Blaine drove up to Rachel's driveway and turned off his car. He looked down at his phone and saw yet another text from his boyfriend. Don't forget the hot chocolate! Drive safe & hurry…I love you. Blaine smiled to himself as he knocked on Rachel's door. She opened the door and then disappeared. He slowly walked inside and saw that there was wrapping paper all over the place.
"Rachel, what happened here?"
"Finn's present wouldn't get here! It was supposed to have gotten here last week but it got lost in shipping or something like that. So it barely arrived ten minutes ago and now I can't seem to find a decent pair of scissors!"
She was throwing paper around and Blaine tried not to laugh.
"Here, let me help you before you give yourself a stroke."
He took the wrapping paper from her hands and she gave him a meek smile.
"I'm sorry if I'm acting crazy. I'm barely getting over a cold and my dads left this morning on vacation. I just want this holiday break to be better than last year. Last year, I was alone and Finn was angry at me. I just want this weekend to be perfect because who knows what will happen after we graduate in six months."
Blaine placed his hand on her shoulder and she took a deep breath.
"Rachel, this weekend's going to be perfect. And not just for you, for everyone. We're going up to Mercedes' parents' cabin and we're going to have fun. We're not going to think about the future, we're going to live in the moment."
She chuckled and hugged him.
"Wait, I thought you guys donated your presents this year."
She smiled and then went into her room to get Finn's present.
"We did but I'm going to surprise him with this."
She came out with Finn's Letterman jacket.
"Is that his actual jacket? Where did you get it? I thought he sold it online."
"He did but I tracked down the buyer and bought it back for Finn."
Blaine carefully took the jacket and helped Rachel place it in a box. They double-teamed to wrap the present and then Blaine cleaned up while Rachel gathered her bags. She emerged with three suitcases.
"Rachel, we're only going for a few days!"
"How much you wanna bet Kurt packed more than I did?"
Blaine couldn't help but smile because he knew for a fact that Kurt packed more than three bags. He grabbed Rachel's bags and loaded them in the car. Rachel was about to exit the house, when the pouring rain started coming down.
"Come on, Rachel, its pouring!"
"No, wait, I need to change coats."
"Are you serious?"
"This coat was a Hanukkah gift from my grandma! I'll only be five seconds."
She ran back into the house and Blaine got into the car. Suddenly his phone rang and he smiled, knowing it was probably Kurt again. His smile faded when he saw it was his house number.
"Blaine, are you driving yet?"
"Not yet, mom. Why?"
"You left your wallet on the hallway table. Also, your dad wants to make sure you remember how to maneuver the car in the rain."
Rachel finally got into the car and mouthed 'sorry'. Blaine finished talking to his mother and hung up the phone.
"I'm sorry. I left my wallet at home. We have to stop by."
"That's okay."
Blaine drove to his house and Rachel was amazed at how beautiful just the exterior looked. He drove up the driveway and sighed.
"Okay, I just want to warn you that my dad's kinda...well...close-minded. I just try to ignore him."
Rachel quickly got out of the car to join Blaine. They entered the house and Rachel tried not to gasp. His house was beautiful, like the way homes looked on TV and movies. She always assumed that Blaine's family was financially comfortable but she didn't realize that he was wealthy. Suddenly, a beautiful woman with dark brown hair greeted them.
"Who is your friend, Blaine?"
"I'm sorry. This is Rachel Berry. Rachel, this is my mom."
Rachel held out her hand and gave a bright smile.
"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Anderson. You have a beautiful home."
Blaine's mother smiled.
"Thank you so much, sweetheart! It's easy when you have good help."
She then called out to her husband. He entered the room with a sour look on his face but it immediately changed when he saw Rachel.
"Hey, I didn't know we had company. I'm Peter Anderson."
"Dad, this is Rachel Berry."
There was a look of realization on his face and Mr. Anderson turned to his wife.
"Delilah, honey, this is the girl that Blaine went on a date with last year."
Of course Blaine's father would remember the name of the girl who almost 'cured' his son of his homosexuality. Rachel looked towards Blaine and he just rolled his eyes.
"Okay, so we better get going."
