Yeah, since its Friday the 13th, and its almost Saturday the 14th, (its 11:55pm here) I'll post this.
The ripped cloth was covering his mouth to prevent him from screaming help. The original beginning of that cloth, the shirt, was used to cover what was needed to be covered. He couldn't scream even if the cloth wasn't there. No one would hear him anyway. He looked to his side and saw the skylark in the same condition as he was.
Both were tied up. Both were covered by a shirt. Both mouths were covered with a cloth.
They could not speak. For if they did, they would die.
It was a shame as the strongest men to be whimpering at the feet of an omnivore such as he. They were strong, powerful and prideful. But look at them now, they were in an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere.
Tap tap
Footsteps can be head, echoing around the silent warehouse. Those footsteps can only belong to one person. The person that did this to them
Tap tap
They couldn't speak. They were bound by both material things and mental things, and they have lost freedom. They were now what they made their opponents: birds in a cage.
Tap tap
He really wanted to speak. Their torturer was someone they loved the most, and yet, hate. It was painful, but they had to endure it. It was their fault, yes. They should have never cheated. If they didn't this wouldn't happen.
Suddenly, the footsteps can no longer be heard, and instead, the warehouse began to light up and become surrounded by fire. They were still there, lying on the floor, broken.
Tap tap tap tap tap
The footsteps were getting faster, getting closer. He turned to the skylark and said with his last energy, "Kufufufu. So long, skylark."
He clicked his tongue. "Same here, pineapple head."
The footsteps stopped, since the owner of said steps was standing in front of them, smiling manically, and yet, was crying guiltily. He hugged them, and cried out, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
They did nothing but stay still. After all, they can barely move. Their torturer looked up with tear-stained faces and said with a crazy smile, "But at least now, we'll be together forever. No one will get anyone from anyone. We would all be silent, and not speak."
The fire began to lick their skins, but they can do nothing anymore. They will die, and so, they said with their last bit of strength, "We love you, Tsunayoshi."
Tsuna smiled crazily. "You can speak again, Mukuro, Kyoya."
He laughed as the flames consumed them, disenabling them from speaking ever again.