Sorry for the really short chapter. I was just wondering if anyone was interested in this kind of story at all. Anyway hope you enjoy and continue reading :)

Title: An Unwanted Vacation

Summary: Edward is kidnapped and sent to the world of Criminal Minds. What will he do when he can't use Alchemy? How will the BAU react to the unsaul Alchemist?

Warning: Some langauge and blood. Nothing extremely gory, but there will be Gore.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Full Metal Alchemist or Criminal Minds. (Wish I did though, There would be a lot more Reid if I did)

So heres the Chapter:



An Unwanted Vacation



Chapter One


It was a cold, rainy day in central. Grey clouds flooded the sky, covering everything in a dull, grey, darkness. The pouring rain showed no sign of stopping anytime soon.

The normally crowded streets were unusually vacant. The heavy rain and the chilly breeze seemed to prevent anyone from venturing out of their warm, cozy beds. Everyone that is, except for one very stubborn Alchemist.

Edward's bright red jacket could clearly be seen through the rain. He was steadily making his way to Central Command. To say the least, he was not happy.

Not only had he been forced to get out of bed early that morning by a phone call from the Colonel, he was now being forced to walk through the pouring rain to Central Command. The drops of rain easily soaked through his clothes in a matter of minutes.

He damn well hoped that whatever Mustang had wanted to talk to him about was extremely important. Mustang had said something about, "A great opportunity" he would not want to miss.

"Damn him," Edward muttered angrily. He was now completely soaked and freezing cold.

Edward trudged forward, keeping as steady pace. The sooner he got there the better. Once he found out whatever information Mustang had, he was heading straight back home to call Al.

He missed Alphonse a lot. Once the rain had started, Ed had sent him to Risembool for safety's sake. He did not want to risk Al's blood seal washing off. Never in a million years would he do anything to purposely put his brother in harm's way.

Edward suddenly stopped as he saw two cloaked figures rushing straight at him. Through the rain he could only make out a faint outline of the two figures. One looked extremely tall and the other looked extremely burly and strong. They seemed to be in a hurry.

Before he even had time to think, Edward was being held in a headlock with a gun pressed to his temple. Damn, what had he gotten himself into?

So did you like it? Sorry for the horrible writing I suck at starting stories. Promise the next chapter will be ten times better.

So anyway, Read and Review :)