A/N Did you think my bunnies would really leave it there!

If you haven't read Fairytale of LA first (Any why wouldn't you!) you really should otherwise you may get lost.

Remember my bunnies need feeding so please review.

Disclaimer, I dont own any of the characters even my own creation belong to my plot bunnies. but if the go missing then the bunnies did it!

(Oh and the opening was from a conversation I had with my daughter this morning, it was just too funny not to include)


Ok so i had to change the story name after realizing there was already a story called coming home. so OOPS!

The Other Side

Chapter 1

Deeks was sitting in the bullpen with his head in his hands, laughing while Kensi tried to explain to Sam and Callen what had happened while they were out questioning the wife of a suspect today.

"So he says we are NCIS, and the kid asks, what's that?" She paused grinning while Sam and Callen still looked bemused trying to get what was so funny, "And he says Naval Criminal Investigative Service."

Deeks can hardly breathe as tears of mirth roll down his cheeks.

"Right, so the kid looks him right in the eye and says 'What Navel like your belly button?'"

Callen's eyebrow raises but him and Sam both keep quiet wanting to hear the out come.

"Then Deeks looks the kid in the eye and says, 'Yeah little teeny tiny bad guys with guns run about in there if you don't wash properly and it's our job to run and arrest them," At this point Kensi loses it completely and curls up laughing so Deeks take over, "So the poor kid runs screaming into the bathroom and starts washing his belly button,"

"Deeks!" Sam rolls his eyes "That's so mean." But by the time Hetty makes it into the bull pen all four of them are laughing.

"What's so funny?" Hetty asked, but none of her Agents could answer her.

Hetty put her hand on Callen shoulder, "Mr. Callen a word in my office." Callen wiped the stray laughter tear from his eye and followed her.

Hetty sat behind her desk and picked up the cup of tea that was on there, "Mr. Callen, the CIA would like your help with an undercover op?"

"OK?" Callen said intrigued, "And I'm being told this here, why?"

"Because, your father is on the same op but has gone missing,"

"Hetty!" Callen stood shocked, "When? Read me in now!" Hetty nodded. "But you're not going to like it."

Sam stood up when he heard Callen curse at Hetty in five different languages and stormed upstairs.

Hetty followed him, "Mr. Hanna please bring your team to OPS" She said.

Sam looked confused; they were Callen's team weren't they? But they followed her none the less.

They walked into OPS to find Callen cursing at the director of the CIA, "You didn't THINK this was important enough to tell me!" he fumed.

"You were not read in Mr. Callen, and besides until he missed his last check in it wasn't an issue."

"Have you heard from Jack?" Callen asked him calming down as Nell walked behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Agent Mathers, Checked in, He's out there now waiting for you."

"I'll be on the next plane; I want my team read in on this too." Callen demanded.

"Very well, we could use there help." The director agreed and closed the link.

"Ok Hetty," Callen said and leaned against the back of his chair.

"Agent Callen's father, Agent Comescu has been working with the CIA for the past 5 months as the new head of the Comescu family. His brief was to slowly close the family businesses down. Last week he missed his assigned check in and his handler, Agent Jack Mathers hasn't heard from him." Hetty revealed, "Agent Callen is to go in as, well, himself, take over the Comescu family and find his father. You three will go in as his bodyguards and Miss Jones I want you to go in as his secretary."

"What No!" Callen protested at the thought of putting his beloved Nell in danger, but Hetty raised a finger in his direction, "your jet is fuelled and waiting for you and wardrobe all picked out, you had all best be off" she said handing them each files with their new backstopped identities.

"Wow, a jet?" Deeks whistled impressed. "What strings did you have to pull for that one?"

"Mr. Callen is going in as himself, it's his jet." Hetty said and Callen looked embarrassed and grabbed Nell's hand and tugged her towards the wardrobe department to get their luggage.

"Didn't you tell them?" Nell asked confused,

"Nope I haven't even told them my name yet, no one but you knows." Callen admitted.

