Author's Note: Yo, It's Hollyleaf and I've written another fanfiction! Sticking to my New Year's resolution! It's my 5th fic overall, my first chapter fic, and my first Kyon x Yuki Nagato story! I randomly started writing this in Geometry class today since we didn't due anything because we were getting out early due to snow (Yuki lol). Anyway the summary and title for this fic are subject to change but here it is for now! At first there isn't a whole lot of Kyon x Yuki moments but trust me there will be a lot more in later chapters. I'm sorry if anyone seems OOC but sometimes it hard to keep a character in perfect character! Now this story is a little different than what I'm used to writing so I'm sorry if it sucks! Anyway here is Chapter 1: "Your Name Can Shatter Normality" of You and Me!

Disclaimer: I don't own the Suzumiya Haruhi Series.

Normality. It was something that North High first year, Kyon, felt was lost, and would never be found again, since earlier that year when his eccentric classmate, Haruhi Suzumiya, with all her possible-world-destroying powers and strange taste of adventure and fun, created the SOS brigade, or the Spreading Excitement all Over the World with Haruhi Suzumiya Brigade, a club meant to find aliens, time travelers, espers, and other supernatural things of that sort; So far they were doing a good job of it. Although Haruhi didn't know it, the club was filled with all the things she was looking for, and it was those things that destroyed the normality Kyon used to know by dragging him into all kinds of weird situations that Haruhi wished she could be a part of; She was really the cause of most of them though.

However, now was one of the few times Kyon felt like the normal human he knew he was: Lunchtime at school. Since Haruhi wasn't there poking him in the back, forcing him to come to the clubroom like she had before she decided to just forget him and eat lunch in there without him, he chose to stay there and eat lunch with his only ordinary friends, Kunikida and Taniguchi.

"Hello Kyon," said Kunikida as he sat down in the desk in front of Kyon that was turned around to face him.

Kyon simply waved since his mouth was too full to speak.

"Have you seen Taniguchi?" he asked as he opened his lunch.

Kyon looked around for Kunikida's partner in crime but didn't see him anywhere among the students in the classroom. "Nope," replied Kyon.

Kunikida took a swift look around the classroom then turned back his lunch, sighing. "He said he'd eat lunch with us. Wonder what he's doing."

Kyon swallowed a bite of his food. "Probably trying to get a date with some poor unsuspecting girl."

"Guess who might be getting a date with an A- girl!" shouted the sing-song voice that could only belong to their friend, Taniguchi.


"So who's so great that they might be giving you a date and it caused you to miss part of lunch?" questioned Kyon.

"Yeah and how in the world did you get an A- girl to even consider going on a date with you?" asked Kunikida.

Taniguchi grabbed a chair and pulled it up by the desks that Kunikida and Kyon were sitting at. "Well, you see, I was going through my lists and after asking out all the A+ girls, minus Suzumiya, then getting rejected by all of them I moved on to the A- ones. Finally, after many rejections, I got one girl to consider."

He leaned back in the chair, hands behind his head, and chuckled. "Yep. She wasn't my first choice cause she's a little bit strange, more of Kyon's kind of girl, but I think it might be good."

"That's great and all," began Kyon, "but you still haven't told us who it is."

Taniguchi grinned. "Alright but don't get jealous when I tell you!"

Why is the hell does he think I'd be jealous? However when Taniguchi said the name, hundreds of emotions flowed through Kyon, and a little bit of jealousy was admittedly one of them.

"Yuki Nagato."

Suddenly what little normality Kyon had felt only from lunchtime was shattered by those two words when the came out of Taniguchi's mouth.

Oh my gosh! Taniguchi has a date with Nagato! Wonder what Kyon has to say to Yuki about this! Well when I get the next chapter up you'll find out. I kinda though of this chapter as more of a preview chapter to get you ready for the real chapters so I hope it did it's job and got you excited for the next chapter! Anyway keep checking back for the next chapter but I assume it'll be up in 3 to 5 days maybe even earlier. Also please don't get mad at me if I'm slow to update. I'm more used to writing oneshots that don't need updates so I'm sure I'll forget sometimes! XD Anyway Reviews and constructive criticism are appreciated. No flames please.