We found love (in a hopeless place)

This story takes place just after Will, Irma, Taranae, Cornelia and Hay Lin have found out about there powers.

The five girls sat around a small table next to the window in the silver dragon. Rain dripped down the cold window and outside a busy world continued with all its usual pandemonium. The girls eagerly anticipated the arrival of Yan Lin who was (as usual) busy clearing up after the last customers of the night. Since the astonishing events of last week, the topic of the girls conversation had centred solely on one thing. W.I.T.C.H.

"I cannot wait to kick some evil Meridian butt!" said Irma punching the air with her fist in a rather violent manner.

"I still think that we could use a little more practise guys, I mean, how are we meant to defeat this Phobos guy if we can't even handle our own powers?" Taranae said with a hint of fear in her voice, for all of the girls new who Phobos was, but they were still cautious of the fact that they would be the ones, to take him on. All they new was that Phobos was a very powerful man.

"Never fear Taranae! We can take 'em on any day of the week, and the best type of practise we can get is getting out there and doing it for real!"

Cornelia who had remained quiet throughout the girl's time at the silver dragon had suddenly become angered by Irma's comment and could no longer contain the rage that was building up inside her anymore.

"Irma this isn't a video game you know!

The girls, all shocked by this sudden out burst, turned to look at Cornelia.

"If we aren't properly prepared for this we could get hurt, or even worse, we could die!"

"Cornelia, we're not gunna die ok, we can handle this." said Will trying to play her role as leader although she hardly believed in the words she was saying herself, so she doubted very much that Cornelia, or the rest of the girls would be comforted by these words.

"How do you know that? We're a bunch of teenage girls, how are we meant to defeat this guy, when we've only been aware of our powers for a week?"

Before any of the girls could give a answer to this question, Yan Lin appeared seemingly out of no where by the table the girls were sat by.

"Girls, it is only natural that you are frightened by all that has happened to you in this last week but I have every faith in all of you, that you can work together as a team and help the people of Meridian. You are all best friends after all, and friendship is indeed a powerful thing.

Friends? Cornelia thought. These people aren't my friends, me and Irma can't stand being in the same room together and I've hardly ever spoken to Taranae or Hay Lin before, there not even in the same year as me in school, and this new girl Will, do they really expect me to take orders from a girl I hardly know?

Despite the large amount of responsibility that had been stacked on the girls shoulders, they'd all taken it in their stride, all of them except Cornelia. Prehaps it was that she was the moe mature of the group or the fact that she was the most stubborn, but Cornelia was unable to accept the fact that she was indeed a guardian.

"I think that it would be a good thing for you all if you were to travel to Meridian-"

"yes!" Irma interrupted

"Time to put our powers to good use!" she cried

"ah ah ah!" Yan Lin said, holding her hand out to silence Irma

"I want you to travel to Meridian to meet with the rebel leader and find out what the current situation is with Phobos, at the moment we're unaware of how much of threat he posses."

"Sure thing Grandma, we're on it!" Hay Lin said in her usual cheery manor.

So were just meant to take the orders from and old lady and stroll right into another world to talk to some war soldier? And has anyone asked if I'm up for it? No.

"The map shows a portal we can use just behind the park - lets go" Despite Will's usual tendency to stay quiet she thought this command had sounded rather confident, making her feel a lot more comfortable with the idea of being leader. The girls all piled out of the silver dragon, Cornelia rather more reluctantly than the others and made their way to the park. An eerie silence fell between all of them, for they were all in deep thought about the fact that the would soon be entering into a different world. If a month ago someone had told them that were was life on another planet, they would have labelled that person crazy, but now the idea seemed very real indeed. Soon the not yet familiar sight of the blue glow of a portal come into view, the girls stopped for a second to take it all in, and still no one spoke, what felt like minutes passed as the five young girls realized what it was they were about to do. Finally Will mustered up the only words she could think of.

"Guardians unite!"

The pink glow engulfed the girls as they became something more that human.

Sorry not much happens but i promise that there is alot more to come, dont forget this is a Cornelia/Caleb story, and in the next chapter they meet for the very first time... or so they think.