Did You See The Flares In The Sky?

Phoebe walked into the attic, setting the box of crystals down on the table; she turned towards the door before whirling around at the sound of pages turning. Walking over to the book, she watched as it stopped on the time traveling page, squinting her eyes in confusion, she let her hands rest on the page, gasping as she was pulled into a premonition.


A pretty woman with long red hair frantically ran past an invisible Phoebe, carrying a baby into a nursery while a man with unruly black hair stood on the stairs, trying to fight off a tall man who just radiated evil. Phoebe watched, horrified, as the man decked in black raised a wand, muttering words in Latin, causing a flash of green light to hit the man, his eyes widened in shock as he fell to the ground, dead. The evil man just glanced at the body emotionlessly as he walked up the stairs, blasting open the door to the nursery. Shaking off her shock, Phoebe hesitantly followed him into the room, feeling immense sympathy as she watched the red-head stand protectively in front of the crib, shielding her child from the monster bravely, it was a position she had watched her own sister take many times.

"Move out of the way, you silly girl, and let me kill the child." The monster ordered, hissing it out like a snake, making both of the women glare at him.

"No, never, you'll have to kill me first." The green-eyed woman told him, clutching the rail of the crib tightly as she mentally said goodbye to her son.

"That can be arranged, mudblood, now get out of my way." He demanded, his snake-like voice raising as he pointed the wand at her.

"No, the only way I'm moving is if I'm dead." She declared, jutting out her chin stubbornly, glaring at him as she held back tears, knowing that her life was about to end and praying to God that her son would be okay.

"Have it your way. Avada Kadavra!" He exclaimed, the same green light shooting out of his wand, hitting her in the chest. Putting a hand over her mouth, Phoebe watched sadly as the woman crumpled to the floor, dead. Ripping her eyes away from the body, Phoebe turned her gaze to the adorable baby sitting in the crib, feeling pain grip her heart at the thought of him growing up an orphan. Hearing those terrible words again, she whipped her head around to see the green light from before heading towards the defenseless baby.

"No!" Phoebe screamed, watching helplessly as it hit the baby boy only to rebound back at the monster, turning him into dust, causing Phoebe to sigh in relief.


As the scene shifted, Phoebe appeared in a spooky graveyard with two boys. Staring closely at the boy on the ground, she noticed the unruly black hair and realized that he was the baby from before. Walking closer to hear them better, Phoebe watched as the black-haired boy started freaking out, trying to pull the other boy towards a trophy cup. Hearing the snake-like voice, she turned around to see a man with a rat face walking towards them, holding a bundle of blankets carefully in his arms as he did so.

"Kill the spare." A hissing voice sounded from the blankets like a scene from a bad horror movie. Phoebe watched as the rat man raised his wand, uttering those awful words, sending a jet of green light at the poor boy.

"Cedric!" The black-haired boy called painfully as he watched his friend's dead body crumple to the ground, his vacant eyes staring right at Phoebe.


As the scene once again shifted, Phoebe slowly faded into a shadowy room filled with people fighting. Looking around the room, her eyes landed on the black-haired boy who was fighting a blonde man, sending him flying into a wall before blocking a red beam from a crazy haired woman. As he fired back, he was joined by a black-haired man and a curly-haired teenage girl. Phoebe watched as the girl who was fighting alongside the two guys spun around only to get hit with a blue light that caused a deep slash across her torso, eyes watering in pain, the girl fell to the floor, blood pooling around her.

"Hermione!" The two guys cried out, distracted by the sight of their friend bleeding out. Seeing they were distracted, the crazy haired woman pointed her wand at the man, shrieking those terrible words, the green light hit him, sending him into a dark veil.

"No, Sirius!" The boy yelled, Phoebe tensing up when he ran after him but thankfully a man with shaggy brown hair grabbed him before he could; Phoebe relaxed, sighing in relief.


Coming out of the sad vision, gasping, Phoebe stumbled back, startled at the sight of her sisters, brother-in-law and nephews crowded around her, looking at her with concerned expressions.

"Did you just have a premonition? When did you get that ability back? And what was it about?" Leo questioned, bouncing Wyatt in his arms when he started getting restless, "It had to be pretty important for Them to give you at least one of your powers back."

"This poor boy. His parents, his friends, they all got killed." Phoebe muttered, feeling an overwhelming need to fix it, "We have to do something, we have to help him… and this is how we're going to do it." Looking down at the answer, she pointed her finger at the page.

"The spell to go back in time?! Are you crazy?!" Piper asked, incredulously, looking down at where she was pointing

"Piper, we have to help him and this is the only way. I know that it's reckless and that we shouldn't mess with time but you didn't see this vision, it was terrible and painful and I didn't even know these people, I can only imagine how much it must have hurt for him. He's just a kid but he's already been through so much and lost so much, imagine if it was Wyatt or Chris, wouldn't you want someone to help them, no matter what?" Phoebe asked, laying the guilt on thick, knowing that with Wyatt and Chris' previously dark future it would hit a nerve with Piper and Leo, the ones that she would really need to convince since Paige was already on board.

Piper glared at her sister, she knew what she was doing, she was trying to guilt her into agreeing… and it was working, "…Yeah, I would." Piper agreed, sighing as she conceded, "Fine, I'm in but I think it's up to our Whitelighter whether we go or not." The sisters looked over at their brother-in-law, Phoebe giving him a pleading wide-eyed look.

"I… think it's a good idea, we should go." Leo told them, turning to face his wife, he ran his finger down his youngest sons' cheek, trying to ignore the memory of his adult self lying on the bed dying, "Actually, it's a really good idea. I don't know about you, but I could use a little break from this house… and this time… and all the memories."

"Yeah, that's not a bad idea." Piper said, looking around the attic that was now plagued with memories of her son's death, she held Chris a little tighter to remind herself that he was still there, "It's just hard to imagine not living in this house. I've lived here my entire life."

"Don't worry; we'll come back… eventually." He told her, giving her a sweet smile as he leaned down to kiss her, returning it briefly, she pulled back, leaning her head against his chest before grabbing Wyatt from him so he could help Paige orb their stuff upstairs as Phoebe packed their magical objects. All packed up, the family circled around the book, looking around their home one last time.

"The bond which was not to be done,

Give us the power to see it undone

And turn back time to whence it was begun." They chanted, fading away as they left the memories of death, betrayal and abduction behind.

I do not own Charmed or Harry Potter, if I did I would be rich which I'm not…CRUEL WORLD!

I know I changed Sirius' death scene, I think, to be honest I haven't read the fifth book yet so I wouldn't know but I'm pretty sure that's not what happened, at least not totally, but I wanted to really show what Harry has lost and how much these kids have been through at only fifteen.

Please review


Harry Potter- December 1978. Lily and James are engaged.

Charmed- After Season 6 but before Season 7. Piper already gave birth to Chris, Adult Chris has already died, and Leo has already killed Gideon and saved Wyatt.

Xxx Dark Goddess2000 Xxx