I am so sorry. It seems like all I do is apologise to you guys. But I am really busy with Uni and work at the moment and I'm trying my hardest to get as many chapters as I can done. I've got a few stashed for this one. Just give me a message or a review if it's been a while since anything was posted. I'll try to remember but there's no guarantee.

"Should have seen them before they got their act together" Gates replied, causing four heads to turn to her in shock. "Just because I didn't accept it at first, doesn't mean I wasn't happy for you."

"Reminds me of these two" Beckman replied, gesturing towards Sarah and Chuck.

"Hey!" Both Beckett and Sarah exclaimed to their bosses.

"Well if you'd just got your act together sooner we wouldn't have to point out your stupidity." Gates informed them as she locked eyes with Kate.

"You only saw them for two years, one of which they were together, should have seen them for the three years before that." Esposito butted in.

"Can it Espo, you're one to talk. You and Lanie are like Ross and Rachel." Kate barked back.

"Could we discuss this back at Castle?" Beckman questioned as she gestured towards the elevator.

"Where exactly is Castle?" Gate's pushed.

"Burbank." Chuck replied, a smile forming on his face.

"Burbank? As in California?" Gate's enquired.

"Yes" Beckman confirmed at the look on Gate's face.

"Well I was considering giving you the weekend off now that we've closed the case. God knows you have some holidays banked Detective Beckett." Gate's informed the group as she watched the smiles spread across their faces.

"I can't leave Jenny right now. She'd kill me. You have no idea what her mood swings are like." Ryan stated the panic spreading across his face.

"I suppose partners are allowed to come, but they have to stay in the apartment, they aren't allowed in Castle, or to know where Castle is" Beckman informed them.

"I got to call Jenny she's going to be so excited." Ryan exclaimed as he entered the break room, food in hand.

"Espo call Lanie" Rick told him as he noticed the look on his face.

"How about that husband of yours Vicky?" Beckman asked.

"Someone's got to stay home with the kids." Gate's stated, heading towards her office "I'll call him to let him know."

"Ellie still lives in Burbank?" Kate asked Chuck as they waited for the trio to return.

"Next door to me actually" Chuck informs her.

"How about you guys go get some things together and meet back here in say an hour?" Beckman tells the group.

"Sure, what are you guys going to do while you wait? You can come back to the loft and wait there." Rick informed them, his hand moving to the small of Kate's back.

"I'll stay here with Vicky you four can go with the Castles." Beckman informed the group.

"Not Castles, we just live together" Rick quickly corrected, missing the look of disappointment flit across Kate's face. "Anyway, let's go."

"Lead the way Katie" Chuck mused as they entered the elevator.

"Just follow the blue Crown Victoria and you should be good. It's only about ten minutes away." Kate informed them as they excited the elevator into the parking garage.

"Alexis we're home." Rick called as they entered the quiet loft.

"Rick, be quiet. She might be asleep." Kate reasoned, her hand settling on his arm as they entered the kitchen.

"I'll just go check on her" Rick stated as he left the group in the kitchen.

"Can I get you guys anything while we pack?" Kate asked, gesturing to the coffee machine.

"I'll make the coffee Katie, you go get your things" Chuck told his cousin.

"Thanks, I won't be long, just let Rick know where I am" Kate informed them heading for the bedroom.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Kate spun at the sound of Rick shouting upstairs, grabbing her gun from its holder and running up the stairs, looking over her shoulder to see Sarah and Casey following her, guns raised.

"Daddy, calm down." Alexis tried to calm her father.

"CALM DOWN, YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN?!" Rick shouted again, his voice becoming louder as the group neared Alexis' open door.

"Mr Castle I can explain." The sound of a young man's voice made Kate lower her gun and place it back in its holster.

"OUT!" Rick shouted once again, ignoring the protests of his daughter and her friend.

"Rick, what's going..." Kate started as she entered Alexis' bedroom, stopping abruptly at the sight of the young woman laid in bed with her boyfriend Ashley, the sheet pulled tight around her body.

"Oh thank god, Kate can you just get him to calm down." Alexis begged

"NO! I WILL NOT CALM DOWN" Rick exclaimed once again.

"Rick..." Kate started, her hand reaching out to grasp his, stopping when he pulled his hand away from her.

"You don't get a say in this Kate, Alexis is my daughter not yours" Rick bit out harshly.

"DAD!" Alexis exclaimed as she saw the shocked look on Kate's face, the way she blinked rapidly to stop the tears from falling, before she turned on the spot and walked out of the room.

"You have 5 minutes to get dressed and meet me in the living room." Rick stated before storming out of the room.

"Katie, what's wrong?" Chuck asked as he watched his cousin rush through the kitchen, not acknowledging the guests in the kitchen or the two agents follow behind her before entering the bedroom and slamming the door shut. "Sarah?"

"Alexis has a boy in bed with her. Rick isn't happy, and Beckett tried to calm him down and he snapped at her, told her that she didn't have a say in anything since Alexis was Rick's daughter not hers." Sarah informed them as she slumped down on the stool.

"He didn't" Morgan asked shocked.

"He did." Casey confirmed, shaking his head.

"I can't believe he'd say something like that, he seems so..." Chuck stopped when he saw Rick reach the bottom of the stairs, his fists clenching at the sight of him.

"Chuck calm down." Sarah told her fiancé as she placed her hand on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

"Have you guys seen Kate?" Rick questioned as he looked towards the group in his kitchen.

"Bedroom" Casey barked.

"Er, thanks." Rick replied before heading towards the bedroom, clicking the door closed behind him.

I hope you enjoyed. It's a slight cliff hanger right?
