
Sarah was lounging in the gardens. It was a bright spring morning, and the sun had just warmed the land. She listened to the chirping of birds, and faint laughter in the distance. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, drawing in the crisp fresh air.

She was startled to find Jareth kneeling beside her once she opened her eyes. She went to say something, but the second she opened her mouth, it was captured by his. He clutched the side of her face, pushing her to the ground. Their tongues danced in a frantic frenzy. It was only broken once she started to giggle.

"And just what is it you find so amusing, pet?" He asked, giving her a seductive snarl. She gave him a mischievous smile, suggestively arching her back before she spoke.

"In a hurry are we?" She asked. His eyes narrowed on her.

"I have all the time I need." He said, taking her lips once again. He lowered himself to her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. One of his arms went around her back, holding her to him.

Sarah gasped when Jareth suddenly toppled forward.

"You're not supposed to attack Mommy! She's the Queen!" Came a high pitch yelp.

Jareth caught himself just in time not to crush Sarah. He snarled to the dirt, while Sarah started giggling again. He turned his head to see a very unhappy looking little boy, with rich dark hair and striking green eyes, clung to his shoulders.

"And you're not supposed to attack Daddy, he's the King." Sarah teased, giving Jareth a joking eye.

He gave a huff, and stood, with the child still clung to his back.

"I am the great Lord Byron! And I will protect my Queen from all evildoers!" Young Byron bellowed, squeezing his grip around his fathers neck. Jareth was forced to laugh, as he spun around in a circle, whirling his son through the air.

Once they were both fairly dizzy, he set the boy down.

"And what, are you, doing." Jareth annunciated. "Aren't you supposed to be hiding?" He asked the little Knight. Byron stood firm, returning the same stare as Jareth.

"Aren't you supposed to be counting? I knew there was a reason why you wanted to count. Kissing girls is against the rules!" Byron lectured. Jareth tried to remain serious, but failed. With Sarah laughing furiously in the background, Jareth knelt down with an amused smile. Byron returned an annoyed scowl.

"Forgive me, great knight. I shall abide by the rules from here on out.." Jareth said, with a hand over his heart. He couldn't get over how much spirit his son had. It reminded him of himself in so many ways. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. "Allow me to bid thy lady farewell?" He asked. Byron gave him a mistrusting glare, but nodded in compliance.

Sarah smiled in utter amusement as Jareth approached her. She reached out her hand for him to take, and he gave it a supple kiss.

"Until time permits, my lady." He said, with a most conniving sneer. Sarah's face would've grown hot if she didn't see her son taping his foot from over his shoulder.

Jareth stood, and turned to his son, giving him an ushering gesture.

"Go on." He said. Byron's scowl immediately turned into a wide smile as he took off into the garden. Jareth turned and gave Sarah a wink, before he too disappeared.

It wasn't long until she heard the echo of a scream from within the garden. She shook her head to herself. Looks like he found Aria. She laughed.

No sooner, did Jareth reappear with a feisty blonde haired girl under his arm.

"You cheated Daddy! I wasn't ready yet!" She yelled. Jareth laughed, flipping her over his shoulder as he set her down next to the tree under which Sarah was residing.

"Why is everyone accusing me of foul play today?" He asked rhetorically. Both he and Sarah watched as their darling princess slumped against the tree, crossing her arms as she pouted. He knelt down, and put a hand up as if to whisper something to her. "My fair princess, look, I have something for you." He said.

"What?" She asked, searching his eyes. He reached into his jacket, and pulled out a lavender colored rose.

"For the most beautiful princess in all the land." He said. She smiled and plucked it from his hand.

"Thank you, Daddy." She said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled at her, glancing over to Sarah as he stood once again.

"Well, off to find your mother's fearless protector. I'm sure he's off in a tree, waiting with a bow and arrow by now." He said, sarcastically. Sarah laughed, watching him go up in a puff of smoke.

She looked over to Aria, and ushered for her to join her.

"That's a pretty flower." Sarah said, moving her arms to allow her daughter to huddle underneath them.

"Yea, did he give you one?" She asked, looking up to her mother. Sarah smirked, lifting her hand to display the rose that lay behind her. It was full bloom, where as Aria's was still opening up, and it was yellow.

