Hey, well here's the next chapter…I'm pretty sure this will be the last chapter.

I don't own TMNT


Mikey rubbed his eyes; trying to be sure they were really open. He was surrounded by such pitch black darkness that it didn't matter if his eyes were open or closed. He scanned the thick darkness for any sign of life. There was a deep chuckle that filled the air and Mikey immediately felt his blood boil. "Shredder! Get out here you coward!" The Shredder stepped out from the darkness. Mikey gulped. "What do you want, you bastard!" His voice cracked slightly as he spoke. Stay calm. I wish I'd paid attention to all of Leo's lectures. He thought angrily.

"I want to kill you and your foolish brothers." The Shredder snarled and he disappeared. Mikey stayed perfectly still waiting to sense which direction he was coming from. He felt a slight breeze behind him and barely had time to dodge as Shredder's claws tried to cut his head off. He flipped forward and reached for his nun-chucks, only to find they weren't there. He growled in annoyance and backed away from the advancing form of the Shredder. He could feel panic threatening to overtake him but he forced himself to remain calm. Suddenly the Shredder rushed forward, ranking his claws across Mikey's arms as he past. Mikey bit back a cry of pain and turned again to face the Shredder but he wasn't there. It was completely silent as he waited for any sign of the madman. He closed his eyes and concentrated, hoping to sense where he would strike. Focusing on his surroundings he still heard nothing but crushing silence. After what felt like years he felt it, it was only a slight disturbance in the stillness, but it was enough. With all his strength Mikey jumped to his left and kicked the darkness. A satisfied grin spread across his face as he felt his foot connect the Shedders side.

The Shredder's figure separated from the darkness from that he used as a shield, as he flew 10 feet and landed hard on the ground. Mikey took a defensive stance and ignored the throbbing pain in his foot from kicking the Shredder's armor so hard. Slowly the Shredder stood up; when his eyes met Mikey's, he felt a shutter go through him. His glowing red eyes were so full of fury and hate that it literally hurt him like a physical injury. "I am through messing around turtle. I've had enough of you." As he spoke the blackness around Mikey's ankle started to suck him in. He felt as if he were standing in quicksand with no way out. He clawed desperately around him trying to get a firm grip on something, anything! But his fingers only met more of the same dark sand. It was now around his waist and he was sinking fast. He saw the Shredder standing above him, a cruel, amused laugh echoing off the invisible walls. As the cold sand reached his shoulders he felt himself falling. The shadows swallowed him and he was gone.

~Leo, Don and Raph~

The three brothers watched helplessly as Mikey battled the Shredder within his own mind. They had noticed that his struggling had gotten weaker and weaker and now he was completely still. They glanced at each other hoping that this meant that Mikey was winning and the Shredder was being pushed back. They waited worriedly as the pained expression on Mikey's face disappeared; Raph looked at Don before he placed a hand on Mikey's shoulder. They saw Mikey's eyes flutter and their hope soared, but in a matter of seconds their hope was crushed as Mikey jumped out of bed and punched Raph in the stomach. He stumbled back from the force of the punch while Leo and Don took defensive stances in front of him. They all knew it wasn't Mikey they were fighting; it was their worst enemy, the Shredder. Leo pulled out one of his katanas; even though he didn't want to hurt his own brother he knew that with the Shredder controlling him, Mikey wouldn't hesitate to kill them. Don did the same and behind the Raph, having finally gotten his bearings, rushed forward and grabbed Mikey's arms.

"Mikey! You have to fight that bastard!" The only response was an amused laugh. Mikey's cold blue eyes bore into Raph's amber ones and he pulled one of Raph's sais from his belt and plunged it into his side. Raph wailed in pain as Mikey pulled the sai back out. Blood splattered across the floor and seeped from the injury.

"Your weak brother can't hear you. I have finished him and now I'll do the same to each of you." Mikey's usually bright, happy voice was low and menacing. Leo and Don both stared shocked and horrified at what had just happened. Leo got over his shock first and pushed Don back towards where Raph was kneeling on the floor.

"Don watch Raph." He ordered. Don was about to protest but Leo had already lunged at Mikey. The sounds of metal clashing filled the air as Leo pushed Mikey back, out of the infirmary and into the living room. Don snapped out of his shock, he put Raph's arm over his shoulders and pulled him into standing position. Raph hissed in pain at the movement.

"Sorry Raph but I need to get you to a cot." Don mumbled as he walked him over to the cot that Mikey had been using. Raph sat down and let Don bandage his side but neither of the attentions was on what they were doing. All they could think about was Leo fighting against a possessed Mikey in the other room.


Their weapons connected once again as Mikey and Leo ran at each other. The stood for a moment blue and brown eyes locked before they jumped apart. Leo took several deep breaths and got ready for another attack. I have to break the Shredder's hold on him! I know Mikey is still there somewhere! He thought as Mikey ran at him, Leo dodged and kicked Mikey's legs out from under him. Mikey flipped off the ground and landed a few feet away. Leo noticed him wince ever so slightly as he landed on his broken leg. An idea hit him. Sorry Mikey, I know this will hurt but it's the only way. He shot forward, avoiding a fatal blow from Raph's sai and swung his leg out and hit the cast on Mikey's leg with everything he had. He made contact and Mikey yelled out in fury and pain as wave of agony shot through his leg. He stumbled to his left before he fell to his knees, breathing heavily. Leo snatched up the blood covered sai that he'd dropped and tossed it across the room. He kneeled down a few feet from Mikey, ready for an attack at any moment. He stared into his brother's, no; the Shredder's hate filled eyes. "Let go of my brother Shredder!" He growled.

