it this far
Grateful you escaped death's door, still ajar
Raise your head, don't let those tears abide
Smile in the dark, even if teary-eyed
Raise your wings, hold on tight
Don't forget there's still the moonlight
And when all seems lost and the end isn't near
Your heart will say where to go from here
Feels good having made it this far
Peace for now, just where we are
My heart's just so full right now
Nothing will force head to bow
Raise your wings, hold on tight
Don't forget there's still the moonlight
And when all seems lost and the end isn't near
Your heart will say where to go from here...