Just a little ficlet that crossed my mind while I was trying to sleep in the midst of all this angst in The Innkeeper's Caretaker.


For the ten years since Claudia Donovan had been at the Warehouse, this had to be one of the most humiliating chores in the world. The baby on her shoulder whimpered and squirmed, and she'd pretty much had enough. But she wouldn't ring Leena… Nope. She was too stubborn, and too awesome to give in to using her wife's natural maternal instincts. "Oh come on… count with me. One… two, three… sleep!" She stood, pacing around the room, swaying her hips slightly to lull the baby into slumber. "Come on, sweetie… sleep. Go to sleep."

With her two mommies tracking down an artifact in Texas, little Lillian Bering-Wells was deciding to be uncooperative and just as stubborn as Claudia was. The Warehouse agent froze when Lil's tiny head rested against her shoulder. "See?" Claudia hushed mainly to herself, "I can do this. I can definitely do this. Babysitting? A doddle." She swayed gently, holding the four-month-old in her arms with a grin. Five minutes later and the B&B was filled with sounds of screaming once more. Claudia grit her teeth. "Okay, we're gonna play a game. We're gonna sit you in your boppy," she rearranged the long pillow and put it on the floor, propping Lillian on top. "Don't you smile at me," she pointed, pursing her lips when a wide gummy grin was flashed her way. "Don't you dare…" Lil squealed and kicked her feet.

"Listen," she sat on the floor in front of the baby and played with a foot, "If you don't go to sleep, your mommies are gonna be so freakin' pissed at me, okay? You need a nap, or you'll be grouchy when they come home. 'Kay? Aunt Leena's picking them up from the airport, which means you have to sleep. Right. Now." She pointed a finger but the infant just squealed again. Claudia groaned out in frustration and flopped on the floor, holding her head. "Pleaaaaase go to sleep," she whined. After a moment of clarity, Claudia sat up and lifted the little girl into her arms until the baby was rested against her chest. She began to hum with a gentle knowing smile as Lillian settled down again. Then, she began to sing. Sure, it was an unconventional lullaby, but she'd had it stuck in her head for days.

"Well the moon is broken

And the sky is cracked,

Come on up to the house,

The only thing that you can see

Is all that you lack,

Come on up to the house."

She heard quiet murmuring against her shoulder and continued to smile as she sang. So… her goddaughter was a Tom Waits fan - she could die a happy woman. As she processed it, she'd stopped singing much to the baby's chagrin. Lillian began to whimper.

"All your cryin' don't do no good,

Come on up to the house.

Come down off the cross,

We can use the wood…

Come on up to the house."

Listening out after a few more lines, she heard nothing. Stillness bar the tiny sound of snuffling breathing. She'd done it. Lil was fast asleep thanks to the gentle singing and after all that time, it had been surprisingly easy. If she had the space, she would have done the snoopy dance, but the risk of waking the infant up was just too great. "I am so awesome. I deserve a medal," she hushed to the child and sat down with Lillian still slack against her chest.

"So if you used the coin, you got horny?" Leena chuckled in disbelief as she turned the key in the lock, catching Myka's colored blush.

"Not just me! As in… all the other victims." Myka blurted, still highly embarrassed that a coin from Fannie Porter's brothel in San Antonio had caused her to act rather amorous with Helena in the middle of a questioning.

"That's what I meant, I meant you as in 'one' but uhh…thanks for the visual," Leena smirked teasingly.

Helena had to hold her mouth shut to stop herself from laughing as she pulled their suitcase into the lobby. The three women froze when they saw Claudia, slouched on the settee with Lillian resting against her chest, both of them fast asleep. "I know I'm hormonal," Myka began, "but that is so cute I think I'm gonna cry."
Leena grinned widely and grabbed the Polaroid from the mantel piece before taking a quick snap, smiling down at the wedding ring on Claudia's finger glistening back at her.

Claudia frowned in her sleep at the voices, then stretched and cuddled Lil closer, pecking her protectively on the top of the head. The women continued to watch until Helena noticed Leena had gone very quiet.

"Are you alright?"

"Hmm? Sure.. I'm fine," Leena nodded, obviously distracted and she busied herself over to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Helena and Myka shared a glance, and while they wanted to cuddle their little girl close after being away from her for three days, waking Claudia up probably wasn't the best idea. Instead, they followed Leena into the kitchen and crossed their arms.

"Spill," Myka said softly, "what's up?"

Leena shrugged and waved a hand in their direction. "It's fine. I'm fine."

Myka cleared her throat, "You want children, don't you?"

Leena's eyes widened and she spun round. Sometimes she was convinced the brunette had some sort of reading ability because she'd been well and truly had. "Not… that's not…"

"And Claudia doesn't." Helena finished for her wife. "That's the problem, isn't it?"

Leena groaned and covered her face with a hand. "I hate you guys…"

"Come on," Myka pulled her hand and sat her down. "Talk to us, we can help…"

Leena huffed. "That's just it… For Claudia, children are annoying, and 'blegh'" she stuck her tongue out and pulled a face, imitating her wife. "How can you help with that? It's just a subject we disagree on, that's it."

Myka frowned and shook her head sadly, "You shouldn't have to settle for that though. What did she say?"

"Umm… it's, it's all we ever talk about." Leena muttered.

"About children? Have you specifically told her 'I want a baby.'" Helena said. She caught Leena's guilty gaze and nodded. "Ah…"

"Seriously? How do I even start that conversation? Claudia, you're not getting any younger, I'm not getting any older we're both the same age now… Let's have a baby." She noted Myka's wince. "Exactly…"

"You want a baby?" All three heads whirled around to see Claudia stood in the doorway, rubbing her eyes irritably after putting Lillian in her crib. "Wh… Leena…" She threw up her hands. "Great. Gossip with these two, but don't bother to tell me your deepest most personal secret. It's fine."

"Claud…" Leena stood up but Claudia put her hand up.

"Nope, I'm cool… just gonna leave the house while you reenact The View." she snarked, "It's fine," she huffed and left the kitchen swiftly.