A/N: Just as a warning, this final chapter has a few adult references and some language, but the ending here is gonna be special!

The next morning, 7:00 AM

Robert and Irma woke up when the alarm went off and quickly got dressed.

Today, they were going back to Heatherfield. "Hey Irma, you got everything?" Robert asked.

"Yep, you?" Irma asked back.

"Yeah, that's everything we brought with us." Robert replied after he checked the room one last time for any of their belongings.

After they finished packing their suitcases, they left the room for the last time and took the elevator down to the lobby.

They checked out at the counter and made their way to the trolley station. From there, they took a Blue Line trolley to the 12th and Imperial station.

Once they got off, they took the short walk to the Greyhound station across the street.

Robert and Irma checked in and received their boarding passes and name tags for their luggage.

After waiting for two hours, their bus arrived and when the opportunity arrived, they placed their suitcases into the baggage hold and got on board.

They sat next to each other in one of the middle rows, Robert in the window seat and Irma in the aisle seat.

"Well, this was a fun trip!" Irma said after the bus departed, as she laid her head on Robert's shoulder.

"Yeah, it was." Robert replied.

"I wonder where we'll go for our next trip." Irma said.

"Who knows? But, I know that it'll be fun!" Robert replied as he wrapped his arm around Irma's shoulder.

They relaxed and briefly fell asleep over the next four hours until the bus arrived in Heatherfield.

The two went home and relaxed for a while before uploading the pictures from the trip onto Robert's computer.

Seven months later, May 1, 2015

Robert, Irma and the gang were taking a cruise to the Caribbean on board the Freedom of the Seas. Robert had decided to take this cruise as an opportunity to propose to Irma.

This is it! This is the day that I've been waiting for! Today, I'm gonna ask Irma to marry me! It's been over a year now since we got together as a couple and she has always made me a happy man. Now, I want us to be together forever, someone to say "I love you" to and that I know will say it back. I could have done it last month on our anniversary, but I want to make it extra special, so I booked us this cruise, knowing that Irma had always wanted to take a cruise, and what better time or place to pop the question? Robert thought as he sat on the bed in him and Irma's stateroom.

He turned and looked at Irma, still in a deep sleep. God, she looks so beautiful, I can't wait to propose to her! Robert thought.

Robert then laid down on the bed next to Irma and cuddled up against her.

Irma was still asleep, but a few minutes later, she slowly opened her beautiful blue eyes and sees Robert snuggling with her.

"R...Robert?" she said. "Morning, beautiful, did you sleep well?" Robert asked. Irma stretched and yawned.

"Yeah, I did." she replied with that beautiful smile that Robert loved so much.

Robert stroked Irma's cheek and kissed her very tenderly and adventurously,pressing each other's lips so smoothly. Then they broke the kiss.

"I love you." Robert said. "I love you too." Irma replied. Robert stroked her hair.

"Thanks for taking us on this cruise, it means so much to me." Irma said.

"Well, I knew that you always wanted to go on a cruise, so when this opportunity came up, I jumped up and took it." Robert replied.

Just then, the happy couple heard a knock on the door. Robert opened it and saw Cornelia and Elyon standing there in their swimsuits.

"Hey guys! We're gonna go check out the pool! Come on, join us!" Cornelia said. Robert and Irma looked at each other and gave a "why not?" shrug.

"OK, just give us a bit to get ready." Irma replied as she closed the door. After they changed into their suits, Robert and Irma went up topside to join Cornelia and Elyon in the pool.

Meanwhile, Will and Taranee were enjoying the view of the open ocean. "I have to admit, this view is incredible!" Taranee said as she stared at the horizon.

"Yeah, it's simply awesome, I'm so glad Robert decided to bring us along!" Will replied.

"Yeah, hey I heard that Robert's gonna pop the question on this cruise!" Taranee said. "No way, really?" Will asked.

"Yeah, he even bought the ring the day before we got on this ship!" Taranee replied.

Two hours later, Robert and Cornelia had changed back into their normal clothes and were relaxing on the Sun Deck with Hay Lin while Irma was still in the pool with Elyon.

"So, do you have it with you?" Cornelia asked. Robert took out the small blue velvet box that contained the wedding ring he picked out.