Blaine went to get his wallet and his mother went back to getting ready for her New Year's Eve party. Rachel looked down, trying to avoid Mr. Anderson.
"I don't mean to be so blunt but can I ask you why it didn't work out between you and my son. He's a smart and attractive and you are a very beautiful girl. You couldn't have tried to see if maybe you could… sway him in the other direction."
Rachel was speechless. She wondered how Blaine could live in a place where he wasn't accepted. Clearly his father thought Blaine being gay was curable or maybe just a phase. She cleared her throat and gave a fake smile.
"Mr. Anderson, your son is in love with my best friend, who is also the brother of my boyfriend. I clearly wasn't his type. Also, I think my two gay dads would be disappointed if I tried to detract such an amazingly confident gay individual from being with his true love."
She watched as the hopeful smile disappeared from his face.
"Well, that's too bad. Tell Blaine not to drive like a maniac and wreck my car."
He exited the room and Blaine finally emerged.
"You ready to go?"
Rachel nodded and he ushered her out of his house. They ran to the car and finally left for the cabin. They drove in silence for about five minutes until Blaine broke the silence.
"I heard what you told my dad."
"I know you said to ignore him but I couldn't take it, Blaine. He was acting like you had some disease and I was the miraculous cure. It was sickening and couldn't take it anymore. I don't know how you-"
Blaine pulled over and put the car in park. He placed his hand on hers.
"Thank you, Rachel. You are probably the first person to call out my father. Everyone just seems to ignore the fact that he tries to put me down for being gay. I obviously didn't live up to his expectations as a son."
He looked over to Rachel and saw the tears welling up her eyes. He smiled and shrugged.
"But I try not to let it get me down."
Rachel immediately hugged him. Blaine closed his eyes and tried to fight back the tears. At that moment, he understood why Kurt loved Rachel so much. She was an amazingly kind and protective friend. They pulled away and Rachel chuckled.
"I think we should really get going because I'm pretty sure Kurt and Finn are probably freaking out already."
Blaine started the car once more and they were off. An hour and an half later, the rain was turning to sleet and Blaine was starting to worry. Rachel had drifted off to sleep by the lull of the rain. Blaine leaned forward to try to get a better look at the road. Suddenly, a dog darted in front of the car. Blaine freaked and swerved to try to avoid the animal and lost control of the car. Before he knew it, the car hydroplanes, flips over a couple of times, and finally crashes into a tree. He lost consciousness for a couple minutes before he finally came to. He looked over to Rachel and she was slumped forward. He looked around and saw that the car had caught fire. He immediately fumbled to remove his seatbelt and then started to shake Rachel awake.
"Rachel! Rachel! Wake up!"
She gave a slight moan and that was good enough for Blaine. He struggled to get out of the car and was able to push the door open but his leg got caught. He heard a rip and an intense pain in his leg but he couldn't worry about that right now. He had to get Rachel out of the car as soon as possible. Blaine rushed over to the passenger side and with all his might, pulled the door open. He unbuckled her and, as carefully as he could in the moment, carried her out of the car. He was able to get a few feet from the car before his body gave out and he fell to his knees. Rachel fell to the floor and yelped in pain before falling back into unconsciousness. Blaine struggled to get back up, only to fall backwards and pass out.
Blaine opened his eyes and tried to move his arms. His entire body was sore and he remembered the accident. He winced as he sat up and looked around. He saw Rachel sprawled out under a giant tree.
He quickly crawled over to her and checked her pulse. She was alive. She was covered in scrapes and bruises but nothing seemed too serious. He placed his hand on her cheek.
"Rachel, wake up! Please, wake up!"
She slowly opened her eyes and then they widened.
"Blaine, what happened? Why are you all bloody?"
"We were in an accident. There was black ice and a dog or something ran onto the road. I tried to avoid it and I hydroplaned off road. I'm so sorry, Rachel."
She slowly sat up and Blaine kept a hold on her.
"Are you okay?"
"I think so. I think since I was asleep, I didn't tense up from the crash. But how did I get out of the car?"
"It caught fire. So, I carried you out but then I passed out."
