John Watson strode over the grass of the crime scene, laptop in hand and skype video chat opened, his left leg slightly limped , damaged from an engagement in his time serving in Afghanistan.

"Show me the ground where it happened" the computer spoke.

John sighed, exasperated as he stooped down to a small patch of grass with a small indent.

"Well" the computer began "the man was obviously facing north, toward the river, and he is obviously a man due to the size 12 penny loafers he wore, now, back up a little john" it continued and john slowly backed up, wondering why he was even bothering to let Sherlock cross reference the information with a wider scope.

"he walked toward the river, bent down to tie his shoe lace, slipped , banged his head on the rock and died, simple" the man on the screen said, obviously bored by the whole scenario. "Why did you even wake me up for this one John, even you could have figured this one-"he trailed off as a great wailing noise was heard. Sherlock slammed down the lid of his computer and johns end went blank. The ex war veteran shook his head and murmured "at least a 9,"

Sherlock sprinted over to his window, his mind rushing through a list of possibilities for the noises occurrence, each avenue his mind led him down, however, only reached one possible out come, non terrestrial. He gazed over Baker Street, trying to spot anything that looked out of the ordinary. There it was, sticking out like a sore thumb. Sherlock smiled, grabbed his coat and pulled it on, heading towards the mysteriously new police box across the street.

Sherlock stood outside the blue doors of the box, chewing his bottom lip awkwardly, he could instantly see that this was not a genuine police box, the windows were the wrong size and, by the way the light refracted from the on door phone, it was obviously made of plastic. A lock turned from the inside of the box and the door slowly opened inward to which Sherlock raised his eyebrow, police box doors were meant to open outward.

A man stepped out of the blue box and almost walked straight into Sherlock, however, foreseeing this event Sherlock swiftly stepped to the side and made an initial assessment of the man from within the box. Tweed jacket, black trousers just a little too short, hair a total mess, brown eyes and a grin that seemed ever present from the stretch marks around his cheek. To Sherlock this mans mere presents shouted extra terrestrial.

"Oh sorry, didn't see you there" the man grinned "im The Doctor by the way" he continued, giving Sherlock a brief assessment of his own in a way he noticed was very much like his own. "What's your name?"

"Holmes, Sherlock Holmes" Sherlock replied dryly "But that's of no matter right now, because I want to know where your box came from and how it got here" he said a small smile pulling at the corners of his mouth, more like a smirk than anything else. The doctor's face fell; he pulled out a leather wallet and flashed in front of Sherlock's face. "Okay you caught me, im with the new police force, were reinstalling the police boxes" he drawled. Sherlock smirked.

"Do you take me for a fool? Im not blind Doctor" he said sarcastically, "your credentials are blank, which makes this all the more interesting, and I do believe im going to take a look inside your police box now" Sherlock grinned, pushed the Doctor aside and pulled open the door.

"I really do advise you didn't do that" the doctor exclaimed, reaching his hand out for Sherlock, but it was far to late for that.