SM owns Twilight. Me... not so much!

Sniff :'o)



I'm 27 today.

I like it.

I think I'm even happy that I'm getting older.


We're having a party later.

Family, friends, everyone will be here.

Even Alice and Jasper. They do make a good couple.

I've accepted their relationship.

And now, Edward and I have an announcement to make.

No, I'm not pregnant, although both our sets of parents would love that.

We're actually getting married.

Edward and I, yeah, we're doing that.

And maybe someday, we'll even do the baby thing.


Thank you to each and every one of you that took time to read and enjoy this little story. It means the world to me to have your support.

A huge thanks goes out to my girls who participated in this war with me. They are awesome! :o)