Okay, firstly i'm really sorry for taking so long to update, i've been too busy enjoying the beautiful sunshine!:)
Secondly i'm starting to get tired of this story as it is very predictable, however i shall finish what i have started, and even though i'm roughly following the storyline of the first season of W.I.T.C.H. i will try and add some extra C/C plot lines in to spice it up a little :D anyway last thing i wanted to add is this chapter is dedicated to AshleySwift13 who has reviewed every chapter of every story i have written so far, so a massive thank you to you! Also to each and everyone who reviews, thank you so much, if you didn't leave reviews is would definitely loose the will to write these stories, so thank you! I hope you enjoy this, especially the ending ;)

"Irma, where did you say we were going again?" Hay-Lin asked.

"I told you already Hay-Lin, that new bookstore, it opened last week." Irma replied.

"Irma wants to go to a book shop? There must be a catch!" Taranee joked.

"Yeah, come on Irma tell us, there's no way you would ever go to a book shop unless someone dragged you to it by your hair." Cornelia laughed.

"Hey! Maybe I just want to broaden my knowledge!"

The girls all smirked at her.

"Okay okay, there's a really hot guy who works in there, he's totally hench!" Irma cried.

"Oooh so that's what it is, we should have guessed!" Laughed Will.

The girls were all walking side by side along the pavement and they walked together in unison. Unfortunately, the pavement was only wide enough for the 5 girls to walk side by side, therefore leaving Elyon to tag along lonely at the back, cutting her off from the conversation. When Cornelia had phoned her earlier to ask if she would like to come out with her, she was ecstatic. She thought it would be just like the old days when they went ice skating together, but the excitement within Elyon completely dropped when she saw that Will, Irma, Taranee and Hay Lin were with her. She now wished she had never come at all. She was tired of being left out, she was tired of not being "part of the group". She hated the fact that whenever she phoned Cornelia, her mother would always answer telling her that Cornelia was "out with the girls", it seemed like Elyon wasn't even one of Cornelia's "girls" anymore. She had been well and truly replaced. Never in her life had she felt so lonely. She felt like there was just no place for her on earth… like she didn't belong.

The girls made their way into the bookshop, they wandered around for a while, trying to look casual as they made their way through the mess trying to look for this so called "hotty" that Irma had mentioned. Little did the girls know, Elyon had already spoken to the guy Irma was talking about on several occasions. She had managed to befriend the man and had started to feel like he was the only person who she could talk to, the only person who understood her, and more importantly, the only friend she had.

"Where's this mystery guy then?" Will inquired.

"Are you sure you didn't just imagine him Irma?" Joked Taranee.

"Shut it Taranee, I know is saw him." Irma joked back.

Irma, Taranee, Cornelia and Hay-Lin all made their way into the back of the shop where it was darkest, leaving Will, who's attention had been caught by a book about frogs. Elyon wandered off by herself, I hopes of finding Cedric, the man she could talk to.

Whilst walking through the large book shelves Hay Lin's attention was caught by a dark red book, with golden symbols on it. She immediately gasped.

"Guys look, its like that writing from Meridian!"

Hay Lin raised her arm to pick up the book, just as Will turned the corner to meet them.

"Hey guys this book about frogs is so inter-"

Will was completely cut off. She stood for a moment speechless. As Hay-Lin had reached up and touched the book, Irma, Taranee, Cornelia and Hay Lin had completely vanished into thin air.

"What the hell?" Cried Will. She looked up at the book Hay-Lin had touched.

Without a moments hesitation Will ran from the shop and towards the silver dragon. She sprinted as fast as she could.

"Caleb! We need to find a portal! Now!" She cried, the panic beginning to grow within her, her friends were in trouble, in Meridian all by there selves, unable to transform.

"Calm down, what's happened?" Caleb replied calmly.

"It's the girls, they touched this book from Meridian and just vanished. I think It may have transported them to Meridian, we need to get there now!" She almost shouted, as she began to shake.

Caleb couldn't help himself but think of Cornelia, what if she had been hurt, what if Phobos found her? Yes the other girls were at risk too, but when it came to Cornelia, it was different.

