Logan wasn't surprised to where he found Goku. At that same spot on the roof, with a cigarette looking up to the clouds "Sanzo" he heard the boy sigh that same word again.
"Hey kid" Logan came from the shadows but this time he didn't flinch or even look his way.
"If you've come to bitch at me about pain or shit like that. Go ahead. I'm at my lowest right now so go ahead hit me with all you got. Just break me already" the sentence was a whisper.
"What's up with you kid" Logan once again took a seat next to the monkey and look at his face. It was sad and looked aged and tired. He didn't respond.
"I've known you for 2 days and I've somehow already lost my temper and blurred shit about my past." Logan lit a cigar "now what is it about? What about you gets under my skin?"
"How old are Logan?" Goku asked
"Huh? What does that have to do with anything?"
"How old are you? I know it's older then you look"
"177 I'll be 178 in August"
"Oh you're younger then you look."
"What is that supposed to mean" he asked knocking the kid in the back of the head. "What about you monkey. I first thought you were 19. Chuck thinks your 17 but you never actually gave us an age"
"Why do you need to know?"
"It's only far"
"Fine." Goku sighed "I don't know an exact number but somewhere between 950 to 980. Damn years are hard to remember especially when calendars change and countries have different times. "
"N-no damn way 900 years"
"Give or take." Goku fell back on the roof. "But that includes 500 years on a cave"
"A cave?" and that's when it hit Logan "Mt. Gogyo? From the Story?"
"So Kurt told you then story?" Goku rose to his feet "Seiten Taisei Son Goku The great sage of earth at your service" he gave a little bow and a dry laugh.
"No way" Logan stared at Goku with disbelief " no fucking way. It's impossible"
"Didn't I tell you I was a monster" Goku smiled sadly "I'm guessing you want me to leave?" he asked
"no it's okay. You're not a monster"
"I'm not?"
"And how am I not. Everyone I've ever loved is dead. My only friend is in a coma up in heaven due to a wound that was my fault. I'm a heretic Logan I bring misfortune to everyone. I'm a monster"
"Was the death of your loved ones your fault or are you mad because you couldn't protect them?"
"It was my fault"
"Was it?"
"I-I " the words were caught in his throat
"You what"
"It doesn't matter"
"Yes is does"
"They're dead so it doesn't matter now with all due respect I'm gonna leave back to my room. I'll stay for now"
He left.