"Weeeeeelllllllll!" Nell drew out the word and Callen looked at her "What!" he asked,

"You remember 6 months ago, at the safe house when you had that major panic attack." She explained and Callen nodded, "I used your full name then, Sam knows it."

Callen smiled, he could never be mad at her, she was just too cute, "Well at least he still calls me G."

Callen and Nell left the mission and almost ran into the team who where stopped staring at the limo sat outside, The Chauffer got out and grabbed Callen's bag, "Sir, are they all with you?"

"Thanks Henry, Yes, we are all going." Callen handed his bag over getting redder by the second, "Miss Nell," Henry said nodding towards her and taking her bag,

"Y...You're rich?" Kensi said

"Nope, but my father is, this sort of came along with him," Callen admitted.

"And you never said!" Deeks exclaimed.

"Hey, it's still me!" Callen said back.

"Yeah, But its you with MONEY!" Deeks retorted.

Sam grinned, he had already known about the money part as he had been with Callen when his father informed him of just how well off he was.

"What, you thought jetting around the world and keeping up with you was done on a budget?" Gavril had grinned when his son walked into his huge house.

"But I thought you worked for the CIA." Callen had said completely Gobsmacked.

"Yes son, but that was by choice, I am a Comescu. I have money from my father?" Gavril explained.

"How much?"Callen smacked a hand across his mouth, "Sorry." He said.

"About a hundred million dollars," Gavril said, "Give or take."

Callen had sat stunned on the stairs.

"WOW!" was all he could say, Sam has grinned at him "Congrats little orphan Annie, you got a real life daddy Warbucks,"

Callen shook his head and opened the door, "Get in Deeks."

They piled in the limo and opened their packs.

"So, who's who?" Deeks asked.

"I'm Sam Johnson, bodyguard, ex seal. It looks like Eric kept it as true to life as possible."

"Martin Sterling, bodyguard, ex LAPD dishonourable discharge."

"Kensi Downing, Personal trainer and Hand to hand combat specialist."

"Nell Beckett, Computer tech, secretary and girlfriend." She grinned at Callen at that,

Callen took a deep breath, "Grigore Callen Comescu." He said.

Kensi and Deeks looked up surprised at hearing Callen's name for the first time.

"But you'd better still call me G," He added quickly.

"Yes boss," Deeks quipped, and Callen smiled at him, "That'll do."

"So, Boss, "Deeks asked already getting into character, "Exactly how rich are you."

"About a hundred million dollars give or take," Callen admitted.

"Wow, so you're really rich," Deeks said

"Enough already, you're supposed to be used to this." Callen snapped the novelty wearing off fast.

"Shutting up Boss," Deeks said, Callen gave him a sideways look and he wondered if this was how Gibbs felt putting up with Dinozzo.

They arrived at LAX and parked up by a private jet, "Good morning Mr. Comescu," the flight attendant said as she welcomed them on board.

"Well, this is better than last time we did this flight." Kensi remarked as they strapped into the Jet for take off.

Nell snuggled up next to Callen gripping his hand, "I hate take offs and landings." She moaned. He kissed her forehead, "Don't worry you're safe."

After take off they sat around a conference table on the jet, "Ok, so dad went missing five days ago, we are meeting Jack Mathers at the airport, and I am going in as the new acting head of the Comescu family."

"Won't there be a problem with any other family members." Sam asked.

"Nope, Dad is the rightful heir to the family business and Vasile signed the whole thing over to him, in exchange for a lighter sentence."

He sat there and answered their questions patiently and filled them in on why Gavril Comescu CIA agent was heading a notorious Romanian crime family.

"We may have a few problems when we get there but I shouldn't be anything too major, they have been informed of my arrival." Callen told them.

The jet touched down and it was late in the evening when the Limousine pulled up to a huge mansion. "This is different to the last place?" Kensi remarked.

"That was the summer home on the beach, this is the main compound." Callen explained.

A young man greeted them and fawned all over Callen until they were shown to their rooms and rested.

Tomorrow the hard part would begin. Find Gavril and Shut down the Comescu Empire.

A/N please review and feed my bunnies.