The day pressed on in a similar fashion, Jareth would steal a minute or two with Sarah, only to be interrupted by two tiny Fae. Sarah could only laugh and wave, while Jareth scowled. He loved his children with all his heart, but he was desperately seeking alone time with Sarah. What was once so fruitful, was considered a rare commodity these days. Sarah felt sympathy for her dear husband, he was feeling the brunt of it after all. Aria was one-hundred percent a daddy's girl, glued to his side no matter what. And, it was all too obvious of the way she had the fearsome Goblin King wrapped around her little finger. And, although there was no question that Byron was one hell of a mamma's boy, he usually showed it through his persistent instigations with Jareth. He was a fighter, and sparked a passion that drew Jareth like a moth to a flame. Inevitably, they fed off each other. Not to say that Sarah was left out of this little love triangle, it was just that lately Sarah had been feeling a little...off, and wasn't up for all the energy of two Fae children.

Sarah had just entered her and Jareth's chambers. It was about a quarter past five, and she needed to prepare for dinner. She turned to shut the door behind her, and was thrown back against it once she turned back around.

"You scared me." She said, her back pressing against the door under the weight of Jareth's chest.

He ran his hands over the curves of Sarah's body, kissing along her shoulder. She shuttered, it'd been a while since they'd fully enjoyed each others company, the slightest tingle of his breath against her skin was enough to do her in.

"I've managed to keep them occupied, for the time being." He whispered into her ear, gently licking the sensitive lobe. "A find the mere sight of you a tease. Each time I get closer, our little miracles seem to tear me away, as if on cue." She heard the sharp click of the door lock. Dark desire hazed both their eyes. "While they are a joy, I find myself in need of some ...Other kind of entertainment." He purred, kissing along her jaw and down her neck.

Without hesitation, his hands reached for the back of her thighs, lifting her from the floor. She wrapped her legs around his waist, as he pushed her even further against the door. Her chest rose and fell within her gown, and Jareth made sure to nip and kiss his way well into her bosom. His hands had fully encompassed the roundness of her ass, as he began to move his body against hers.

And then, there was a knock at the door.

They stopped, each glaring at the door. They didn't move, and kept as quiet as possible.

"Maybe if we're quiet, they'll go away." Sarah whispered. Jareth grinned, nipping the side of her neck.

Then, the knock came again. Jareth rolled his eyes.

"What?" He spat.

"Sire, I'm sorry to intrude-" Mage started to say, before Jareth cut her off.

"Then don't." He stated, returning his lips to his bride.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry, but it is of importance. You have a visitor." She said with caution. Sarah rolled her head back against the door with a thump.

"Who is it?" He demanded, not yet ready to give up his conquest of Sarah.

"Your father." She said. Jareth let out a frustrated sigh, as he set Sarah firmly on her feet. He gave a disgruntled sigh, turning his stare from the floor to her.

"I will have you, one of these days." He said, as if lecturing her.

He made to reach for the handle, but she cut him off, bringing her face close to his and running a hand along his inner thigh.

"It's kind of fun, isn't it? Like agonizing foreplay." She said, curling her tongue around his teeth. He gave in for a moment, lost in her seduction, before forcing his libido away from the rest of his brain once again.

"No. It's not." He stated, turning the handle on the door.

Sarah and Jareth entered the throne room to find their rambunctious children hanging from the arm of the High King of the Underground.

"Mommy, Daddy, look! Grandpa's here!" They hollered in unison, swinging from his arm as if it were a tree.

Jareth approached his father, and was noticeably anxious about it.

"Hello father." He said. "Byron, Aria, you will show manners befitting a prince and princess." He said, peering down at the energetic duo. They immediately jumped down, and took their places by their fathers side, standing upright and quiet. Oetheron gave a chuckle.

"Oh, Jareth, lighten up. There is no need for such formality." He said.

"It is always the time to practice ones etiquette." Jareth retorted. Oetheron sensed his son was not happy at the moment, and could only wonder as to why.

"Well, let's just hope they are more respectful than you were as a child." He said, giving his grandchildren a playful wink. Sarah stood to the side, holding each of their hands. Oetheron then turned his gaze to Sarah. "My dear daughter, you are looking ever so radiant." And he gave a low bow. Sarah smiled.

"It's good to see you. Are you here for business or pleasure?" She asked, wrapping an arm around Byron, who snuggled into her gown.

"Business, actually. Though, nothing too serious. Son, I must discuss with you the new treaty between the Troll kingdom. With Serena, and the rest of the conspirators gone, we can finally move on from this dark chapter." He said, glancing down to Byron. He couldn't believe how much the little lad resembled his baby brother, and how much of a warrior he was already proving to be.

