First FanFic..I hope you like it! (: I do not own Victorious! Italics represent their mind thoughts!

Chapter One

Robbie's POV

Please be 7 am, please be 7 am, I open my eyes to check the time...3:23 am.

I let out an annoyed sigh"why can't I sleep?"

I thought to myself out loud.

Oh yeah, tomorrow's Monday I've stayed up all night practicing for the acting test in Sikowitz's class.

I let out another sigh and stared at the ceiling, then turned my attention to Rex, who was sound asleep."Lucky." I whisper to his ear, as I turn my attention back to the ceiling.

I shouldn't have this much trouble sleeping, I mean its Sikowitz's, the class itself isn't even hard….It's not something to stress over about.

I look over to my nightstand and pick up my phone, staring at the bright screen.

Maybe I should text someone…Cat!…maybe she could help me fall asleep. Don't be an idiot; Cat's asleep like everybody else in the world is. But then again, Cat seems like she would respond…she always replies in an instant. Wow, should I really be thinking of texting Cat at 3:30 in the morning?

I ponder that question to myself for a good long 5 minutes before placing it back on the nightstand as I finally close my eyes and hoped and pray that I would be able to fall asleep…

That Following Morning

A gleam of sunshine woke me up from a long night with little to no sleep. I groan I wasn't ready to take on this day. I look over to check the time.


My eyes widened after witnessing the time.

"CRAP I'm late!" I quickly rush out of bed and got ready as fast as I could.

"Have to skip breakfast," I said, while running out the door.

I run to the car and quickly pulled out of the driveway. I look over to my watch: 7:45 am.

"Okay, I'll probably be 20 minutes late, I'm pretty sure it wasn't even my turn to act yet."

At least that's what I hoped.

I finally arrive to school after speeding through the road, and enter Sikowitz's class.

As expected, everyone turned around and stared at me and from there, I already wanted the day to end….

Cat's POV

I was just about ready to take the stage when Robbie enters through the doors. The whole class, including me, stared at him as he walked to his seat and sat down.

He obviously slept in, he looks like a mess!

Our gaze was cut off by the sound of Sikowitz's voice.

"Mr. Shapiro, it seems you are 20 minutes late," he says, which causes us to stare back at Robbie.

"I-I know, it's just that I had trouble sleeping from practicing all night which caused me to sleep in and I-"

"Say no more," Sikowitz cuts him off, then turns his attention to me which catches me off guard

"Cat, have a seat, I think Robbie needs a wakeup call," he looks back and stares at Robbie.

"Get on up there," as he smiles at him.

I exit the stage as Robbie passes me in a sluggish manner,

"Hi Robbie!" I smile when he looks up,

"Hey Cat..."

Aw, poor Robbie, he seems so tired!

I give him a sincere apologetic look and go to my seat.

As I started to watch him, I felt sorry for Robbie; he was screwing up BIG TIME on the stage.

"I'm sorry Sikowitz, I really don't know what came over me, and I know I nailed this part down when I was practicing last night, but I guess I'm just too tired to remember anything…" Robbie says with a disappointing tone.

"Very well Mr. Shapiro, I'll let you off with a warning, but I'm still going to have to fail you for not knowing your lines." Sikowitz says before dismissing him off the stage.

I watched as Robbie exited the stage with his head down, I signaled for him to sit next to me.

"Sorry, that you didn't do so hot on the stage." I say with the most sincere look, it looked like he practiced hard; he knew he deserved to pass this test.

"Eh, it's fine. I'm just so mad that all that practicing was for nothing…" He looks down and suddenly I felt even sorrier for him then I did before.

I try to think of what to say without hurting him even more,

"Hey we all have these days! It's normal, I'm sure you'll ace the next test next time."

He looks up at me and smiles, "Thanks Cat that made me feel a little better."

"YAY!" was all I could say, which caused him to laugh.

I loved seeing Robbie happy, we've been best friends ever since we could walk and talk, and we've always been there for each other.

I look at Robbie who still seemed a little upset.

"Let's go get lunch!"

