Back! Sorry, it took me a little longer to write this one, I've just been a little busy. This chapter was waaaay easier to write than the last one though! It's longer as my other chapters as well.

So enjoy!

Disclaimer: Characters & Surroundings belong to J.K. Rowling. The woman's a genious! Lyrics belong to Pink.

Chapter 9
Normally I'm so strong

He moved his other hand to her throat, feeling her pulse beating faster and faster. As she buckled against his other hand that was still down her jeans.
"We shouldn't…" She moaned again, as he shoved her panty to the side and slit his finger over her slit. "We shouldn't what, Granger?" He whispered against her mouth, which made her moan again. She was at his total mercy.

She groaned. "Can we go inside?" His eyes looked straight into hers and he saw them almost begging him to take her away from the alley. "I have a room." She added then. Well, that made it that more interesting, now didn't it? He pinched her swollen clit ever so slightly and she shuddered.

"If you want to, Granger. But I'm not sure how we are supposed to walk past your precious Griffyndor friends though." She bend forward and now kissed his neck. It was his time to shudder now as he felt his cock twitch at the sensation, her mouth on his neck, her hair tickling his chin. He grabbed her hand and guided it to his crotch and she gulped when she felt him through the fabric of his jeans.

"Well, whatever you want, Granger. Take me there." He was so horny, he didn't think he ever wanted anyone this much in his life. And there she was, standing before him. Her perfect lips curled up when he had spoken his words. The naughty little minx. She was at his mercy, but he was definitely at her mercy too. He was about to burst.

She looked at him with a passionate look, before taking his hand that was still in her pants and took it out. "I'm in room 23. I'll be waiting for you." She kissed him hard on his mouth and walked away from him. He couldn't do anything else then watch her walk away, a bounce in her step. That perfect ass swinging from side to side. He couldn't wait.

Room 23, room 23. He couldn't forget. It would look stupid if he would be knocking on the wrong door. He waited for another 5 minutes before he finally opened the door to the pub. Her stupid friends were still sitting at their table. He would just have to ignore them and try to sneak past them upstairs.

"Malfoy!" He heard the youngest male Weasel shout at him. Damn. Couldn't this guy ever just leave him the fuck alone?

"I don't have time for you Weasel."

"What did you say to Hermione?" Said Ron again as he stood up. Damnit. He needed to go up to room 23, to her. And this red haired imbecile stopped him from going.

"I'm not sure what you mean." Draco said as he looked at the Weasel with a glare.

"She looked all flushed when she came back from your talk." The Weasel spoke. "Did you hurt her?"

Draco, proud of himself of making Granger so flushed, smirked at the Weasel. "That stupid bitch takes everything so personally." He said.

"What did you do Malfoy? 'Cause I swear..-"

"Relax Weasel, we just talked." He saw the Weasel's face soften up. "Now do you mind? I would like to go to bed."

The Weasel took a step back, allowing Draco to go ahead to his room. Little did the Weasel know that it wouldn't be his own room that he would be going to. His own little princess would be having sex with the Slytherin prince in just a couple of minutes. The thought alone made him grin, he got to have sex with the saucy girl and would do it right under her friends noses without them knowing. Perfect.

He had soon found room 23 and knocked on her door, the door opened and Granger pulled him in by his arm and slammed the door closed.

"Did anyone see you coming in?" She asked him and walked away from him. She looked nervous, but he couldn't understand why. He thought she wanted this as much as he did.

"No, I don't think so." He replied and walked over to her, grabbed her by her waist and pulled her to him. "Nice room." Draco whispered and kissed her soundly on her mouth. He felt her smile into the kiss as she nibbled on his lower lip. His hard-on immediately came back to life as he pushed it against her. She moaned and he joined her. "God, Granger…" He said as she detached her lips from his and kissed his jaw and went down to his neck.