"I am already past it, father. This won't take long." He said, turning to Sarah. "I'll see you tonight, if nothing else." He said, taking her hand to give it a gentle kiss. He watched Byron's reaction from the corner of his eye. The boy really did think girls had cooties. He then knelt down to his lovely children. "Please behave, and try not to wear your mother out. You know she hasn't been feeling well as of late." He said, with an implying eye. They shook their heads in unison, but said nothing. He turned back to his father, and gestured for them to leave. "Come, we will go to my study." And then they were gone.

After Sarah and the children finished dinner, they'd retired to the west wing, or the children's chambers. Sarah sat on the floor, brushing Aria's long blonde hair, while Byron played with a bunch of soldier and Goblin figurines. After a while, Byron spoke up.

"Mom, why is Dad and Grandpa making a treaty for the Trolls?" He asked, out of the blue. Sarah looked over, a bit taken back by her sons comprehension.

"Because the trolls did something very bad a long time ago." She said, continuing to brush her daughters hair.

"What did they do?" He asked, so innocently. She paused, not sure if they were ready.

"They tried to hurt Daddy and me. They hurt a lot of people along the way." She said.

"Like Uncle Byron?" He asked. Sarah whipped her head around.

"How do you know about him?" She asked, trying not to sound startled.

"I heard Daddy and Grandpa talking about him one time. Is that where I got my name?" He asked, looking up from his toys. Sarah sat, amazed. She couldn't believe they were only three. Apparently Fae developed faster than humans.

"Yes. Your Uncle Byron was a great warrior. He was protecting me from the bad guys." She trailed off.

"But he didn't make it?" He asked.

"No, he didn't. You were named after him, because if it wasn't for him, me and Daddy might not have made it." She said, glancing towards the floor.

"I'm gonna be a great warrior too, just like him. That way, I can protect you too." He said, turning his attention back to the little statues. Sarah stared at her son with a proud love. He was so much like his uncle, he truly kept his memory alive and happy, just as Jareth had promised.

"Mom, where'd I get my name?" Aria chimed in. Sarah shook her head a bit.

"After the lake. Remember the time we all went fishing? And we stayed in the cottage?" She glanced down at her blue eyed beauty, who glanced back up.

"Yea! That was fun, and really pretty." She beamed.

"I caught I huge fish!" Byron interjected.

The three enjoyed each others company for some time. Sarah marveled at how innocent, yet understanding her young prince and princess were. It wasn't until she saw the sun start to sink beyond the horizon that she noticed what time it was.

"Oh, wow. Hey guys, you know what time it is. Go wash up for bed." She said, rising from her seat on the floor. They hunched over in unison.

"Awwww." They drawled. Sarah tisked.

"Don't awww me, you know the drill." She said.

Slowly, but surely, they dragged themselves into the bathroom to wash their faces and brush their teeth. Once they reentered, she helped them dress and tucked them into bed. She gave them each a kiss, and tickled their sides until their frowns disappeared.

"Good night, my loves." She said.

"Goodnight." They said, waiting for her to turn off the light.

Once again, Sarah found herself entering her and Jareth's chambers. The room was empty, with nothing but the sound of the crackling fire. She walked over towards the armoire, replacing her gown with a simple night dress. She dressed slowly, secretly hoping Jareth might just so happen to appear. She gave a sigh when she realized he wouldn't.

She took a seat on the couch beside the fire, silently staring at the dancing flames. She'd been waiting in anticipation all day, waiting for the sun to go down. They'd been so busy lately, with both of them tending the children, and Jareth with his usual obligations, the two found themselves completely exhausted by the time they actually found themselves alone with each other. A slow wave of disappointment flushed over her, she didn't desire another night without his touch.

A bit lost in her daydreams, she almost didn't notice the dancing light out of the corner of her eye. A reflection? Something on the table. She turned her head slightly, focusing on the object in question. A pair of leather boots were propped up on the table, the light of the fire dancing over the sleek material. She sat up a bit, and turned further.

Jareth was sitting silently on the other end of the couch, absently twiddling his thumbs.

"How long have you been here?" She asked.

"Not too long. Things with my father took...longer than expected." He turned his gaze to her. "How are you feeling?" He asked. She rolled onto her back, propping her legs over his lap.