They both slowly got to their feet. Blaine winced and Rachel immediately noticed.
"What's wrong? Are you hurt?"
"No, I'm fine. I'm just sore."
They both noticed that the car was still fuming but the fire had gone out with the rain. Blaine reached into his pocket and tried to dial Kurt but got no signal.
"I have no reception. Do you have service?"
Rachel reached into her jacket and pulled out her phone. It was no use, she also didn't have service.
"Blaine, we're in the middle of nowhere with no mode of communication! What are we going to do now?"
Blaine tried to figure out a sensible plan but the excruciating pain in leg and pounding rain made for tremendous distractions. He saw the fear and panic in Rachel's eyes and took a deep breath.
"I saw a small town a few miles back. We'll have to walk back and then call Finn or someone."
"Don't you think that maybe we should just stay here? Someone's bound to see the car and rescue us, right?"
"Rachel, we're in the middle of nowhere. Have you seen any cars?"
"No, but are you sure you're okay to walk?"
"I'm fine. Come on."
He grabbed her hand and they made their way to the road.
Kurt looked out into the pouring rain for the hundredth time that night.
"Stop doing that because you're making me really anxious."
He looked back at Finn, who was sitting on the couch. He walked over and sat next to Finn. He nervously began fiddling with the ring Blaine gave him.
"Why aren't they here yet? They should've been here already, everyone else is. I mean, aren't you worried?"
"Blaine's probably driving super slow because of the weather. We all barely beat the storm but they probably got caught in the middle of it."
Kurt just nodded, still biting his nails. Just then, Mercedes called out to Kurt and he left Finn alone on the couch. Finn looked down at his phone. He had been calling Rachel for the past two hours and she had yet to answer. He didn't want to admit that he was very worried, too. He knew how dangerous driving in this kind of weather could be and he had a bad feeling.
Blaine and Rachel had been walking for what felt like forever but in reality, it was only twenty minutes. It had stopped raining but it had now turned to snow and they were both soaked to the bone. They were walking arm-in-arm and keeping busy singing random songs. He wanted to keep her calm and distract himself from the pain. A sudden gust of wind caused Rachel to bury her head in Blaine's shoulder.
"Oh my god, it's so cold!"
Blaine stopped and began to remove his coat.
"Here, take my coat."
"No! Blaine, its freezing and we're both soaked. You'll get sick and then Kurt will KILL me."
He chuckled and placed his coat over her shoulders.
"Rachel, you're wearing tights and a raincoat. I think you need the coat more than I do. Plus, you're just getting over a cold. Please, just take it or else Finn will kill ME."
She just smiled and properly put the coat on. She then wrapped her arms around Blaine.
"Well, let's at least keep close together for body warmth."
"Good idea."
They walked like that for fifteen more minutes before Blaine finally succumbed to the pain.
"Crap! Hold on, Rachel, I need to rest for a bit."
They stopped and Blaine limped over to a tree stump. Rachel knelt in front of him.
"Let me look at your leg."
"No, it's okay! I'm just tired."
She ignored him and pulled up his pant leg. She gasped when she saw the large gash.
"What happened?"
Blaine closed his eyes. The cold air was irritating the wound.
"I got caught trying to get out of the car. It looks worse than it really is."
"I doubt that!"
"I'm okay, Rachel, I really am."
Rachel stood up and took off her shoes. She then started reaching underneath her skirt.
"I can't believe you didn't tell me you were hurt. You had no business walking, Blaine! You're such a boy, I swear, gay or straight, it doesn't matter, you're all so stubborn!"
"Rachel, what are you doing?"
She pulled off her tights.
"I need to stop the bleeding! I'm going to use my tights as a tourniquet."
She quickly put her shoes back on and wrapped the tights around his calf. He smiled.
"Thank you."
All of a sudden, the snow started coming down harder. They both looked at each other, knowing that the temperature was dropping. Blaine tried to get up but he couldn't put any weight on his left leg anymore. He was really regretting insisting they walk to the nearest town.
"Rachel, you need to go get help. I can't walk any farther. You need to leave me."
Her eyes widened and she tried to stop her teeth from chattering.
