Holy crap, an update to Alternative Addiction? And one to Love Hate and Blood on the same day ._. I am a busy body~
Heine: More like your lazy as hell and just finally got around to updating this...
Seliphra: Hey D:

Heine didn't sleep any better this night then he usually did and his usual nightmares plagued him until he woke in a cold sweat with a small gasp, sitting bolt upright. Badou groaned, but didn't wake up as not much could wake him when he slept. It took Heine a moment to remember where he was and slowly he calmed down and was able to sleep a few more restless hours, but again he was twitching and moaning in his sleep, curled in a small ball close to Badou. It wasn't as bad as it usually was nearer to him somehow…

Badou opened his eyes some time later and noticed Heine still curled against him. He smiled at the thought and kissed Heine's head, but Heine twitched and whimpered in his sleep in response. His nightmare had -naturally- returned, though whether Badou keeping him asleep was a good thing was debatable. Certainly he got more sleep, but he couldn't escape either. Badou didn't know, as Heine had usually kept to himself and this was about one of the few times the red head's caught Heine sleeping. But even if he did it wasn't got long and Heine usually woke up instantly when someone else got hear him. However, Badou's stomach growled for food and his lungs whined for nicotine, and he stroked Heine's head.

"Hey Heine, wake up." He woke up with a small gasp then, but he collected himself easily enough and blinked at Badou.
"It's morning?" That was odd, normally he woke four or five times during the night, not once.
"Something like that, yeah," Badou smirked, "Probably closer to lunch than morning though." Heine's eyes widened a little at that.

"...Oh..." No wonder he felt well rested for once...he usually just stayed awake after a while.
"What, not used to actually sleeping?" Badou asked a little concerned.
"Not this late..." He shrugged. Close enough to the truth, "Normally I'm awake by eight thirty,"
"Ugh, I couldn't do that," Badou shuddered at it, he didn't like waking up before ten. Heine chuckled at that and stretched out. He was hungry now that he thought on it...

"Wanna eat in or out?" Badou asked, as he stretched, stood, and dressed.
"Depends, what have you got here?"
"I can make miso soup and Tamagoyaki," He shrugged as if it was nothing, Badou could cook the simple stuff but it was enough to survive on.
"That's fine," Heine nodded. That sounded pretty good actually in Heine's mind.

"Okay, I'll call you when it's ready," Badou headed out into the kitchen then, and-impromptu cleaned a bit-got out the things he needed. Tamagoyaki was his favorite so he always had the ingredients available. Heine pulled his clothing on and stretched some more. He was a bit stiff after first losing his virginity and then sleeping in a tiny ball all night. The collar cured a lot... but not muscle stiffness. Pretty soon, the cluttered apartment was filled with the smell of miso and sweet eggs.

"Heine it's almost ready!" Badou called, but Heine wandered in then anyways.
"Smells good..." He mumbled, both a little surprised Badou could cook and feeling a little awkward since he didn't really know what the hell their relationship had just evolved in to.
"Can you grab plates? They're in that cupboard," He pointed to the correct cupboard and turned off the stove to pour miso soup into a couple bowls. Heine grabbed a couple plates and shifted awkwardly before he sat at the now less cluttered table with Badou to eat. He brought over the bowls first before getting the eggs.

"Dig in Heine."
"Y-yeah, thanks..." Heine had surprisingly good manners actually, he even sat at the table with his back as stiff and straight as a board. Badou noted, and probably figured Heine would do that even without an infused spine in his back... Badou tied his hair back loosely before eating, and then did just that. Heine was a very quiet eater too, though he did thank Badou after the meal and tell him it was good -which it was. Not the most spectacular thing ever but still very good and actually much better than what Heine was capable of.

"You're welcome," Badou grinned and went to brush the knots out of his hair before grabbing his jacket, "What are the plans for today?"
"Bishop should have something today for sure, he never has two days in a row with nothing," He pointed out. He needed to get paid damn it...
"If rent is a problem, you could move in here," Badou offered, a roommate would lower his rent. Heine didn't know what to think about that, though it would make money a lot easier for both of them.

"How do you know my place isn't nicer?"
"I don't, but I'm only offering... You don't actually have to move in you know," Badou pointed out and then put his hand on his brow to shield his eyes from the sun... Forgot his eye patch today...
"I know...hey it's not too late for you to run back and get it you know," Heine pointed out...not that there was much in the way of sun in the underground...

"Meh, screw it..." Badou sighed, "There's not much light anyway" Heine shrugged and kept walking. He had remembered to cover his neck at least... Badou resisted for about five minutes before lighting up a smoke as they headed for the Church... Whether it was closer to Badou's or Heine's home, he wasn't sure. Heine's place was actually closer, but he wasn't sure he and Badou SHOULD live together either... sure the sex had been cataclysmic and Badou was one of the few people he not only liked but actually kind-of liked... but that would also put him at a higher risk in Heine's mind. Hell, he felt like a fool for sleeping with him at all? What if Kerberos had taken over? It took one cigarette before they made it, which told the time for Badou as it took a certain allotted time to smoke one at walking pace. They entered and Nil immediately brightened seeing Heine

"Hey Nil~" He smiled at her too, always happy to see her. She really was like a sister...and that truly terrified him too. He just hoped Naoto wouldn't be on this mission too...
"Oh, good all three of you are here," Bishop came into view with Naoto following him, "Don't smoke in my church." Badou was just about to light up and frowned. "Anyway... I need you three to collect something for me." Naoto and Heine scowled at each other in greeting.
"Fine, what do you need?" He asked and Naoto simply frowned further. Badou rolled his eye at their exchange and Bishop explained, adjusting his dark glasses.
"It's a deed for land in the underground... A bar named Kain."
"Do we get any other Intel?" Naoto asked, eyeing the odd priest.

"It's heavily guarded, and if you find anything of interest take that too Badou." Badou sighed, that usually meant there would be a gunfight
"Right, in that case, I'll be back in say...fifteen minutes, I'm getting more ammo," Heine said blandly. He knew what it meant too.
"Fine, but stop storing it in my church," Bishop sighed, Nil followed him naturally, "Badou I said don't smoke in here."
"I'm not storing it here Bishop, I moved my stash to my place...duh, Right, be back soon," He said before taking off as Naoto rolled her eyes and then tried to protect Nil from Bishops ...oddities. Badou waited outside, he could smoke there, and looked at the dingy sky.

Seliphra: Soooo, reviews?
Heine: You withhold the chapter for this long and-
Badou: Hey think of it this way, if she gets more reviews she may actually pay attention to this story instead of just her Durarara ones...
Heine: *Grumbles and scowls and sits in a corner*
Seliphra: Right... so if you want the next chapter to never come don't review. If you want the next chapter to come eventually on review... if you want it to be a half decent amount of time though I'mma need more...