New Chapter! Sorry it took me so long between school, musical rehearsal, and just other stuff I haven't been able to update. Chapters most likely won't be updated as quickly as they use to.

We got into Percy's car and headed back to camp. It was so strange being in this car again, I mean I still couldn't believe I was so clueless that I had been in this car inches away from Percy on a cross country trip and didn't know it was him the whole time. I wanted to slap myself for my stupidity I mean I was suppose to be the daughter of the goddess of wisdom for gods sake. I looked to Percy who was driving the car with one hand since his other hand was holding mine. Now that I looked at him I see how much he looked like how I remembered him. His eyes, hair, smile, gods I had missed him. I could also see how he had changed though. I mean other then just the fact his hair was a little longer and he looked older. He had dark circles under his eyes as if he hadn't gotten sleep in a while and like I said he looked older but part of the older look to him wasn't due to the six years I hadn't seen him. It was the type of older you get with hardship, I mean he still looked like how a 22 year old should look but I could see that he had been through a lot and it had changed him on some level. I just hoped it wasn't for the worse.

"What are you thinking about," he spoke breaking my chain of thought. I shook my head coming out of my thoughts. He was smiling but when I didn't answer his face grew features of concern to it.

"I'm just trying to take you all in before I wake up," I simply stated. I had to admit part of me really was waiting for this to all be a dream. To wake up in Athena cabin or even worse wake up back in California at Benny's house.

"I know the feeling," he replied looking at me, our eyes meeting. "I can assure you Annabeth we are awake though, it's all real I'm back for good and forever."

"How can you be so sure," I asked.

"Can you feel this," he squeezed my hand gently. I nodded looking at our hands that linked us together. "Now squeeze my hand back." I do the same he did to me still looking down at our hands. "That's how I know this isn't a dream because I can feel you squeeze my hand. Every dream I had while I was gone you where in but every time I went to hold your hand or touch your face I could never feel your skin, you where never tangible in my dreams."

I looked up at him again he was looking at the road as he drove but his eyes then glanced down at me and he smiled. If that logic was good enough for him it was good enough for me. I leaned my head on his shoulder and took in his scent.

Soon enough our drive was over and we where at camp. We both got out of the car making our way to the big house. As we walked hand and hand campers looked at us, some in complete awe and other held faces of joy. Though some people didn't even seemed fazed, those where the newbies that never knew or saw Percy but only had heard of him. It felt nice last night to be back at camp but now that Percy was back it felt like home again.

When we got back to the big house we where greeted by Chiron, Nico, and Grover.

"Good to see you again man," Nico told to him which followed with one of those hand shake guy hugs.

"You too," Percy told him with a smile. He then turned to Grover, they looked at each other for a little while and then Grover ran over to him on his little goat boy legs and gave him a big hug. "It's good to see you too Grover." I heard Grover make some little sniffling noises.

"I'm so glad your back Percy," he said wiping his eyes.

We all then turned to Chiron who had stayed quiet during this little reunion. "I think everyone will be glad to have you back Percy."

"Glad to be back Chiron," Percy told him as he gave Chiron a hug.

"I know you probably have a lot of catching up to do with but I do have a few questions for you Percy," he told him.

Percy's expression grew a sad and tired, "I'll try my best to answer them."

"That's all I ask for Percy," Chiron informed him. We all found our spots at the table waiting to hear this story. Percy took a deep breath and then started to explain.

There you have it. I know…I know it's a cliffy but I'm still not really sure what happened to Percy my self so I needed to end there. I hope you all like it!

Write on,