"I must be crazy.." She whispered as she took his shirt off of him. "That makes two of us, pet." He told her as he guided her to the bed that was on the other side of the room. Her knees hit the bed as he toppled on her. Her hands roamed over his bare stomach, up to his nipples, which stiffened at her contact. He didn't understand her effect on him, he never felt this way about anyone let alone some Mudblood girl from a different house. But he wanted her, that much was a fact. His hard-on was evidence enough. He leaned away from her, as he grabbed her tank top and took it over her head. She was lying underneath him with nothing but a baby blue, lacy bra. God. He took her in as he traced circles over her stomach and made his way up to the top of her breasts. They were soft, soft and firm. He cupped them gently over her bra and she squirmed below him.

"Malfoy…"She begged him as she started to unzip his pants. "I know…" He moaned as her hand went into his jeans and cupped his man jewels. "Oh, hell… believe me.. I know." He kissed her harshly on the mouth as he found her tongue and sucked on it.

He lifted her a little and unhooked her bra, slowly taking it off of her until her breast were fully exposed to him. Both his hands traced below her breasts before running his thumbs over her nipples. They hardened instantly. She was taking his jeans off, and he was ok with that. Really. But he wanted to take this slow. This time they weren't in a library, with the possibility of getting caught any moment. No, this time he was in her private room. They had the whole night. He took her hands in his and brought one to his mouth, sucking on each finger and watching her the whole time. Her big brown eyes held so much passion, blazing with fire.
"I want you." She softly said and looked away from him, embarrassed. She had said it, he had wanted to hear it ever since he talked to her outside. He grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. "You're not the only one in this Granger." He said, trying to make her feel more comfortable with their situation. She nodded at him and leaned forward, his lower lip was now between her teeth as she nibbled on it. He groaned. "I want to take this slow Granger, but if you keep doing that, I might not be able to." She giggled into his mouth and the vibration it made, turned him on even more.

"We have all night, Malfoy. Just… take me." She was right, they had all night. He could have her more than once. Take as much time as he wanted with her this night. He growled and unzipped her jeans, gently taking them down as he bent down and kissed the path that her jeans were making as well. She squirmed once again. He kicked off her shoes and soon her jeans followed. He looked up and saw that her panties were matching her bra. He needed her. So much.

He got rid of his own jeans and shoes and kissed all the way up to her sex, he could smell her through her panties and it drove him wild, insane. He kissed the insides of her thighs, soft, wet kisses trailing up to her sex. He teased her by gently tugging at the waistband of it as she moaned beneath him.

"Don't tease, Malfoy." He heard her say. He smiled, he loved to tease her. He finally took her panties down her legs and went back up her body to kiss her nipples. He gently sucked on one of them as one of his hands went down her body and touched her small nub. He was slowly making small circles on her swollen clit as she gasped at his first touch, but soon relaxed. "Malfoy.." She whispered, a husky voice, begging him to take her. He was going to, but not yet. He needed her to come first.

While his thumb was still rubbing her clit, his index finger pumped into her, causing her to lift her body off of the bed, moving with his finger. He loved this, he loved her way of bucking against him the way she was doing now. She had completely surrendered herself to him, he could do anything to her. If he wasn't so into fucking her tonight, or any night for that matter… he could've done a lot of bad things to her. Good thing he wasn't.
He inserted a second finger in her and was now only looking at her, pumping in and out of her. She was squirming underneath him, moving under his touch. She was going to come, he could feel it as he felt her legs trembled against him. Her breaths were shallow and her eyes were glistening as they stared back at him. So beautiful. "Malfoooy…" She moaned loud as he felt her orgasm around his fingers, milking them until she came down from her high.

"Beautiful." He whispered to her as he kissed her neck and slowly went up to her ear, nibbling it. It took her a couple of seconds to regain enough air to make her sane again. But when she was back she flipped him, so that he was below her now. He looked up into her eyes, she was biting her lip as she leaned back into his body. Her rear was sitting on his hard member and he couldn't stand the fact that he had lost control.

