Me: Hiiiii everyone! Well I just saw all three of the Cinderella movies again and it was so tempting to write a story almost like it =).

Alice: Isn't Cinderella the girl with the wicked step-mother?

Shun: You're not seriously thinking of doing this… are you?

Me: Yes and yes =).

Alice and Shun: … *sigh

Me: I want to hear some positivity! =) Well this story has the same idea as Cinderella but I'm also going to add my own ideas and of course there are going to be Bakugan characters =) Well here's my first chapter of my story =). Enjoy!


Alice's P.O.V.

I believed that there was someone out there… someone waiting for me… my knight in shining armor. Someone that will love me… and care for me…

"Alice! To my room this instance!" my step-mother shouted from above. I stopped washing the floor and dropped the cloth back into the bucket. The hall was huge and would take forever to clean if I kept daydreaming. I sighed and then picked up the bucket and placed it next to the marble stairs. I wiped my wet hands on my apron and made my way up the stairs to my step-mother's room. The house was a marvelous place. Everything was handcrafted with care by my father. The stairs had a railing with a beautiful pattern and the floors had the wonderfully designed tiles. I admired everything my father did. When I got to my step-mother's door, I hesitated. What did I do wrong this time? I knocked softly.

"Come in," her voice was quiet but full of anger like usual. I opened the door slowly and found my two step-sisters in the room too. The room had a nice shade of paint and carpet. The windows were wide open and my step-sisters were both picking out dresses to try on from a closet. It used to be my closet… all the dresses I used to own was in there. My step-mother forbids me to go into this room without permission. She had given me a few dresses she had chosen after my father died. They were all the same… a sleeveless dress that went up to my knees and a long sleeve shirt under it (A/N: It's what Cinderella wears in her first movie =) I love all three movies so much! =)). I didn't complain at all. I was grateful she gave me dresses.

"Step-mother, did you call for me?" I asked politely. My father had married again after my mother died from sickness. He was afraid I would feel lonely so he married Sellon, my step-mother. She already had two daughters named Soon and Chris when she moved in. It was wonderful until my father was killed… Sellon despised me. She hated me for being my father's favourite… she hated that my father loved me more.

"Here's the rest of your list of chores," she handed me a piece of rolled up paper. I unrolled it and gasped.

"All of this…?" I whispered.

"Yes, first you will finish washing the floor. Then you'll change the curtains and gather our bed sheets. They need to be washed today. Then laundry and don't forget the supermarket. After that you will help Chris and Soon with their dresses and then and only then will you be able to take your break," she ordered.

"Yes step-mother," I sighed. I heard Soon and Chris snicker as they tried on their dresses. I left the room and shut the door quietly. It was going to be a long day. I went back to the hall and continued to wash the floor. I took the bucket of water and placed it in the middle again. Then I rinsed the cloth and started to scrub the floor.

"If only Fairy Godmother Julie hadn't saved me," I whispered to myself. When my mother was about to have me, she grew very sick. The village doctor had said there was no way I could survive. Then that night, Fairy Godmother Julie appeared in my mother and father's room. She granted my mother's wish of seeing me healthy. If she didn't, then my father wouldn't have had to marry again and spend time with a woman that never loved him.

"Alice…" I heard a voice whisper. I looked around to make sure no one was there before I made my way to the open window.

"Runo?" I called as I lifted myself on to the windowsill and jumped out on to the fresh snow. I was immediately enveloped by a hug. I hugged my best friend back.

"I haven't seen you in weeks! So much has happened," she said hurriedly knowing that I had to go back inside soon. My best friend, Runo Misaki, came from a very rich family. Today she wore a beautiful long blue dress with a white soft warm cape that was embroidered with fur because of the cold.

"I miss you so much," I admitted.

"Same," she sighed without letting go of me, "I met a knight the other day. He was so dreamy… I'm going to meet him at the ball tomorrow."

"There's a ball?" I asked confused.

"Yes, tomorrow," she stared at me in disbelief, "Didn't the messenger, Marucho, come to your house?"

"I... I don't know…" I said sadly. Why did Sellon have to hide it from me? Why couldn't I go to the ball?

"Alice, you're the only person who's never seen the prince before," Runo pointed out. I sighed smiling. I had always imagined him to be tall, brave and handsome… someone that others could look up to when they needed protection…

"I really want to," I snapped out of my thoughts. I really wanted to see the prince. It was a bit stupid to be living in a kingdom and not know who the prince is.

"Well maybe if you ask your step-mother, she might…" Runo was interrupted by a cold voice.

"The answer is no," I turned around to find Sellon standing inside the house annoyed and angry.

"I better go," Runo whispered. I gave her a slight nod and then she left hurriedly. I stood there staring at the snow covered ground unsure of what to do next.

"Alice Gehabich, come in this instant," Sellon commanded.

"Yes step-mother," I lifted myself on to the windowsill again and then slipped back into the house. After a long uncomfortable silence I knew I had to say something, "Step-mother, I'm sorry, I can explain."

"You are to stay at home tomorrow when we're at the ball. You are to not have dinner tonight," she stated and then grabbed my arm. She began to pull me across the hall and stopped at a door.

"No, please don't leave me in there," I begged. I had been left in that empty closet before for a two nights. It was cold and dark in there. It was the place she would send me whenever I disobeyed her. I struggled to not be pushed in. She opened the door and tilted my chin with her finger so I would look at her.