"Right here in my hand." Robert replied. He opened the box, which contained a gold ring with a small diamond in between two tiny aquamarine stones.

"Wow, it looks so beautiful! Irma's gonna love it when you propose to her!" Cornelia said.

"Yeah, can't wait to see the look in her eyes when she sees this." Robert replied. "So, how are you gonna do it?" Hay Lin asked.

"Well, I'm thinking of doing it with a simple dinner date." Robert replied. "That works." Cornelia replied.

Just then, Robert spotted Irma and Elyon approaching from the pool area. "Crap!" Robert exclaimed as he quickly shut the box and hid it.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Elyon asked. "Not much, hey, wanna try the rock wall?" Robert asked. "I'm down!" Elyon replied.

"Me too!" Irma added. They got up and made their way towards the rock wall.

They're gonna such a happy married couple! Cornelia thought with a happy sigh. They all put on their harnesses and began climbing.

Some of the hand-holds were tricky to get to, but then again, rock-climbing is typically never easy. Eventually, Robert got to the top first, with Irma close behind, and Elyon coming in right behind her.

Early that evening, Robert is setting up their table on the outdoor dining balcony for their date.

Just minutes after he finished, he spotted Irma approaching, wearing her light-blue short strapless dress.

"Hey." she said. "Hey." Robert replied. They both sat down and started eating.

"Wow, this is so romantic, the view is just beautiful! I always imagined that being on a cruise would be so...wonderful." Irma said as she and Robert watched the spectacular sunset.

"I know, that's why I brought you here. I wanted to do something special for you." Robert replied.

"Aw, Robert! You didn't have to do all this for me!" Irma replied. "Yeah, but I wanted to, and I did." Robert replied with a chuckle.

Robert then decided to make his move now, and took the ring from his pocket. "Irma, there's something I wanted to tell you, well, more like something I wanted to ask." Robert said.

Just then, Cornelia came up to them. "Hey guys, sorry to interrupt, but there's something I gotta tell Robert. You don't mind, do you?" Cornelia asked.

"Uh, sure, I'm sure it must be important." Irma replied. Cornelia then took Robert to the aft end of the deck.

"What is it?" Robert asked. "Well, I just heard that there's a Modern Warfare 3 tournament tonight, and I thought that you might want to participate." Cornelia said.

"Hmm, that sounds like fun. What time does it start?" Robert asked.

"It starts tomorrow at noon. I already signed you up." Cornelia replied. "OK, but next time, could you tell me a little ahead of time?" Robert asked. He was excited to compete in the tournament, but felt a little blind-sided that Cornelia had not told him before signing him up.

"Sorry, but I was so happy for you and Irma that I didn't wanna interrupt." Cornelia replied.

"Well, looks like I'll have to wait to do this." Robert said as he put the ring away.

"Don't worry, I'll help you make sure that your proposal to Irma is extra special." Cornelia replied.

"I hope so." Robert replied.

"Now, get some rest, you'll have to be extra alert for the battles that you'll be fighting tomorrow." Cornelia said. Robert went back to the table to find that Irma was gone.

"Irma? Irma, where'd you go?" Robert called out. He then went back to their cabin, figuring that she would be there.

Sure enough, he opened the door and saw Irma on his bed wearing nothing but her blue cutoff T-shirt doing a sexy pose.

"There you are, I've been looking all over for...whoa!" Robert said but then stopped in mid-sentence after realizing how sexy Irma looked right now.

"Hi, my love." Irma said in a sultry tone.

"Oh...hey...Irma!" Robert replied as he started blushing.

"I've been looking all over for you." he added.

"Well, Cornelia told me about the tournament and that you were going to be competing, so I thought I'd do something to help you bring your A-game." Irma replied.

"Wow...that was...incredible!" Irma said in between breaths after they had made love for the past hour.

The two laid there on the bed in each other's arms, every once in a while pressing their lips together in short, sleepy kisses.

"Yeah, just the boost I needed for tomorrow." Robert replied, his breathing back to normal.

"You'll do fine, I know it." Irma said.

Robert turned off the lights and the two lovers drifted off to sleep, knowing that there was a big day tomorrow.

The next morning, 11:30 AM

Robert and the others were in the game room where the tournament was going to take place.

Robert and the other 7 participants were standing by ready to start. Irma and the others were in the audience, ready to cheer him on.