"Lets see…" He heard her say above him as she moved ever so slightly over his stiffened member, making him almost come undone. "This needs to go." She said as she fingered the material of his black boxers and shoved it down almost harshly. "Granger." He said as she looked at him. "Who are you?" He looked up at her questionally. He never believed that this girl, the goody-two-shoes could ever be brave enough to do this. Or could ever be so damn sexy to make him squirm.

"I don't know." She said honestly, biting her lip. She grabbed his cock and slowly, deliberately, stroked him. He closed his eyes. "I just lose control when I'm with you." She said as she leaned forward to capture her mouth with his. He sighed into her mouth as she stroked him once again.

"I want you." She whispered against his mouth, another stroke, driving him insane.

"Then take me."He whispered back, a smirk on his face. She looked at him, raising herself ever so slightly. He saw her hovering over his cock as she gently leaned down and teased the tip of his cock as it went inside of her.

"You want this?" She said, as she pinched his nipple. He hissed. "Yes." He bucked his hips upward, his length disappearing into her just an inch or 2. She cupped his balls in her hand and softly stroked them. "Me too." She said, biting her lip as she slipped down on him. Heaven, Merlin, this was heaven. She was heaven and her body was heaven. He was on cloud9 as she gently started to move up and down his lenght, softly scratching her nails on his chest. He groaned as her moves became faster, harder.

She leaned forward, he found a new spot inside of her as he bucked his hips against her. She moaned, he probably hit the right spot. Their moves were frantic, as both closed their eyes and just enjoyed the other. He wasn't sure if he could hold on much longer. She felt fantastic, clenching her muscles around him every now and then. It was too much for him. She soon came with a little help of his hands down her clit as she exploded around him.

"Come for me, Malfoy." She said after a couple of seconds, she fondled his balls once again with her hand. His breath became rapid as he grabbed her by her waist and guided her up and down on him. Harder, faster, slower, softer. He switched it to his needs. Another minute went by as he felt his balls tense and a warm wave hit him. His semen spurted into her, emptying all of him. He collapsed back on the bed with her along with him. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes as both tried to catch their breath.

How do you feel in the morning
When it comes and everythings undone?

The morning light hitting her eyes was what had woken her up. She was lying on her side, facing the window. She could feel him behind her, lying next to her. But he was still in a deep sleep as his shallow breathing reached her ears. She turned around to face him, he looked so peaceful. Nothing at all like the Malfoy she had known ever since first year. His mouth was opened just slightly as she could feel his breath on her face as she leaned even closer. She couldn't believe that last night had happened. Again. And not just once, 3 times before they finally collapsed back on the bed, spent.

It had been great, wonderful even. But just like last time, the aftermath seemed all too wrong to her. Draco Malfoy was a Slytherin boy. Son of a death eater, a son of a real bitch. And she? She was wrong in many different ways. Wrong for him, wrong for herself and now wrong for her friends. Had she betrayed them? She wasn't sure. She still didn't know what this all meant to her, to him. Was this just a benefit thing? Fuck buddies? If so, then she wasn't sure if she would like it to continue. She looked over at Malfoy's sleeping form once again. No, her heart was in it now. She liked him. Couldn't stand the boy, but liked him nonetheless. Fucked up.

He had been so gentle with her the whole night, whispering, smiling, laughing at her. She smiled as she remember him kissing her cheek, her nose and her eyelids just moments before they both fell asleep. She didn't recognize the hard boy, the boy with the cruel jokes, the harsh remarks. The boy she had hated. No, when they were together it was like he was someone else. Paying attention to her every need, gentle touches, whispered words. A completely different Draco Malfoy.

She looked up as she felt him stir next to him, his eyes opening slowly, waking up. She looked away from him, not sure what she should be doing.
"Morning Granger." She heard him say behind her. The bed shifted and she looked around to see him standing up from her bed. Naked.

"Morning." She murmured, as she clutch the sheet around her own naked form, feeling uncomfortable.

"Nothing I haven't seen Granger." He smirked as he picked up his shirt and put it on. His boxers followed soon. He looked at her, sighed, and took a seat next to her.
It was quiet for a moment, both not sure what to say.