In minutes they had found a portal and entered Meridian, ready for the long search ahead of them.

"Did anyone else just get a really weird feeling?" Hay Lin asked as she began to panic. They were surrounded by bookshelves that towered above them, much larger than the ones in the shop. It was clear they were no longer on earth.

"We must be in Meridian." Taranee groaned.

"How they hell did we manage to end up here?" Irma said, a little to loudly.

"Irma, will you keep it down, we're inside Phobos' castle!" Cornelia whispered angrily.

"Looks like we're in Phobos' Library." Hay-Lin said.

"One guy cannot have read all these books, even if he is the Prince of evil, hey do you think he tortures people by making them read all these books?" Irma joked.

Cornelia glared at her.

"This is not the time to be making jokes Irma! We need a way out of here!" She said.

"Come on then." Said Taranee who began walking. After a few minutes of walking around the vast shelves of books, they reached a door. They had no idea what was on the other side of the door, but none of them wanted be stuck inside Phobos' personal library for the rest of their lives, so with great caution Irma pushed the door open. Thankfully it opened out into a corridor, with another door straight ahead, again Irma slid the door open with great causation. The moment the door was open the girls were hit by immense heat, and a sound so load it was overwhelming.

"Where are we?" Cried Hay-Lin.

"Crap crap crap! We're in the kitchens!" Irma shouted.

The girls all stood at the top of a set of steep stairs leading down into he kitchen, here at least 100 men and women were at work in the great heat, fires roared and each of the men and woman's face's were covered in a sheet of sweat, they were all exhausted but kept on working. One of the women's attention snapped on to the girls, with a look of great horror and shock she rushed over to them.

"You are the guardians of the veil! You cannot be here!" She cried.

"Can you help us out of the castle?" Hay Lin pleaded.

"Yes, yes of course, follow me!" The maid shouted over the booming noises of the kitchen.

With surprising ease the maid lead the girls though the hallways of the castle, passing guards as they went, who fortunately thought that the girls were also maids or kitchen workers. Once the girls were safely out of range of the castle, they all let out a sigh of relief. As the girls turned round to thank there saviour, however, they were shocked to find that she had vanished.

"Things just keep getting stranger and stranger around here." Irma said.

"Well now where are we going to go?" Hay Lin moaned.

"The Infinite city is our best bet." Cornelia instructed. They all agreed to make there way to The Infinite city and then make plans from there. The girls walked for what seemed like hours, there feet were hurting and they were beginning to get tired.

"Hey, you four, what's your business here!" Shouted a guard they had tried to avoid.

"Shit, what do we do guys?" Irma whispered desperately.

"Just keep your heads down and keep walking." Taranee instructed. Unfortunately this did not have the desired effect and the guard only became more suspicious, he had now informed a large group of other guards and pointed at the girls and muttered quietly. Suddenly, without warning the guards began to run straight for them.

"Shit, run for it!" Cornelia screamed.

The girls all ran as fast as they could, there feet thundered beneath them, and their hearts felt like they would break through there chests. The sound of the Ten or so guards who followed them was terrifying. They ran for cover in a nearby forest, hoping the guards would loose track of them. However, being the taller and more athletic of the group, Cornelia was faster and had broken away from the group and was running slightly in front of the them. She turned her head back only to find that Irma, Taranee and Hay-Lin had run in the opposite direction to her and all of the guards were following them. Her heart sank, panic began to fill her up, tears welled in her eyes as she realized she was lost, alone and completely vulnerable. What about the others? Had the guards caught up with them? What would they do if they caught them? Cornelia did everything she could to stop herself thinking about it, she couldn't bear the thought of her friends being hurt. Instead she did all there was to do at a time like that, keep walking and hope that some kind of miracle would take place. And a miracle was exactly what she got.


Upon hearing her name she twisted around just in time to catch a glimpse of Caleb's overjoyed face, before he hugged her with such a force, she was lifted from the ground. It felt so good, like all the breath had been taken from her lungs, she didn't want to say anything she just wanted to enjoy this beautiful moment.

