The summer was painfully long. Luna spent most of her days with her father out looking for interesting creatures by creeks and paddocks. They never found anything though.

Luna and Fred didn't get to write to each other. Although, on the day Fred left to go to the World Cup, Luna saw him out her window and waved. He waved back, and that was basically all contact they had all summer (which made Luna even more excited for school).

Xenophilius hadn't lectured Luna on her choice with Fred. He didn't say anything to her about it. He decided that it was Luna's decision, even if he didn't approve of it.

Luckily enough it was soon August 28th and her Hogwarts letter arrived. She and her father set off for Diagon Alley to get all their things. She was hoping she'd see Fred there, but she didn't.

Soon enough September 1st came and Luna and her dad arrived at King's Cross. Both of them ran through the wall between platform 9 and 10. As soon as Luna passed through the wall the sight of the Hogwarts Express jumped out at her. She loved the train, and she couldn't wait to get on it.

'Alright Luna, are you sure you have everything?' asked Xenophilius at 10:45.

'Yes, I'm sure.' Luna grinned.

'Alright then...' her father looked up at the clock. 'Well, have a safe and fun year. Write to me lots, and watch out for nargles.' her father kissed her on the forehead as she had ten minutes to board the train.

'I will, dad.' Luna promised.

Her dad spent another five minutes making sure she had everything in her trunk when the whistle blew, and it was time to get on the train.

'Goodbye dad, I love you!' Luna called as she got on to the train.

'Bye Luna, have a good year!' Xenophilius called back.

'I will!' was the last thing Luna got to shout out before the train began to move slowly.

She made her way through the aisle, searching for Fred, but couldn't find him. She eventually gave up and sat in an empty compartment, reassuring herself that she would see Fred at the feast.

She had been in the compartment by herself for an hour until the trolley lady came by. Feeling a wave of hunger come over her, she decided to get something.

She went into the aisle and a big grin spread across her face. Fred was standing at the trolley, purchasing something along with his twin.

Luna went up to the lady.

'Two chocolate frogs, please.' she asked politely, pretending Fred wasn't there.

'Of course,' the lady said, quickly handing Luna two chocolate frogs.

At the sound of Luna's sing-song voice, Fred jumped and spun around.

'Luna!' he said with surprise, as George smiled in acknowledgement.

'Hello, stranger.' Luna smiled coolly.

Fred chuckled and pulled her into a hug.

'I've been looking for you!' Fred said.

'I was looking for you.' Luna replied. 'I'm in the compartment over there. By myself.' she added, pointing to the door of her compartment.

'Well I bet there is plenty of room for me then,' Fred said happily.

'I guess there is,' Luna grinned shyly as Fred took hold of her hand.

'I'll go back to Lee,' piped up George, winking as he left.

Fred and Luna exchanged smiles at set off back to Luna's compartment.