"You want to talk about it?" She heard him say. She could only nod, but didn't look at him. Afraid of his reaction.

"Ok, lets talk then." He said, she looked up at him, surprised at his words.

"I liked last night Granger. A lot." His hand racked through his hair. "And if I'm completely honest with myself… I wanted it ever since I left you in that library." She appreciated his honesty and the fact that he was talking about it with her.

"Me too." She said softly. He nodded at her and fumbled with his jeans that he was holding in his hand.

"But…" He started and sighed. A but. Of course. Here we go.

"But… that's it. That must be it. Because you're Hermione Granger. I'm Draco Malfoy. We're too different." He looked at her for a brief second before turning away from her once again.
She nodded, knowing it was true. She had thought about it just seconds ago.

"I'm an ass for sleeping with you, Granger. And maybe you're a bitch for sleeping with me as well." She looked at him, getting angry.

"This…between us." He paused for a second. "It shouldn't have happened. And I don't know why I cannot control myself when I'm around you."

"But it did happen, Malfoy." She started. He nodded. "I know, Granger. But maybe this is where it should stop." He looked at her, piercing his eyes with hers. "Not maybe. We should stop."

"And then what?" She said, standing up. The sheet falling down to the ground, revealing her naked form in front of her. She didn't care though. "We just go back to our normal selves? Is it that easy for you?" She raised her eyebrows at him. But he was quiet, he didn't say a word.

She bend forward and picked up her panties and bra. Quickly putting them on she angrily stomped around the room. His eyes just followed her.
"Put the rest of your clothes on, Granger." He said as he stood up and walked to the door.

"No, you're not leaving Malfoy." She stopped him as she put her hand on the door.

"I am, Granger." He took her hand from the door and dropped it to her side. `You´re a Gryffindor girl. A Mudblood..-" She cut him off with a slap on his cheek. He looked up at her, eyes big from shock.
She too was shocked at what she had done. But he had hit something within her when he had called her a Mudblood. She thought they were past that. But she guessed nothing had really changed between them. Tears started to form in her eyes as she just looked away from him. She didn't want to cry, not in front of him. He couldn't be the reason for her tears. Ever.

"This has been great Granger. Thanks for last night. I'll see you around." His voice was harsh, and as she looked up at him she could only see his cold eyes staring back at her.

"Fine. Go Malfoy." Get the hell away from me!" She opened the door roughly and pushed him out. "Get the hell away from me!" Slamming the door behind him. The tears that she had tried to withhold were now pouring down her face. Son of a bitch.

How do we get so mean? How do we just move on?

He was lying in his bed now, his Hogwarts bed. He couldn't, for the life of him, understand what exactly had happened last night, or even this morning for that matter. But it happened and the memories couldn't seem to dissapear before his eyes. It was the only thing he had been thinking about all day. About her. Her eyes as he told her she was a Mudblood, her slap on his cheek. Her brown eyes that looked hurt, angry. He wasn't even sure why he had called her a Mudblood. Habit maybe? Or maybe he just didn't know how to handle the situation anymore. The conversation seemed to be too kind. Not at all how it should go between the two of them. It should be mean, harsh... like old times. But somehow, his heart wasn't in it anymore. Still, he felt somehow obliged to say the words to her. To be mean to her. After all, that was Draco Malfoy, wasn't it? Shouldn't it be? He was a bastard after all. Not only to her, to her friends. But to the lot of them.

But she had changed his way of thinking. He didn't see her as the know-it-all Mudblood girl anymore. No, she was Hermione Granger now. A girl he had started to like more than he should've. He was frustrated with himself, for letting it get this far. But he just couldn't stay away from her. Seeing her in Hogsmeade triggered something within him. He had to be near her.

But when morning came and he realized that they were becoming something more than what they should be, he got scared. Called her old names. He didn't even understand where it came from anyway.

He wasn't sure what to do anymore, how to act around her? Everything used to come so naturally. Now he had to pretend to hate her. Pretend not to like her the way he was liking her at this point. Not even sure what that meant anyways. So frustrating.

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