What type of sex do you like? You like S&M bondage etc. By fire ninja

Chris: have you ever done it with Wesker while you were working?

And what do you think is most sexy about Wesker

To Wesker: what are five things that you love about Chris? And how much gel do you use for your hair to stand so still? By death waffles


Michelle rubbed her temples and sighed

'How much traffic do we have?"

A producer shrugged

"I don't know."

Michelle took a long sip of coffee and sighed

"You know I can't keep them like that forever!"

The producer shrugged

"Not my problem.'

Michelle than looked at the cameras and said though gritted teeth

"You didn't tell me we were on!"

The producer shrugged again. Michelle than smiled at the camera and choppily announced

"Wesker and Chris have questions!"

The audience and Wesker laughed and than quieted down. Chris however scowled. Michelle than raced down to the stage and grinned

"Well on with the show!"

She smiled openly and said to Chris

"Well look Chrissie someone likes no loves you!"

Chris widened his eyes and a smile played on his lips. Though this entire ordeal at least someone liked him enough to ask him a question! So far all it had been about Wesker and how his life was no Chris are you okay after S.T.A.R.S?

"Now Chris, so you don't get swelled in the head it's a dirty question involving Wesker, so it's not completely for you."

Chris smiled almost fluttered away, but than returned that he had the opportunity to humiliate Wesker. She smirked as she said the question

"Have you and Wesker done the dirty while working."

Chris stretched his legs and smirked evilly

"Few times, he always was pleading for me to submit, and well I would say Wesker were working lets do it after work, but you know Wesker, IMPATIENT SNAKY BUTT HOLE!"

Wesker metal chain cracked three inches as he growled

"Chris I think it was the other way around you were the one who keep pleading to blow me while I was talking to Jill or Irons."

Chris lashed out

"No I didn't you stupid fuck!"

Wesker calmly stated

"We both know the truth Chris."

The audience looked back and froth to which would come victor from the snaky banter.

Chris was about to say something when Michelle shushed both of them her face filled with genuine worry

"Okay you two you hate and love each other yada yadda now the next question Chris what do you find most sexy about Wesker?"

She breathed in again when she saw Wesker smile and look to Chris again with those cat eyes

"His eyes I always liked his blue eyes…"

Wesker furious shook the chain another inch

"Your love is artificial!"

Michelle glanced between the two and decided to finally bring in the two characters she wanted.

"Now presenting Leon Scott Kennedy and Jack Krauser!"

Leon appeared with a flushed look and sat next to Chris smiling

"Hi Chris."

Chris's eyes filled with joy and he laughed

"It's been a joke, great take the chains off Leon."

Leon stared point blank at Chris and said despondently

"She we thought …Chris we thought well I thought she promised to led me where you were and well I she tricked us Chris."

Wesker looked to Krauser who mouth was pressed in a thin line

"I assume that is the same for you Krauser."

Krauser nodded and said

"Sorry sir."

Michelle smugly chuckled

" On word to the next question, Wesker what are five things you love about Chris?"

Wesker looked at Chris and bluntly stated

"I do not love him."

Chris rolled his eyes. Leon eyes flickered

"Just say five things Wesker."

Wesker looked at Leon

"Odd but alright."

"1. His attitude to seem like nothing is ever wrong, two his brown eyes, three his soul, four his smile, five his body."

Krauser blurted

"His perseverance is something he always admired Chris."

Wesker glared at Krauser

"Who asked you Krauser?"

Michelle than asked the final question

"How much gel do you use to keep your hair so still."

"I use a handful even it out the edges and let it dry fir three minutes.'

Chris yawed

"That just asked you how much not how or how long."

Wesker snarled the chain ripping a few three inches. Michelle than cut to the special clip she reserved for this just occasion.

"Leon baby it's just us."

"Krauser please were working."

Wesker whipped his head to Krauser who was red to his face. Leon just turned a fiery red and screamed

"I told you there was camera Krauser.'

Krauser snorted

"You didn't care at the moment.'

Leon eyebrow twitched

"You had your hand down my pant before I could say no."

Michelle than grinned

"Review if not I am domed with these horny re characters."

Well happy v-day I hope oh and to answer the other question I would have to know Irving and I don't but I'm pretty sure Chris would love to b e chained to Wesker sorry I didn't put that in this one but you get a special fic ask me to make you fic and I will do it Kay? Only the reviewer who asked that question gets the fic so please do review or message me with the fic and I'm sorry it can only be centered around Wesker and Chris or Leon so yeah