"N-no! I c-c-can't just leave you! Let's go b-b-back to the car."
She pulled him up and put his arm around her. There was a sudden pain in his ribcage and he yelped. She tried to support his weight but they only lasted a couple minutes. Rachel saw two trees that were making a makeshift shelter. She lowered Blaine to the ground and now her entire body was shaking. She huddled next to Blaine and he tried his best to keep her warm. Their arms were tightly wrapped around each other and Rachel rested her head on his chest.
"I'm so sorry, Rachel. It's all my fault."
"I-It's not y-your fault; it's the c-crappy weather's f-fault."
The loss of blood and dropping temperature was starting to get to Blaine and he was having a hard time keeping his eyes open. Rachel tried to keep him conscious but she was starting to feel her body go numb.
"T-t-they have to realize that s-s-some-t-t-thing's wrong, right? K-k-kurt and F-f-finn will come f-f-find us?"
Rachel was trying hard not to slur but she couldn't control her mouth. Blaine looked down at Rachel and wanted to reassure her but he wasn't too sure that they would find them in time. He was bleeding out and Rachel was more than likely getting hypothermia.
"They'll find us. They'll find the car and then follow our footsteps."
She smiled. It was at that moment that Blaine started praying. First, for them to be found in time and then he started praying for Kurt. Please, God, watch over Kurt. He's the love of my life and I want him to be happy. If I don't make it, God, please help him to move on and be happy. Please let him have peace.
"Rachel, if I don't make it, promise me that you'll tell Kurt that I loved him with all my heart."
Rachel sat up and stared into his eyes. She then reached into her jacket and pulled out a Sharpie. She gave it to him and started whispering, finding it was easier to talk that way.
"What if I don't make it? You need to write it down. Write it on your arm. But can you write something down for me first because my fingers are starting to go numb."
He pushed up Rachel's sleeve and then looked at her. She took a deep breath and started dictating. Finn, I love you. It was always you. Never have I felt this much love and I doubt that I would've found anything else to compare with how you make me feel. Please know that… She started crying but tried to clear her throat. I would've given up my Broadway dreams for you. I know what I said before but I would've given up anything for you. Always, only you. She wiped her eyes and then nodded. Blaine then pulled up his own sleeve and started writing. Kurt, I didn't know I was miming through life until the day that I met you. I just want you to know that I loved you with all my heart and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I would've loved to be your husband. I love you, Kurt Hummel. Blaine pulled his sleeve down and couldn't hold back the tears anymore. Rachel immediately pulled him into a hug and they cried in each other's arms. He pulled her closer, to the point where she was practically sitting on his lap. She closed her eyes and he leaned his head back against the tree.
"Blaine, what did you want your future to be like? What were your dreams?"
He looked down at her and saw that she was clenching her eyes shut.
"I wanted to move to New York with Kurt. I wanted to marry him and start a family. I wanted to perform, it doesn't have to be on Broadway or anything, I just want people to hear my original songs about how Kurt made me a better person. He would obviously be starring in his own original play and have his own fashion line, too, because he's totally awesome like that. I wanted to be as happy as your dads. I wanted to spoil my children and be an amazing dad like Kurt's dad. I know that sounds cheesy."
"It sounds perfect. I, of course, wanted Broadway. In my dreams, Finn would've followed me to New York because he couldn't imagine his life without me. He would've gone to school for music education and taught at some amazing school for disadvantaged children. I would be playing Fanny Brice on Broadway. We would've gotten married and had two, maybe three, children. They would be raised Jewish but celebrate Christmakkah, since Christmas is Finn's favorite holiday. Our children would be best friends with your children and we would all get together on Fridays, just to catch up."
They remained silent for a minute before it hit Blaine.
"Rachel, I don't want to die."
"Me either."
Blaine pulled away and looked into Rachel's eyes.
"I love you, Rachel."
She placed her ice-cold hand on his cheek and gave him a quick kiss.
"I love you, too, Blaine Warbler."
He flinched but not because she kissed him, but because her lips were like ice.
He couldn't believe this is how it ends. He closed his eyes and uttered one last 'I love you, Kurt' before everything went black