I say, trying to take his mind off the test. I took Robbie's hand and lead him out the door. I look back at him and suddenly his face was glowing with happiness

"Great! I haven't had breakfast so let's go I'm freaking starving!"

He says, as he happily follows right behind me to the cafeteria.

Robbie's POV

I felt bad that Cat paid for both our lunches, but at the same time I was too happy that I'll finally have something in my stomach after 2 hours that I didn't really say anything to her when she offered.

We both sat down next to each other with our group, which consisted of Andre, Tori, Beck, and Jade. I always felt weird having Jade as part of group since she was always so mean, but she is Becks' girlfriend and Beck's a good guy, yet I always question what he sees in her.

What was it about Jade that Beck loved about? It can't be how mean she was. What is it about love that makes you see pass a person's flaws? My mind was racing with a bunch of questions when all of a sudden I heard my name…

"Robbie! Robbie! Hello?"

I snap back into reality,"Huh?"

"I've been saying your name like a thousand times now! Is there something wrong?" says Tori, she's always been a good friend of mine, and without her I would have never been a part of the gang.

"Oh yeah sorry, I'm just really tired and I'm still pretty upset from the test." I look down again, thinking back to the test suddenly made my mood go back to before and lose my appetite.

"Aw, well cheer up buddy, it's just Sikowitz, it's not the end of the world or something," Andre says.

But that's the thing, it's SIKOWITZ, I've never failed a single acting test. Just the fact I failed one of the easiest test in the easiest class was embarrassing.

I lay my head down on the table; I just want to go home.

But then I felt a soft touch on my arm; I look up to see who it was. Cat, she looked at me with the most compassionate look.

I knew she was trying to comfort me, after all she is my best friend, she always knew how to make me feel better. I give her smile, and she smiles back.

Wow, she's so beautiful.

I suddenly felt awkward; did I really just think that? I mean, yes, Cat is stunning but why did I feel so awkward thinking that?

I try to brush it off when Cat starts to say something.

"Hey Robbie, we're still hanging out Friday right?"Oh yeah, we're going to see that new horror movie Silent House.

"Of course, I'm so pumped for it, I can't wait!" I say with the most happiness I could show.

"Great! I'll come by your house at 5 so we can grab something to eat before we go okay?" she says with a smile.

Suddenly I felt weird again, is this a date? No of course not, it's just two friends hanging out on a usual Friday night, nothing big.

I look back at Cat but she already engaged in a conversation with the gang.

By then, lunch was over, I groaned.

Great, 4 more classes to go, this is going to be a long day.

I thought as I dragged myself to class

.Cat's POV

I just have to survive this class, and then I can FINALLY go home. Time was passing by so slowly, as I kept staring at the clock.

Phooey, 30 minutes left.

I turned my attention back to the teacher who was droning on and on about the Great War. I felt my pocket vibrate, someone texted me, I sneak out my phone to check who it was.

"New Text Message: Robbie(:"

I sneakily clicked "open" and tried to read the message without looking obvious,

"Hey do you mind if I come over later?"

Hmm, wonder if he still wants to talk about the test.

I reply with a big "K! 4 sound good?" I quickly pushed send and hide my phone away before the teacher sees me.

In an instant I get a reply, "Works for me, thanks! See you later."

I put my phone away, and wandered off into my own world, waiting for class to end. I zoned back in when I heard the bell ring, I got up from my seat and left the class.

I really just wanted to go home and relax in my comfy bed.

I giggled to myself at the thought of my bed, when all of I sudden I was caught off guard as I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around to see Robbie who waved to me.

"Robbie! Are you feeling any better?" I say to him as we hug

"Yeah, a bit, thanks for asking" he says with a weak smile.

I give him a sad look,

"Well, we can still talk about it when you come over" I told him.

"Yeah I know, thanks Cat," he looks at me before we start walking to our cars.

"I'll see you at 4 okay?" I tell him before entering my car,

"Yeah okay, see you later Cat."Then he walked off towards his car, I couldn't help but stare at him for awhile before realizing that he already left.

I went in my car, drove home, made some tea and lied down on my bed, waiting for 4 o clock to come…