Just bored during school.

Lovino sighed as he put his head down on his desk. He had just finished his test with about a half hour left until the class was over. After what he deemed to be about ten minutes he looked at the clock. Only about two minutes had passed. He sighed, as his head fell back down onto his desk. He questioned in his mind, why is it that when you're in school, time seems to go so much slower than normal? He glanced around the room, his best friend Alfred had also finished, and had his phone hidden under his desk texting away.

He looked to the girl next to him, Bella. She was a pretty girl he hung out with from time to time. She was on the last page of the test, and was chewing on her pencil trying to answer a question he himself had an issue with. He watched as she sighed and most likely guessed on the answer. He turned his attention to Gilbert and Francis. They were passing notes, and giggling slightly to each other. Lovino scoffed and turned towards the third member of the Bad Touch Trio.

Antonio Fernandez, Lovino's close friend and long time crush. NOT THAT LOVINO LIKED GUYS OR ANYTHING. But yes, he does like Antonio. Shh~ Antonio can never know~. Lovino watched him finish his test and stand up to turn it in. Antonio walked up to turn his paper in. He handed it to the teacher with a bright smile before going back to sit down in front of Lovino. But, his pencil hell off his desk, and he leaned down to get it, giving Lovino a full on view of his perfect ass.

Lovino bit his lip, starring at it, his face turning bright red, the only words running through his mind were. DAT ASS! Oh god he wanted to just lean forward and grope it. He wanted to feel the soft, yet firmness of it. He wanted them to mold perfectly in his hands, but most of all… He wanted to hear Antonio yelp, then have it fade into a moan as Lovino kept groping.

Lovino wanted him to turn around when he was done, a sexy smirk on his face. Then he wanted him to whisper something hot in Spanish to him, then flip him on a desk and fuck him senseless right there in the middle of class. But that would never happen.

Antonio stood back up, and seated himself back into his chair, humming some song Lovino didn't care about. Lovino sighed and let his head fall back onto his desk with a loud thud.

After class was over he went to his locker, and opened it.

"Hey, Lovi~" Antonio said giving him a hug from behind.

"Get off Bastard." Lovino said trying to get away.

"Fusososo~ Lovi you're coming to my house today." Antonio said

"I'll go where I want." Lovino snapped.

"Oh~ Silly Lovi~ I'll make sure you cum." Antonio whispered in his ear, then promptly walked away.