Eight Xbox 360 consoles, each connected to a separate TV, all of which were placed strategically in pairs so that none of the players could see any of the others' screens as a measure to prevent "screen-watching".

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WELCOME TO THE FIRST ANNUAL FREEDOM OF THE SEAS MODERN WARFARE THREE FREE-FOR-ALL TOURNAMENT!" The announcer blared out over the speaker system. The audience began cheering loudly.

"Today, these eight thumb jockeys will fight their way to victory and a status as the Freedom of the Seas MW3 Free-for-all Master! All players, please get to your consoles and get ready!" the referee said.

"GO GET 'EM, BABY!" Irma yelled as Robert and the other players got ready.

"This is gonna be a cakewalk!" Robert said after blowing Irma a kiss.

"I wouldn't be so sure!" a voice said from behind him.

"Who the...you!" Robert said as he turned to face the source of the voice.

"Uriah, it's been a while." Robert said with a hateful glare.

"Yeah, I see you're still hangin' with those lame girls." Uriah said.

"Hey, they know how to have a good time, unlike you!" Robert retorted.

"Whatever, just be ready to cry like a baby when I smoke you." Uriah said.

"Funny, I was gonna tell you the same thing!" Robert replied.

"Ha! Too bad your girl's gonna see you FAIL!" Uriah retorted.

"You just sealed your fate, fool!" Robert replied as he walked away to get ready. They got ready for the first round and selected their class.

Robert noticed that his first opponent was Matt. "Matt? I didn't expect to see you here!" Robert said.

"Yeah, well, my band's got a gig here tomorrow night, so I figured I'd try this on, though I didn't expect to end up going against you." Matt replied.

"Well, neither did I." Robert replied. "Well, no matter who wins, we'll still have fun right?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, B-T-dubs, Will's here." Robert said. "Really, where?" Matt asked.

"She's right there, next to Irma." Robert replied as he pointed her out.

"Players, get ready!" the referee said. "It's on!" Robert said as the first match began.

After ten epic minutes, the first round of matches was over. Robert, Uriah, and two other players won their duels and advanced to the semi-finals.

"GIVE IT UP FOR OUR SEMI-FINALISTS!" The referee said. The audience cheered loudly.

"So far, so good, but I gotta keep focused, it's not over yet!" Robert said.

A five minute intermission began to give the players time to prepare for the next round.

"Way to go, babe!" Irma said as she hugged Robert and gave him a kiss. "MATT!" Will yelled as she saw her boyfriend approach.

"Hey, sweetheart!" Matt said as he hugged Will.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were on tour!" Will said as she wiped away a joyful tear.

"Well, this ship's one of my stops, so technically, I still am." Matt replied.

"So you lost the match, huh? Don't worry, you'll win next time." Will said.

"Yeah, as long as it's not against him, he's just too good." Matt replied as he pointed to Robert.

"YOU were Robert's opponent?" Irma asked.

"Yeah, he's quite the skilled warrior, you know that?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, after all, he did single-handedly take out the two masters of evil with a couple of fifty-caliber bullets." Will replied.

"All semi-finalists, please go to your consoles!" the referee said.

Robert, Uriah and their opponents proceeded to their consoles and got ready.

"Knock 'em dead, Robbie! I believe in you!" Irma said as she gave him a good-luck kiss on the cheek.

"I know babe, I'll make you all proud!" Robert replied as he got ready.

"Let's do this!" Robert said as the semi-finals began.

After a brutal ten minute brawl, Robert and Uriah had defeated their opponents.

"GIVE IT UP FOR OUR TWO FINALISTS!" the referee said. The audience cheered loudly.

"The final battle will take place in two hours. Until then, we will see you there. To those who were defeated, thank you for participating and we hope to see you again." the referee said.

"Perfect, gives me some time to relax for a bit." Robert said.

30 minutes later...

Robert and the others were at the nearby bar talking about Robert's triumphs.

"That was amazing, Robert! You gave those guys a swift defeat!" Elyon said.

"Thanks, Elyon, and thank you all for supporting me. Now I just have to beat Uriah in the final round and I'm done!" Robert replied.

"I hope you win, he seems like a tough opponent." Will said.

"Not as tough as me, and Robert did beat me, too!" Matt said.