"Why should I when he is already gone?" Shredder hissed back. Leo tried his best not to panic when he heard those words. Mikey is NOT gone! I just have to reach him!

"I know you're in there Mikey! You need to fight! You can't let the Shredder win!" Somewhere in those icy eyes Leo saw something flicker, some of the hate falter for a second before it was gone again. He took a careful step forward. "Fight him Mikey! You are a ninja don't let him control you!" Suddenly Mikey drove a fist into Leo's chest. Leo fell back but quickly regained his composure.

"Shut up fool! He is already gone! You cannot save him!" Shredder snarled. Leo knew what was happening, the Shredder was afraid, afraid of losing control and being overpowered.

"You can win this! Push the Shredder back!" Leo watched as Mikey's body shook and he clutched his head.


He was floating, his mind was blank and nothing mattered anymore.

He was gone.

You can win Michelangelo!

The voice was so faint that it was almost lost in the empty space. But then it came again, slightly less muffled.

Push back the Shredder! Don't let him win!

Consciousness swam back to him. Shredder…? He thought hazily. The voice was still calling out to him calling encouragement. He slowly recognized the voice as his oldest brother's…but why was he calling out to him? Realization finally seemed to catch up with him. The Shredder was controlling him! Using his body to kill his brothers! His whole body protested but he opened his eyes and felt himself laying in some never ending black nothingness. Scanning the area for anything that might help him he saw something glinting. He walked over to the small light and saw it was one of Raph's sais! The blades were covered in blood. He gingerly picked it up and then an image came into his mind. It was of himself stabbing Raph in the side, while a low chuckle rumbled from his throat. But somehow he knew it wasn't him, it was the Shredder. He gripped the hilt of the sai and felt anger boil in him. He looked around at the nothingness and screamed.

"SHREDDER! YOU BASTARD! COME OUT OF WHERE EVER YOU'RE HIDING SO I CAN KICK YOUR ASS!" He screamed so loud his throat actually hurt but he didn't care. He was DONE with the Shredder using him to hurt his brothers! He saw the silhouette of the Shredder standing ahead of him. He seemed weaker than before. Mikey didn't waste any time and he ran at the Shredder. He ignored the searing pain in his stomach as the Shredder lashed out at him. With every ounce of strength he had, he rammed the sai into the Shredder's chest. A wail of pain filled the space and the darkness seemed to be evaporating. As the Shredder disappeared a low whisper whirled past him.

"You've won for now, but I will kill you and your pathetic family." Then it was gone and Mikey felt himself being thrown back in control.

~Leo, Don and Raph~

Leo was holding Mikey while his body shook and he groaned in pain. Suddenly his body tensed and he pulled out of Leo's hold. He coughed and suddenly threw up blood. Leo could only stare in terror as Mikey vomited up the red liquid, after a few minutes the blood wavered to a slow trickle down his chin. Leo rushed over and picked up Mikey as he started to fall forward. He held him bridal style and carried him into the infirmary once again. He saw Raph sitting on one of the cots leaning against the way, his eyes where slightly glazed over but he still sat up and looked at Leo and Mikey as they entered. Don rushed over from where he had been pacing. They set Mikey down on another cot. "He started shaking and then he coughed up a bunch of blood and passed out." Leo explained concern lacing his calm tone. Don quickly went to work setting up a blood transfusion to make up for the blood loss.

"Well? What now?" Raph asked impatiently. Don shook his head.

"All we can do now is wait."

It silent in the lair, everything was still and nothing moved. The only sign that anyone lived there was from the snores in the infirmary. Don sat in the infirmary watching the monitors that indicated Mikey was still alive. He stifled a yawn as he glanced over at his other two brothers. Raph was sleeping in the cot next to Mikey's and Leo was meditating in the corner. A moan cut through the stillness and everyone was immediately awake. The all hovered over Mikey's bed to see him moan again and his eyes slowly open. Mikey opened his eyes and gave them a weak smile. "Hey guys." He whispered. He was tackled by three massive hugs. "Love you guys too but I can't breathe here." They reluctantly let go and he took several grateful breaths. Silence hung heavily in the air before Leo spoke.

"Mikey did you…um…well…" He didn't know exactly how to ask the question but fortunately Mikey understood and answered with a grin.

"I beat him. He's gone…" For now. Mikey thought to himself but he didn't voice his concerns. All his brothers looked exhausted. "Guys…I'm sorry that I let this happen." He felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes.

"DON'T EVER SAY THAT MIKEY!" He jumped at Raph's harsh tone and looked up to see no anger in Raph's face only concern and anxiety. He was surprised to see unshed tears glistening in his tough brother's eyes. "It wasn't you fault Mikey! Don't apologize!" Mikey couldn't help but smile at Raph's angry concern.

"Raph's right Mikey. It wasn't your fault." Leo said doing a better job of keeping his emotions in check. Don nodded in agreement. Mikey smiled and yawned. "Get some rest Mikey." Leo smiled gently. Mikey's eyes slid closed and he was asleep in seconds.

Over the next few days Mikey slowly recovered and things began to return to normal. Don had tested Mikey's blood again and found that all the robots were out of his system. It seemed that when Mikey threw up all that blood, it was his body getting rid of the robots. They were just happy to have their baby brother back.


Yep, that's it! I hope you liked it! That last chapter was 5 pages! Wow! Crazy! I read over it and corrected the spelling errors too! X3 I loved writing this story and I hope you loved reading it. Sorry for the wait on this chapter and I hope you review telling me if you liked it! Thanks for reading!