Disclaimer: Don't own BBC Sherlock.

The End Of The World, Maybe

Chapter 2: Answers

Placing Molly in a seat, John sat across as Mrs. Hudson put a pot on the stove and sat down between the two. The thumbs had been placed beside the table on the floor, forgotten.

"How does Sherlock know Irene?" Molly started off, "Full story, please."

Without a second to lose, John leaps right into the account.

" Irene Adler is a criminal that goes around collecting compromising pictures and scandals on a camera phone of her's. She doesn't use these photos or information for blackmail, just... 'protection'. Sherlock had been asked by a government official to retrieve this phone from Ms. Adler. Unfortunately, She seemed to take a liking to him and drugged Sherlock, and then taking off before we could get the phone. After her faked death – which I'm sure you were wondering about – Irene left the phone to Sherlock for safekeeping. Recently, she contacted Sherlock and me to tell us that she was still alive and wanted the phone back. Sherlock doesn't want to give it up until he managed to unlock it and access the information inside. She showed up this morning in Sherlock's bed, sleeping, and hasn't left since."

Mrs. Hudson sighed, "Troublesome. I don't like Sherlock being alone with her, she's a bit unnerving."

"I doubt his virtue is in danger, Mrs. Hudson." John assured, uneasy himself.

Molly looked between them and began again, "You said something about a camera phone. Sherlock was inspecting one this morning. Was it the same...?"

"Yes. He wanted to know if it was safe to dismantle or not. It turns out that it isn't. On the ride back here in the taxi, he explained how there were small explosives inside that would destroy the hard drive if someone attempted to open the back panel."

There was still one question still one Molly's mind that had been nagging her for a good while now.

"How did Sherlock identify Irene from her body?"

"Yeah, I heard about that. Irene had decided to introduce herself to us when we meet her; naked, that is."

Molly blushed.

John continued, "A few CIA agents came in and held us at gunpoint; wanting us to open the safe that the camera phone was in. Irene had supposedly already told Sherlock the key code, but he didn't realize it until they were about to shoot me that the code was her measurements. Thus, he knew her by her size no matter the state of her face."

"Right." Molly whispered, trying to absorb everything that was given to her.

A loud knocking came from the front door as Mrs. Hudson had gotten up to pour the cups of tea. Setting the mugs in front of the two along with a dish of sugar, she excused herself.

"Sorry Dear, I'll just be a moment while I get the door."

Mrs. Hudson quickly shuffled down the short hallway to the front door.

Silence took over the room until Molly asked another question, "Why did Sherlock leave after he got that text on Christmas?"

John looked into his cup, taking a deep breath before replying, "He had received a text from Irene telling him to look at the mantlepiece. There was a small red package there for him, within was the camera phone. Knowing that it was Irene's only source of protection, he made some calls; figuring she'd turn up dead. I imagine the rest of the time he sat there and sulked."

Molly became interested in the wallpaper over the sink, avoiding John's eyes. She had been under the impression that she had been the cause of that reaction. Molly made sure to see him later that night in order to apologize, but he had left too quickly.

Now knowing that it was Irene's fault, she felt a little better, but not much. She'd seen how everything had impacted Sherlock on Christmas by the look in his eyes. Molly had wanted nothing but to hug him and apologize for everything – her fault or not. The only problem was that she'd been stunned from the kiss and let him slip through her fingers. Again.

Moments later, Mrs, Hudson thankfully returned, breaking off Molly's thoughts, "He just had to go and shoot the bloody doorbell, didn't he?"

John snorted, "Well I guess the wall gets to boring."

John and Mrs. Hudson laughed as Molly looked on curiously; missing the joke.

Just as the laughter died down, Sherlock's voice came from the entryway.

"I'm off John, won't be back until after supper."

John jumped from his chair and went to the kitchen door, "What? Where are you going?"

"A friend has decided to give me a tour of an airplane. My lucky day."

Molly followed John as he left to meet Sherlock, who was putting on his scarf.

A large black man was looking at them over Sherlock's shoulder, Molly didn't think that he looked all that friendly.

"And who's your friend today, Sherlock?" John asked as he moved between the man and the door, coming to the same conclusion as Molly.

"Not one of those CIA agents, J-"

"Agent Bryan. Mycroft sent me, Dr. Watson."

"Yes. Well, have fun Sherlock." John said, quickly moving out of the man's way. He really didn't want Mycroft to get angry with him for impeding on his plans.

"Thanks, John." Said Sherlock as he shuffled past his flatmate.

The door closed behind the two men and John turned to Molly, "More questions?"

"Who's Mycroft?" Confirmed Molly as the two walked back into the kitchen.

"Sherlock's older brother. He's very, very, very high up in the British government..." Then, at her questioning gaze he quickly added, " I'm not at liberty to say anything else."

"Of course not." Huffed Molly as she slide back into her chair at Mrs. Hudson's table.

The old woman looked at them curiously as they sat down, "What was that all about, then?"

"I figured 'Airplane tour' was code, it sounded suspicious. After the last people in suits tried to make an appearance in our flat you could say that I've gotten a bit paranoid." A list of assassins that had already broken in popped into John's head, needless to say.

Molly let her question slide this time as Mrs. Hudson nodded knowingly. Instead, she found another.

"Did he just leave Irene upstairs all alone?"

"Most likely. I'm sure she'll leave through a window or something." John said with a smirk.

The universe seemed to want to prove the esteemed doctor wrong.

"I'm off then too, it seems a call has been made for my presence elsewhere." Irene said as she slipped into the room, thankfully wearing public-worthy clothing.

The smirk dropped from John's face.

"Bye, Darlings." Giving a sultry smirk, she spun and disappeared through the front hallway.

Hearing the door close, Mrs. Hudson chose her words carefully.

"Just when you think you've figured her out... she goes and does something completely opposite. Be the death of us all, that girl."

"Just hope Sherlock knows it." John said slowly, taking a long sip of tea.

Molly could only hope so. Though a guilty pleasure told her that she eagerly wanted to be a shoulder to cry on if that woman did hurt him.

A/N: Done. DONE. Done. Done. Done.

I am toying with other plots for something where Molly witness something she probably shouldn't...(i.e. HARPOON IN MORTUARY) or perhaps she discussed Sherlock's parents with Mycroft, that might be interesting, Mycroft may be a bit biased... hum...

Review to your heart's content, because frankly, that's what those amazingly, beautiful buttons down there are for.