"Yeah, besides, as long as I have the woman I love by my side, I'll be fine." Robert replied.

"Yeah, always and forever." Irma said as she kissed him.

"I'm getting a bit winded, I'm gonna head to the room and relax for a bit." Irma said with a yawn.

"OK, babe, see you once the tournament's over!" Robert replied.

"Awesome job out there, you really nailed them!" Cornelia said.

"Yeah, good thing I didn't need help, well except for that one time..." Robert said.

"The time I gave you lessons on how to make a woman feel REALLY good? Oh, I remember that!" Cornelia replied with a blush.

"Yeah, just don't tell anyone, especially Irma, I don't want her to get mad at me." Robert replied.

Uriah was hiding in the bar,eavesdropping on the two's conversation. He then located Irma near her cabin and taps on her shoulder.

"What the hell do you want?" Irma asked.

"Wanna hear something interesting?" Uriah asked with a sinister grin.

Ten minutes later, Robert went back to the cabin and opened the door to see Irma with an angry expression on her face.

"Hey, babe, I just thought I'd...why are you looking at me like that?" Robert asked in confusion.

"You tell me, Robert. You remember our anniversary?" she asked.

"Yeah, how could I ever forget?" Robert asked.

"I heard you and Cornelia had an affair. Is that true?" Irma asked.

"WHAT! How did you..." Robert began to ask, but was cut off.

"IS IT?" Irma asked loudly.

"Yeah, we did." Robert replied with a sigh.

"I can't believe this. After everything we've been through, you're just gonna lie to me like that! I love you, but yet you go ahead and have another woman go on you, and one of my friends, no less!" Irma said, the anger clear in her voice.

"But I still love you. Who told you this?" Robert asked, still in a state of disbelief.

"It doesn't matter. Just leave, I can't stand to look at you." Irma said.


"JUST GO!" Irma cut Robert off as she started to cry.

Robert left and made his way to the top deck. He leaned on the edge and sighed as he remembered the day he met Irma.

He remembered all the good times he had with her and the battles they fought together.

He realized how much he loved her and how much he wanted to be with her forever.

He felt a surge of rage build up inside him as the question popped up in his head: Who told her?

"DAMMIT!" Robert yelled out as he slammed his fist on the railing.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you so upset?" Cornelia asked as she approached him.

"She found out, Cornelia, she found out about what happened between us." Robert replied.

"WHAT? HOW?" Cornelia asked in shock.

"I don't know, now she hates me. I was gonna propose to her, too! Today of all days, someone just had to make our relationship go completely to shit!" Robert burst out as he slammed his fist on the railing again, angry tears slowly flowing down his face.

Cornelia began tearing up at the thought of Robert and Irma's relationship being over because of what happened.

"Look, I'll go talk to her, I'll sort this out, but first, I need to know who told Irma our secret." Cornelia replied.

Cornelia then went back to the bar and told the others what happened.

"Wow, I...I had no idea." Will said.

"Me neither." Taranee said.

"Poor Robert and Irma!" Hay Lin exclaimed.

The thing is, I wanted to keep it a secret, but someone told Irma and I wanna know who." Cornelia said.

"What kind of dickhead would do such a thing?" Elyon asked.

"HA HA HA HA, Robert and Irmy got into a fight! Hilarious, I knew those two weren't gonna last long!" Uriah cackled from the end of the bar.

"Uriah, did YOU have something to do with this?" Hay Lin asked.

"Hey, the truth had to come out somewhere, right?" Uriah asked with a sarcastic shrug.

"I can't fucking believe you! DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'VE FRIGGIN' DONE?" Cornelia yelled, barely containing the urge to sock him in the face.

"So, I don't give a rat's ass, I have a tournament to win and I'll do whatever it takes to win it. Peace out, losers!" Uriah retorted as he turned to leave.

"You take care of that scumbag, I'll go talk to Irma and try to do a little 'damage control'." Cornelia said.

"OK, I think it's time we give him a piece of our minds!" Will said.

Uriah then felt a tap on his shoulder.

"What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?" Uriah said without looking to see who it was; big mistake.

Suddenly, he felt a hand grab his shoulder and forcefully turn him around.

"Wha..." he tried to speak but was cut off when a hand grabbed his throat.