"Not good." She said, staring into his eyes. He cocked an eyebrow.

"No?" He asked. She gave him a devilish glare. His eyes darkened. "Tell me, pet, what ails you?" He asked, with a conniving sneer, leaning towards her .

"I don't know, something just doesn't feel right." She said, oh so innocently. He looked down, and ran his hand along her ankle and up her calf.

"Here?" He asked.

"No." She said. His hand continued under the folds of her dress, resting on the inner part of her thigh.

"How about here?" He asked again. She shook her head no. He leaned over further, grasping at her other thigh with his free hand. His fingers inched up her leg, feeling the heat already radiating from her core. His trailed his fingertips over more sensitive areas. His eyes were glued to her, reveling in the way she twitched. "I think I'm getting warmer." He purred, and she spread her legs a little further. He leaned in yet again, now hovering over her. He brought his head down, to capture her lips in a sumptuous kiss. His lips held hers, as he teased his fingers over her sensitive folds, slipping in one and then another. She jerked from the sharp sensation burning through her. Her back arched with each thrust of his hand. "I think I've found it." He whispered into her ear.

"Yes..." She whispered back. He gave her gentle kisses along her jaw.

"I think I have a way to fix this." He purred into her neck. She turned her head away, allowing him further access.

She thought she saw something. Did the door just move? She wondered, focusing her eyes against the dimly lit room. Her eyes widened, and she practically kicked Jareth into the fireplace. Jareth was shocked to say the least, trying to figure out why Sarah had just attacked him, and why she was fumbling like a madwoman, and why her face was beat red. Sarah glared up at him.

"We have a visitor." She whispered eyeing the door behind them.

Jareth looked past his Sarah, and the couch, to the door. Little fingers, and a wide eyes curled around it. Sarah was still straightening herself up.

"Honey, didn't I already tuck you in?" Sarah asked, about to jump from the couch. The figure in the doorway hesitated, Jareth gave a sigh.

"Daddy didn't say goodnight." Came a timid little voice. Jareth gave a soft smile, crossing the room to scoop up his darling little princess. He held her in his arms, and gave her a hard kiss on the forehead.

"As my lady bids." He said to his little Aria, who smiled back at him. "But this time I'll make sure you are tucked in so tight you will be unable to escape." He teased, and she stuck her tongue out at him. He turned and gave Sarah a farewell smirk, before disappearing into the hall.

Sarah tried to count how many time they'd been interrupted that day.

Jareth carried his little Aria all the way back to the children's chambers. Byron was well asleep, so he was careful not to disturb him. He tucked her in, good and tight -true to his word.

"I can't move, Daddy." She squirmed. Jareth brushed the golden locks of hair from her face.

"I told you, no escaping this time." He gave her an implying eye. She got the hint, and settled down. He smirked at her defeat. "Goodnight, my precious." He said, leaning to give her a kiss.

"That's what you call Mommy." She interjected. He cracked a smile.

"Yes, you are both my precious." He said. She put her little arms around his neck and squeezed. he returned her embrace, but with far less force.

"Goodnight, Daddy." She said. He gave a low chuckle, kissing the top of her nose.

"Sleep well, princess." He went up in a puff of sparkles, glittering in the moonlight.

Sarah had counted all the way to her toes by the time Jareth returned. She watched as he leaned against the door. He rolled his head towards her giving a look of exhausted victory.

"So much spirit, I blame you." He said, his mouth curling on one end. She gave him an eye, turning her body to face him.

"Is the fearsome Goblin King complaining?" She teased.

"No." He said, very matter-of-factly, making his way towards her. He reached for her hand, and pulled her to her feet. He wrapped one arm around her waist, while the other clasped her hand as if to embark on a dance. "As I say it now, there will be no more interruptions." He spoke, low and menacingly.

"Are you sure?" She asked, still counting in the back of her head. He pulled her to him, causing her to gasp from the sudden movement.

"I locked their door." He said, with cynical charm. "And ours." He added, running both his hands up the length of her waist, stopping just under her bosom. She gave him a seductive stare, before he lifted her from the floor, spinning her around, and thrusting them both into the wall with a hard thud.

She let out another gasp, her legs clinging around his waist on instinct. He bit his way up her neck, the rough pain mixed with pleasure made her blood boil.

"I don't care if I have to put bars and chains on every door and window, and hide you in an Oubliette, I will have you." He snarled, most seductively.

