(I know its been awhile... sorry... this is just a filter chapter. This story has about three more chapter in it... Dont worry the wedding is soon and then the bith of the babies. hope ya enjoy this one... i do believe that i got all the mistake out but maybe not.)

Big Time Rush touring was ending with only three more stops. Kendall had done sat out the last six shows. He was too tired however some of the shows he did come out to sing a few songs. The fans were great at the meet and greet bringing Kendall and Logan baby things which Kendall loved. His face would always light up at that. He loved how the Rushers were happy and excited for them both. Kendall's pregnancy was going great. He was eating right and graining the weight that he needed too and the development of the babies was right where they needed to be as well. The only things that was bothering Kendall was the fact that his feet looked huge.

"Babe how can you not see it? Look at them they are huge!" Kendall said as he picked his feet up off the ground to show Logan and Dustin. Dustin just shook his head and went back to playing the guitar and Logan tried to hold in his laugher. For the last few days, Kendall has been fixated on his feet. They were swollen the other day and hurting and ever since then Kendall has been going on and on about the way they look. Logan let out a sigh and moved over to the couch to sit by Kendall. It was a few hours before the show and the meet and greet.

"Sweetie I think they look perfect. They don't look like some monstrous looking feet." Logan said as he went in to give Kendall as kiss. Kendall pulled back and Logan looked up at him. "What?"

"Monstrous?" Kendall said raising his voice. Dustin heard and slowly set the guitar down and started heading towards the door. He didnt want to be hear for another Kendall Schimdt freak out. "Dustin don't even think about it!" Dustin froze. Kendall turned back to Logan with this look on his face "So my feet are monstrous looking?"

"Ken I said there NOT monstrous looking…" Spoke Logan, he moved his hand and picked Kendall's hand up trying to calm him down. His hormones have been very bad lately...

"Yea but you must have been thinking it to say it!" Kendall yelled out. Logan took in a deep breath as he saw a few tears in Kendall eyes.

"Oh baby I am sorry… I didn't mean it. You have great looking feet! The best I have even seen." Logan said moving over a little bit more and then picking Kendall legs up so they were rested on his lap. Logan moved his hands over the top of Kendall's feet and then leaned down and kissed them.

"Wow… your are such a suckup." Dustin spoke out as he started playing again. Kendall smiled at that.

"You have no idea how much of a suck up he can be." Kendall said. Dustin stopped; he didn't know what to say to that. Logan just smiled against Kendall feet and then started laughing.

"Well, I have to keep him happy but let me tell you once the kids are here I expected Kendall to go back to what he is damn good at."

"God I missed that… I miss running my…"

"Ok that's enough! Guys too much info there," Dustin yelled out. It was true those two didn't know when to stop. He had heard enough about their sex life to picture it.

It wasn't long until Kendall had falling asleep again. Logan knew he wanted to stay up for the meet and greet but Logan preferred that he slept. He wasn't sleeping that well at night since he couldn't get comfortable because if his growing belly,the hotel beds and the bunks on the tour bus. The only way Kendall was able to sleep was if he was lying on Logan chest. Logan groaned out as he stood there waiting for everything to be set up to meet some fans. He loved meeting the rusher but not today.

"Hey I thought Kendall wanted to be here?" James asked as he and Randle walked up. Logan turned around as they made their way towards him and Carlos.

"He did but he fell asleep and it's a good thing to he hasn't been sleeping that well at night. So I am glad he is out."

"No you're just happy that he is out so you don't have to hear about his feet." Dustin said walking up to them. Rolling his eyes Logan then shook his head but he was right Kendall was going crazy about his feet.

"Do we even want to know about that?" Carlos asked.

"No!" Both Dustin and Logan both yelled out at the same time.

(Page Break)

The meet and greet went fine as always. Logan told the fans that Kendall wanted to be here but he was tried and needed to rest. The fan understood. It was now and hour before show time and everyone was in the back room. Carlos was taking picture like always and James was doing something with someone. Kendall was sitting there with his feet propped up on the table with his head on Logan shoulder.

"Please tell me you're not thinking about your feet." Logan said bringing Kendall out of his thoughts. Kendall picked his head up and smiled at Logan.

"Nope I was thinking about our wedding." Kendall said smiling as he placed his hands on his stomach. He used to think that he looked fat but now he was happy that he looked pregnant. He remembers what the doctor said that he wouldn't show much but that was an understatement he was big and pregnant now. Logan seen and did the same. He placed his hand over Kendall and then leaned down and kissed his stomach before moving up to Kendall lips. Kendall smiled into the kiss before Logan pulled away. Kendall and looked into Logan eyes before moving so he could snuggle into Logan chest. Today was one of those days that he didn't want Logan to go on stage. He just wanted him to stay with him.

"Our wedding huh, so have you decided where you want to get married at yet?" Kendall just smiled. Logan had told him it was all up to him. All the planning and everything, he told Kendall all he was going to do was show up and married the man he loved. Kendall picked his head up and smiled at Logan.

"Yeah I have… You know where we had our first real date and I don't mean the sex date either." Logan smiled at that… It was bad. Logan had asked Kendalll out for a real date after they discovered their feeling for one another. They had decided a nice picnic in the park at night. Logan had gone all out with everything he wanted it to be perfect but that didn't happen. Logan wasn't watching where he was going and tripped on something and landed in the little pond. Kendall couldn't stop laughing at that, Logan got upset and pulled Kendall into the pond as well. Both of them where wet and cold, then one thing led to another and they ended up having sex in the back of Logan car. To Logan it was a nice time but it didn't turn out as a great first real date.

"Hey but babe you have to admit that was an amazing night in the car." Logan said winking at Kendall.

"Yeah it was except for the sore back and neck I had the following day." Logan laughed a little and pulled Kendall closer to him and planted a sweet kiss to his forehead.

"Yea but you're so bendable I couldn't stop myself…"

"Hey, hey how did this turn into a sex talk again?" Logan and Kendall snapped their hands to see Carlos and James looking at them.

"It always does… Those two always end up talking about their sex life." Dustin said as he entered the room. Everyone just let out a little laugh.

"Anyways… Babe I was thinking about getting married under the arch that those two trees make up by the pond." Logan smiled and lean in to kiss Kendall.

"Anything you want sweetheat… aslong as I dont stand next to the pond."