He was nearby when Cornelia first confronted him and heard everything.

Uriah suddenly became scared shitless after realizing that Robert could easily end him then and there.

"Whoa, hey, I was just kidding! I never meant to do anything to you and Irma, heh heh, I just wanted to win." Uriah choked out, sweat running down his face as he grew very nervous and scared.

"I'LL FUCKING SHOW YOU WIN, FUCKTARD!" Robert raged back as he slammed Uriah into the nearby wall by his throat.

He then slammed his right fist full-force into Uriah's face, causing him to fall to the floor.

"Wait, have mercy, please!" Uriah begged, but Robert would hear none of it. He caused Irma to, more or less, dump him, and now he was getting what he deserved.

"Nice try, ain't gonna happen. This is what you deserve for ruining my relationship!" Robert taunted as he grabbed Uriah by the shirt and picked him up.

After two more brutal minutes of beatings, Robert had tied up a now-bruised Uriah and threw him into a nearby fan room.

"Until you learn to not interfere with the love life of others, you will stay in here for a while." Robert said.

"Mmmmmmmmhhhhhfffffffffff!" Uriah said, trying to plead with Robert one last time before Robert slammed the door shut.

"Fucking shitbag!" Robert muttered before rejoining the others, who had witnessed the carnage.

"And that's why you NEVER piss Robert off, ladies and gentlemen!" Will said.

Robert chuckled at the joke, satisfied that he had been able to serve justice for Uriah's misdeed.

"Well, the bastard had it coming!" Robert replied with a satisfied smile.

Meanwhile, Cornelia found Irma on the top deck, looking out at the horizon.

"There you are, I've been looking for you." Cornelia said.

"What do you want?" Irma asked with a hint of hate in her voice.

"To apologize and give you my side of the story." Cornelia replied.

"What side? There's no side to anything! What's done is done, and I thought he loved me." Irma retorted.

"He still does, you wanna know how much he loves you? During your anniversary, he wanted some help in making the best love to you possible, so he found someone who he knew was an expert, namely me, and I helped him, I gave him lessons." Cornelia explained.

"What did he need lessons for?" Irma asked, the hate in her voice now replaced by confusion.

"Duh, to make you feel good, more than you ever had in your life! He wanted to do that for you because he loves you and would do anything for you, even if it's getting sex lessons and tips from me." Cornelia replied.

"Oh, my God, I...I can't believe that I let that bastard Uriah get to me like that! I'm such an idiot!" Irma said, now realizing the true nature of the situation.

"No, you're not an idiot, Irma. You're just too silly. Go to him, Irma, he's waiting for you and he needs closure from you, right now. Besides, he's gotta hurry, the finals start in forty minutes." Cornelia said.

"Where is he?" Irma asked.

"Follow me." Cornelia asked after reading a text message from Elyon.

Robert was in the cabin sitting on the bed facing the balcony. He looked at the ring that he was going to propose with.

"So, this is where the world's best warriors go to be alone, huh?" Irma said from behind him.

"Irma?" Robert asked, surprised to see her not angry after what had happened.

"The one and only, sweetie." Irma said.

"Listen, I never meant to..."

"It's OK, Cornelia told me everything. I...I know you never meant to hurt me, I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me." Irma said as she began to tear up.

Irma then threw herself into Robert's arms and cried on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" Robert said, fighting back tears of his own.

"I...I know, you don't have to say it. I...I forgive you." Irma replied as she continued crying.

"I...I love you so much, I don't ever wanna let you go!" Irma said.

"Me too, I don't ever want us to fight again!" Robert said as he kissed Irma's soft lips.

"You're my beautiful water angel." he added. They laid down on the bed, still in each other's arms.

"And you're my brave soldier who I know will protect me day and night." Irma replied.

They started kissing passionately, slipping their tongues into each other's mouths. The kissing was soft at first, but started getting rough.

Just then, the referee came in through the unlocked door and saw the two making love.

"Hey , uh, Robert, is it? You...OH GOD, I'm so sorry!" he said as he saw the couple making out.

"DO YOU MIND?" Robert asked.

Awkwarrrrrrrrrd! The referee thought as he took in the situation.

"Uh..you're...up in twenty minutes." he said, his cheeks quickly turning a deep red.