She felt his hands wrap around the back of her thighs, squeezing at her tender flesh. Sarah grabbed either side of his face, and devoured his lips in a primal kiss. He thrust his pelvis against hers, eliminating any remaining space between them. Her hands moved down to his chest, pushing and pulling at the fabric of his shirt.

Jareth's hands trailed over the curve of her ass and up her waist, bringing her nightgown with it. She tightened her grip around his hips, and lifted her arms in the air as he pulled the fabric from her body.

In a flash, he whirled them around, collapsing onto the bed. His hands roamed over her flesh in a starved frenzy, pushing her further and further up the bed. She'd finally gotten ahold of his shirt, freeing it from his straining pants, and practically ripping it over his head. Wasting no time, she ripped open the confines of his pants, now bulging with desire. His fingers pinched at her taunt nipples, as his lips left a trail of kisses down her neck.

She arched into him, giving a low moan as his tongue flicked over the rosy bud. His hands curled around her breasts, relishing his own arousal from her own. His head made its way back to hers, and their lips locked into another hungry kiss. He moved his body against hers, pressing his girth against her center, letting the heat from her core harden him further. Sarah noticed his pants were no longer an issue.

His arms had engulfed every part of her, and she was dripping with anticipation.

"Jareth...please." She said, almost short of breath, her mouth drawn agape. His tongue curled around her teeth, as he focused on the rhythmic pressure he was applying. She gave soft gasps of longing, and he felt himself throb.

"It's kind of fun isn't it? Like agonizing foreplay." He sneered, teasing her entrance with his own burning desire. He felt her wetness against him, lubricating him as he dipped the head in and out.

"No...it's not." She said, completely exasperated. She wanted nothing more than for him to take her right then, but she knew he wouldn't. It was euphoric torture.

He stared down at her, his hand swirling a path down her body, teasing her nipples and making her hair stand on edge. She grew more and more tense as he neared her naval, and ever more when he continued lower. He ran a finger lightly over her center, making sure to hit it in just the right spot. She started to moan, and his finger was joined by another. Slowly, but surely, his hand came closer and closer to her entrance, which was practically begging for release- or fulfillment. He let the moisture dripping from her core coat his fingers, before thrusting them into her.

She felt a sharp sensation in her abdomen, and would have jumped from the shock of it, if Jareth weren't holding her to the bed.

Staring into his eyes, she ran a hand down his chest, pinching at his own nipples, before making her way down his front to grasp his burgeoning manhood. He gave a momentary flinch of pleasure once her hand surrounded him. Her eyes glistened as she took in just how long and hard he was.

"I don't think you really want to tease me, do you?" She asked, playfully. His mouth drew open with hers, almost distracted by the way she moved her hand around him.

"No..." He said, lost in her eyes.

She didn't have time to respond, because in an instant, Jareth grabbed her by the shoulder and flipped her over, pressing his chest against her back making her unable to move. His hand pulled her hair to one side, freeing her neck for his lips, while simultaneously thrusting himself inside her.

She let out a loud moan, clenching the sheets between her fingers. His second thrust was harder than the first, and he grabbed her hands, holding them to the bed above her head. She was completely incapacitated, and at his will.

He arched his hips, moving faster and faster. She had no choice but to just take it. She fought to free herself, the desire to ravish him with her own hands burning in her core. While one hand held her wrists, the other reached under, latching onto one of her breasts. She curled her head into the blankets, closing her eyes as she gave into him.

They were both moaning and panting furiously. Jareth had released her hands, bringing his arms to encircle her in a kind of embrace, as he kissed and licked at her ear.

"Jareth, yes please...don't stop." She moaned. He bit and growled at the tender flesh of her neck in response.

He felt her grow hotter, and slowed his pace, making sure every thrust was hitched at the perfect angle. Sarah twitched, he knew precisely how to work her body. She felt a sharp sensation at each thrust, and felt the building pressure from down low.

"Omygod...Jareth, I'm so close." She whispered in ecstasy. Jareth gave a low moan as he brought his hand down to clasp around her hip, pulling her into his thrust.

"You'll be my undoing." He said into her shoulder.

She couldn't stand it, the way his voice was lain so thick with erotic pleasure. She arched into him, focusing on her own release. Her fists tightened around the sheets, and Jareth brought his free hand to entwine it in hers.

