Kim hums as she waits for the rest of her friends to arrive for the rehearsal dinner. "I love this song," Kim bops her head along to the music.

"Hey Beautiful, will I be serenaded at our wedding," Tommy asks.

"Maybe, maybe not," Kim tells him cryptically. "Who are we waiting for?"

Rocky clears his throat. "Billy and Tanya are the only two that are missing." "It is so unlike Billy, dang it I am starving."

Aisha laughs, "When are you ever full?"

"Define full," Rocky butters a roll before he takes a huge bite.

"You guys…" Kim is interrupted by the arrival of Tanya, Billy, Kat, and Jim. "What is she doing here?" Kim attempts to stand up but Tommy holds her down.

Tommy holds Kim. "Wait, maybe she is not going to ruin our first rehearsal dinner."

"Can I talk to you in private please," Kat walks over to Kim.

"I guess so," Kim glances at Tommy before she stands up. "Look I do not want any negative vibes ruining one of my special days okay."

Kat smiles at Kim. "I am not here to do anything of the sort." Kat walks into the restaurant and Kim follows behind her. "I just want to apologize for my behavior the past month."

"Thank you," Kim looks in the mirror. "I am sorry if I was mean to you." Kim looks at Kat. "I just returned and wanted a relationship with Tommy but you seemed to have a plan to try and stop me at every turn." "I came back at full first without thinking of the consequences."

"I thought Tommy was the only man for me," Kat holds up her hand to silence Kim. "When you came back I thought it would ruin my changes with Tommy, so I immediately became defensive and tried to attack you but you are a formidable foe and attentively took me down." Kat adjusts her pants. "Jim made me see that there are other men just as great as Tommy."

Kim smiles at Kat. "I am glad to hear that." "He really does seem like a good man who will fit in well with our group."

"He sure is," Kat, grins thinking back to the other night. "Jim had this special dinner planned for us the other night and all I can say is that dinner was served four hours later."

"Ooh, I want all the juicy details," Kim fluffs her hair.

Kat shivers thinking back to last night. "Jim took me to his house for a dinner date yet when we got there the mode was not where it should have been at." Kat sighs, "I was still stuck on Tommy and when we discussed it; Jim told me that he almost did not asked me out." "So, with that in mind I had to listen to what he was telling me and realized Tommy was taken and Jim was an amazing man." Kat bites her bottom lip. "I let myself go and lived in the moment of Jim and I which turned into something magical that lasted for four hours."

"I am so happy for you," Kim hugs Kat. "I appreciate that you came to me like a woman."

Kat tightens the hug. "We have not always seen eye to eye but I can say this about us we both have amazing taste in men and clothes."

"You are right," Kim checks her reflection in the mirror. "We need to get back before people think that we had a huge girl-fight or murdered each other."

"I guess you are right," Kat looks at herself in the mirror. "I know that we have made peace but if it is uncomfortable than we will leave."

Kim shakes her head. "No, you two can stay and I would like to have you join my wedding party if you want."

"I would love to and I think Jim would like to join the wedding party as well," Kat flips her hair.

"Great," Kim opens the door and walks out with Kat right behind her. "Tommy, everything is okay." Kim kisses Tommy after she sits down in her chair.

Jim looks at Kat. "How did it go?"

"Awesome, we are not best friends but we are friends and she invited us to join her wedding party," Kat sits in the chair next to Jim and Billy.

"What do you mean is everything alright," Kim's mother asks.

Kim shakes her head. "Nothing to worry about mother just enjoy the rehearsal dinner." "Now I think it is time for the moment Rocky has been waiting for and eat." Kim signals for the food.

"I do not care if I drink soda for the rest of the night just as long as I eat," Rocky smiles down at his plate. "Next time we have drama wait to resolve it after we eat."

"Leave it to Rocky to be his own voice of reason," Tommy laughs as he eats a piece of steak.

Kim holds up her hand. "I think that now everything will be perfect." "If anyone tries to ruin it I will hunt you down and murder you slowly." Kim smiles evilly.

"Whoa, I think we just need to eat and drink a lot tonight," Tommy sips his champagne.