"GET OUT!" Robert and Irma both said. The referee left without another word, too embarrassed by the situation.

"Now, where were we?" Robert asked. He began kissing Irma again, but Irma stopped him.

"I think you should make your way up there." she said in the gentle voice that Robert loved so much.

"But I wanna be with you." Robert replied as he laid his head on Irma's bra-clad chest.

"I know, baby, but they need you up there, I need you to win." Irma said.

"OK, for you. Wish me luck, babe." Robert said as he stroked Irma's cheek.

Ten minutes before the final match is to start...

Back at the game room, Will and the others were waiting for Robert.

"Where is he?" Hay Lin asked.

"I hope he gets here." Taranee said.

Just then, Robert and Irma came up, holding each other's hand.

"There you are, I see that both of you patched things up together." Cornelia said.

"Yeah, we did." Robert said. The referee than approached the group.

"Well, it looks like you're the only competitor left." he said.

"What do you mean?" Robert asked, pretending to not know what happened to Uriah.

"It seems that we can't find Uriah, as if he were giving up." the referee said.

Just then, Uriah, still bruised from the brutal beat-down he received from Robert earlier, stumbled up.

"I'm here, let's get this over with so I can hit the spa." he said. Irma had a stunned look on her face as she saw Robert grin and try to keep from chuckling.

"Welcome to the Freedom of the Seas Modern Warfare Three Free-for All Tournament Finals. You've seen eight skilled players enter the battlefield, but only two have made it to this final duel. Please give it up for Robert and Uriah!" the referee said into his mic.

The entire audience cheered loudly, mostly for Robert, some of them have heard about Uriah's attempt to break Robert and Irma up and one of them found him in the fan room to get him to the finals so that Robert could beat him and in doing so, land the coup-de-gras of justice on him once and for all.

"You ready?" the referee asked.

"You bet I am! Let's do this!" Robert exclaimed.

They got to their consoles and the final battle began. Uriah did put up a decent fight, but Robert proved to the more tactical one and this, plus his knowledge of the weapons and the map gave him the edge he needed to win.

Sure enough, when the match ended ten minutes later, Robert won by ten kills.

"And the winner and this year's Freedom of the Seas MW3 Free-for-All Master is...ROBERT!" the referee announced.

Robert beamed with pride as the audience cheered for him. He turned to see Uriah limping away, intending to get as far from Robert as possible. He chuckled as he saw this, then turned to grab the microphone from the referee.

"Hey!" the referee called out but stopped himself when he realized what he was going to use it for.

"Hey, everybody, I just wanted to do one more thing. Irma!" Robert began. Irma approached him from the crowd.

"Irma Lair, you've made me the happiest man in the world. I wanna spend my entire life with you,no matter what. Without you,I wouldn't have the strength to win even the toughest battles. You're my heart, my love, my favorite body of water in the whole world. I love you, Irma and I want us to be together forever." Robert continued before he knelt down.

Irma's eyes watered up and she looked like she was about to cry.

"Robert, *sniff* what are you doing?" Irma asked.

"Opening my heart to you." Robert replied as he brought out the blue velvet box and opened it, revealing the wedding ring.

"Irma, you're the sweetest woman I've ever met and have been lucky to love...Will you marry me?" Robert finally asked.

Irma started crying as she saw the ring that Robert was giving her.

"Oh, Robert...*sniff* YES! YESYESYES! OH DEAR GOD YES! I WILL MARRY YOU!" Irma exclaimed, her excitement finally taking hold.

Irma then hugged Robert tightly with all her love.

"Awwwwwwwwwwww!" everyone in the audience said as they saw this, and along with their friends, they began applauding again, this time for Robert and Irma.

Robert gently slipped the ring onto Irma's finger and as she cried, she hugged and kissed his lips tenderly and softly.

"Robert, I love you!" Irma said.

"I love you too, Irma!" Robert happily replied.

They both kissed and realized that now their lives were going to change forever.

They may be engaged now, but they now have a long journey ahead of them in preparation for their marriage.

They now have to set everything up and plan everything from the location to scheduling, but with close friends to help them out, they didn't mind the journey at all.

After all, they had all the time in the world.

Cornelia had a look of realization on her face as something dawned on her.

"Now I have to go shopping for a wedding dress!"