"Disobey me again and it will get worse," she threatened. She shoved me into the closet. I tripped over my own feet and fell.

"No, please!" I cried as she slammed the door shut. I heard the key go in and the door lock but that didn't stop me from trying. I picked myself up from the cold stone ground and looked for the knob. I tried turning it over and over again… it was no use. I knew she wouldn't let me out until tomorrow morning when she needed me to fix their dresses. I dropped to the ground slowly and broke down into tears. Why was this happening to me? I brought my knees close to my chest and continued to cry…

Shun's P.O.V.

"You're a knight Dan, show me some of your skills," I smirked as he tried one of his moves again. I held up my sword and blocked it easily. Then I managed to fling his sword out of his hand and point sword at his throat. We were currently in my training room. There were swords hung up on one side of the walls and shields on another. It was my favourite place to be in the palace.

"Okay, either I need a lot more practice or you're just way too good," Dan panted as I took my sword back and placed it back in my sheath.

"Just because I'm the prince doesn't mean you need to go easy on me," I glared annoyed. Every single time we had our sword fights, he would always go easier on me. One of the servants handed me a cup of water and I thanked him.

"I wouldn't dare upset the prince," Dan laughed as he raised both his hands innocently. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. Daniel Kuso was my best friend and one of the knights that worked in my castle. We had known each other since we were four. His personality was completely different than mine… I honestly don't know how he became my best friend.

"Prince Shun," I turned to the door and saw one of the servants standing there, "King Ace and Queen Mira want to see you your highness."

"Thank you Chan. Could you please tell my father and mother I'll be there in a second," I asked.

"Yes your highness," she gave a quick bow and then left the room.

"Man, it must be awesome being the prince," Dan grinned as he walked towards the door. I followed him out.

"Sure it is," I stated sarcastically. Most people would think being a prince was wonderful. Every single maiden in the kingdom wants to marry you and you get special treatment. You get to live in a huge castle and you have everything you want. Well it wasn't true. For just a few minutes… even for just a minute, I would like to leave the castle without anyone following. I wanted to be free and do whatever I please without my father reminding me the responsibilities of a prince once every half an hour. I stepped into a long hall with many windows. I peaked outside and saw the beautiful snow falling slowly from the sky.

"Why wouldn't it be? You're going to be in charge one day!" Dan had a huge grin on his face as he imagined all the food I could order him.

"I'll be right back," I told him when we reached the king and queen's throne room. He nodded slightly before going back to his dream. The two guards bowed and then opened the door for me. I thanked them before heading inside. I walked across the long red carpet. There were portraits of our ancestors on the walls along with some paintings from when I was young. At the end of the carpet, the king and queen sat on there throne smiling.

"Did you call for me?" I asked.

"Yes Shun. Guess what?" Ace got out of his throne and approached me. Before I could guess, my mother had already told me.

"You're going to get married!" Mira said joyfully.

"What?" I shouted surprised.

"To Princess Fabia. She's from the Kingdom of Neathia," Mira continued.

"Wait, but why?" I questioned. Marrying was something I haven't thought about yet. I wasn't interested at all.

"Shun, you're the Prince of Vestroia. It's time for you to get married," Ace explained.

"But mother, father, I don't even know who she is," I argued.

"Queen Serena and I have been friends for quite long. She married to a kind man, King Jesse," Mira tried persuading me but it wasn't going to work (A/N: Haha guys I know Serena and Jesse don't exactly mix… XD but I couldn't think of a better guy, sorry).

"Mother, I'm sorry but I don't think I'm ready for this," I sighed.

"It's too late Shun. Princess Fabia will be coming to our ball tomorrow," Ace stated not wanting to argue with me anymore.

"She can come, whatever but don't expect to like her," I said still not convinced. I turned around and left my parents thinking. Why did I have to get marry now? I pushed the door open angrily and found my best friend on the ground rubbing his head.

"You could have opened the door slower you know," Dan glared.

"Whatever," I was definitely not in the mood to deal with him. I understood why my mother and father were so keen on having me marry Fabia. First reason, she was a princess. Second, according to Mira, she was beautiful. And third, my parents want our family tree to continue to grow.

"What happened in there?" Dan asked curiously.

"It's none of your business," I muttered.

"Okay fine. I'll just leave you be. Besides, I need to go feed my horse," Dan turned around and started walking the other way.

"Wait," I turned to face him. He had one of his cheesy smiles.

"So you're going to tell me?" he asked hopefully.

"No," I stated bluntly, "But I do want to go ride my horse."

"Fine. Be that way hot-shot," Dan teased. I sighed and followed him to the stable. Some things just don't change, "Did I tell you I have a date at the ball?"

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes as Dan started to tell me about a blue haired maiden. Why did people fall in love so easily? What's the point anyway? It's even worse since I'm the prince. I needed to marry someone with 'high authority' my father once said. If I wasn't going to marry Fabia, I would probably end up marrying another princess. I sighed. I guess that's just life as a prince.

Me: How was it? This story isn't going to be following the exact story of Cinderella so it is going to have more chapters =). You'll see what I mean next chapter. There may be some parts you'll recognize too =)

Runo: Wait I have a date with a knight?

Dan: Don't tell me it's me!

Runo: I thought he was dreamy?

Me: Hehe…

Dan and Runo: Are you out of your mind?

Me: Uhh… it'll get better =). Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter. Please leave a review or a comment. I like to hear your opinions =). Thanks for reading! I'll see you next time! =)