Alright, this is the final chapter! I hope you like it!

Beth was walking home from school one day. She normally drove home, but her car was in the shop, and all of her friends were at Cheerios practice and football practice. Beth pouted. She didn't WANT to have to quit the Cheerios. Thankfully, however, due to her good looks, fashionable clothes, and quick wit, she was still the most popular girl in the school, and all the boys still wanted to date her. However, of course, she couldn't date them. While it annoyed her that her overprotective mother wouldn't let her have a boyfriend, it did slightly amuse her to watch all the boys sweat and chase after her. Of course, she didn't let them know the reason she turned them down was because of her mom. Hell no! That would lower her popularity. They all thought she broke up with Brandon because she totally saw him checking out Maria all the time at the football games when the cheerleaders were cheering (so true) and that she wouldn't date guys that asked her out because she had high standards. That day, Beth was wearing a sleevless tank top with a big heart on it and matching pink short shorts, despite the chilly autumn weather. Her hair was in a sexy side pony. Of course, Beth knew her mother would never approve of her outfit, so she had worn her coat that morning at breakfast, insisting she was super chilly, and while Shelby was skeptical, she accepted the excuse. Why wouldn't she? Beth thought. She thinks I'm a perfect angel who can do no wrong.

Beth was crossing the street, only two blocks away from her house, when it happened. A semi truck began driving towards her at a crazy speed. It seemed the truck was out of control. Beth was petrified. It felt like her feet were cemented to the ground. No matter how fast she walked, she knew she would never be able to make it to the sidewalk in time.

Beth saw her life flash before her eyes, as the truck came closer and closer.

Just then, she felt something body slam her from the side. She went flying through the air, and landed on the sidewalk.

Her knees and palms of her hands got scraped up, but at least she was alive. She looked around, curious to see who had done that.

And that was when she saw Quinn for the third time. However, this time, Quinn's hair was not in a ponytail, and she was not wearing her Cheerios uniform. This time, her blond hair fell in loose waves down to her waist, and she was wearing a white dress, with angels wings instead of arms. Beth shivered on the sidewalk, having a feeling that the chilliness she was feeling was not because of the autumn air. And just then, she felt instantly warm. Quinn must be able to read minds or something.

It appeared by the people passing on the sidewalk and the cars passing on the street that Beth was the only one who was able to see her mother.

Just then, Quinn disappeared into thin air, and Beth screamed, "Come back, don't leave me! I need you, I need you in my life!"

However, a tiny little lady with gray hair looked at Beth on the sidewalk, screaming and crying, and extended a hand. "Do you need help?" she asked. "Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm... fine," Beth said, taking the hand being extended and pulling herself. "Thank you."

Beth didn't even go home. Instead, she turned in the opposite direction, walking to the nearest flower shop.

"Could I get a boquet of white roses?" she asked. Shelby had told Beth a couple weeks ago that white roses had been Quinn's favorite flower.

Once Beth had roses and had paid, she exited the shop, jogging to the cemetery. Beth had looked it up a couple weeks ago, and had found out that Quinn had been buried there.

She walked around for a while. "F's," she muttered, finally finding the F's. She walked down the path until she found Quinn's grave. It said: Quinn Lucy Fabray, 1994-2011. A wonderful friend, girlfriend, daughter, and birth mother. May she rest in peace.

Tears began to slip down Beth's face, at her long lost mother. "I love you, Mom," she whispered. "I love you more than words can express. I never knew you, I never got to know you. I know there might've been a chance that I wouldn't know you even if you didn't kill yourself, since I was adopted and all, but there might've been a chance that we could've met someday. But now, that chance is over. I know you were ashamed of being a teen mom, you wanted your old life back, that's why you gave me up, but there's a part of me that wishes, deep down that you would've kept me, even if I do have a good life with Shelby. Just so you know, she treats me really well, even though I have a feeling you already know that, on account of you being in Heaven and all. I just want to say I love you, and I'll never forget about you. I'm sure no one else will be able to forget about you in Lima with me running around and all, since I know you already know this, but I'm the spitting image of you. So, just know I love you, and someday we'll meet again."

Beth placed the white roses on the gravestone. In the shadows, she could see Quinn standing there, smiling, looking like an angel, which made sense, because she WAS an angel. "I love you too," she whispered, before vanishing.

And those simple three words gave Beth the strength to walk all the way home.

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