"Cornelia, for Christ's sake I was so worried about you!" He finally said, placing her back on the ground as her stared meaningfully into her eyes. They were the brightest blue. It took Cornelia a few moments to compose herself, being picked up by Caleb had got her somewhat hot and flustered. Especially the fact that she was pressed so firmly against his strong chest.

"Caleb thank god you came!" Was all she managed to say.

"Come on lets get out of here quick." He said, and before she even knew it he had taken her hand in his, their fingers locked together, like they were made for each other. Cornelia resisted the urge to pull her hand back, but right there she felt so calm, so comfortable, so… in love. For a while they walked in silence, both enjoying this amazing feeling.

"Cornelia, do you remember this place?" He asked suddenly.

"Now you mention it, it does seem familiar." She replied.

"This was were we first met." He said, simply.

Cornelia suddenly stopped, but her heart started to beat faster and faster, they both looked at each other, then Cornelia began to look around the forest they were stood in.

"Your right, this is where you saved me from those men, it seems like a life time ago," she said in almost a whisper. They were looking intensely at one another again.

"Running head first into you was certainly one of the best things that's ever happened to me." He grinned, Cornelia couldn't help herself but grin back. Then a strange feeling overwhelmed her, she couldn't explain it, it was that feeling she always got with Caleb when they were alone together but this time it was more intense, like it was screaming at her to do something, and this time Cornelia understood what the feeling was telling her to do.

"You know, I never really thanked you for saving me that night." Cornelia whispered softly as she began to lean into him, when they were just inches away from each other, he could feel her shaking breath on his face, it was a sweet smell like a field of flowers, she too could feel his breath on her lips, it was intoxicating, for a moment their eyes lingered on each other, dazzling blue gazed into mysterious green. Her eyes flicked to his lips, his perfectly soft lips, then flicked back to his eyes again, then very slowly she bought her lips to his and planted the most delicate kiss on his lips. It was so quick but so beautiful, she backed away slightly, realizing what she had done, but Caleb had other ideas. Taking both her shoulders in his hands he pulled her in closer again, as they gazed at each other.

"I think I deserve a better thank you than that." He whispered to her as he moved his hand slowly downwards to grip her waist, she responded by placing both her hands on his shoulders, then for a second time, their lips met with each other, but this time they didn't part. Their lips locked, as a feeling of pure pleasure pulsed through them both. Caleb's grip on her waist tightened giving her a little shock as her hands moved up to play with his dark brown locks. Neither of them could bare to part, they had waited too long for this moment for it to end, it was too special, it was perfect. This time Cornelia knew exactly what she was doing, and she was loving every second of it. There was nothing, absolutely nothing in Meridian or on earth that could spoil this moment. Reluctantly, Cornelia broke her lips away, wrapping her hands around Caleb's neck just to show how much she wanted that kiss to continue. Looking intensely into his eyes she whispered softly:

"Thank you."

Yaaaay! Finally a genuine kiss between them, thank you for being so patient as i have made you wait 11 chapters for the big moment! I hope the description of their first proper kiss was ok, since i have only ever had the urrmm.. "pleasure" of kissing two guys before and both of them felt like an octopus latching itself onto my face! Hmm not exactly romantic. So yeah my experience of kissing is not brilliant, so it makes it that much harder to describe it in writing:L Anyway on to business ... Attention all boys! i seriously need your help! i know most of my readers are girls, but i also know there are a fair few W.i.t.c.h. fans who are guys, sooo i really want to be able to know what it's like inside the mind of a boy, its easy writing this from Cornelia's POV as being a girl myself i know what she's thinking about love and her feelings for Caleb. However, i would love to be able to write it from Caleb's POV to show what he's thinking... so if your a guy reading this either by reviewing or PMing me, please could you try and explain to me if you were in Caleb's situation what would your feelings/emotions/thoughts be. This would be a huge help, so anyone who responds, i'll...hmm... i dunno give you an extra special shout out! or write you a groovy song or something, i dunno whatever you want really... anyway Thank you for reading!