They were both on the edge, about to boil over. Sarah was on fire, her walls constricting around him with each thrust. The feeling was astounding. He gave a final few hard thrusts, unable to prolong himself any further. He gave an exasperated moan as he spilled all of his pent up tension inside her.

The way he hooked his hips just then, completely overtook her. She gave a loud scream of ecstasy as she exploded around him.

They were both completely out of breath, both feeling a long needed release, but still they kept going.

In one movement, he rolled her on her back, taking her face in both his hands and seizing her lips as he continued thrusting himself inside her. She threw her arms around his neck, holding him to her, her fingers getting lost in the wild mane of his hair. She was still dripping wet, and he was just as hard.

Her hands moved to encompass his arms, slightly clawing at his pale flesh. They lost themselves in the loving embrace, losing any track of time, and feeling nothing but one another. They hadn't noticed, but after a while, things had slowed.

The two had reverted, to a slow kiss, and they moved in a low rhythm with one another. Jareth's hand was firmly entwined in her hair, and her fingers grazed along the contours of his back. Aside from their breathing, it was quiet. It was only when she tensed slightly, releasing a light gasp against his lips that he felt her orgasm.

He continued to kiss her, until they moved at a snails pace. He moaned softly, and returned the same soft gasp, closing his eyes as he gave himself to her, yet again.

They stayed that way for a long while, neither wanting to remove the other, just kissing over and over. Finally, he pulled himself from her, and gazed upon her face with heartfelt eyes, his thumb stroking her cheek.

"I love you, Sarah mine." He whispered. Her eyes sparkled into his.

"And I love you." She whispered back. He gave her a light kiss, and pulled her to his side as he lay on the bed.

They lay motionless, with nothing but the dimming light of the fire. Jareth's eyes were closed, but Sarah's were wide open, lost in a daze over the dancing flames.

"Jareth?" She said, after a long while.

"Yes?" He replied, heavy contentment lain thick in his voice.

"I'm not feeling very well." She said. He peered down at her.

"Already? Give me a few minutes." He laughed.

"No, that's not what I mean." she said, with a little caution.

"Then what do you mean, precious?" He asked, glancing down, but unable to discern her face.

She nuzzled into the nook of his arm, resting a hand over his chest.

"Court is receiving new members." She said, rather flatly. Jareth sat up, confused.

"Sarah, what are you talking about?" He asked, turning her face to his. She looked away, trying to hide her smile. He didn't notice the way her hands laid over her stomach.

"We're going to have to expand the west wing." She said, not ready to look up at him. His eyes scanned her face intently, raising an eyebrow at her statement.

"And why would we need to do that?" He asked slowly. Her eyes darted down to her lap, and Jareth's followed, before looking up to him with a smile.

"Because..." She hesitated. "we're going to have another prince or princess." She said, waiting for his reaction.

It was silent a moment. He just stared at her, with an almost unbelieving expression on his face. She waited, trying not to let the moment grow awkward.

"Sarah...I-" He cut himself off, eyes wide and mouth agape. Her eyes darted, and she started fidgeting with the blanket. She gave him a wary smile. "I couldn't have dreamt of anything so perfect." He said, pulling her to him, and wrapping his arms around her in a full but gentle embrace. "Thank you, my morning star, my yellow diamond. I am the one with magic, yet it is you who has given me my dreams, time and time again. I love you, my Sarah." He said, holding her tight.

She felt a warm grin spread across her face, and returned his embrace.

"It is my dream to make you happy, Jareth. I love you." She said in the darkness.

"As the world falls down." He whispered, losing himself to the feel of her hair against his face, and her skin against his. He closed his eyes, holding onto nothing but the warmth of her body, and the heat that radiated with their love, love that was about to begin anew.

Their hearts beat as one, and he smiled with the realization that there were now three.

"Think you're up for the challenge? It's going to be difficult, having more little Fae's running around the castle" Sarah asked. Jareth gave a small huff.

"As long as you stand by my side, I would have it no other way." He smiled, and pulled her into the sheets.

They lost themselves to each other. The moon shone bright, as time stopped for only them. It was just another day, one more night to share, and yet, they still had forever.

A/N- Alright, it's finally done. Personally, I think this was my favorite chapter to write; but feel free to let me know what you think ;D I live for reviews and comments so please, anything is appreciated. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I hope you continue to follow along with whatever I go on to write. I'm well into When Life Gives You Lemons, so if you haven't read that one, I highly recommend it ;D Thanks again for reading, until next time!