Okay so, this is sort of a Glee/I Am Legend crossover. Basically, sometime during season three of Glee, a zombie apocalypse takes place, leaving Quinn the only human left in Lima. This is the story of how Quinn survives. At this moment I am writing chapter by chapter, I have no idea what the ending entails. All I know is that this is a Faberry story, with some Brittana, and Faberrittana friendship. At this point I haven't sorted out other ships. Your comments are appreciated!

Quinn Fabray cruised down the silent streets of Lima that overcast morning, hands loosely placed on the steering wheel of a shining black Cadillac she had carjacked last week in Columbus. It was vintage, a regular 1967 Eldorado she had spotted in an underground parking lot of a shopping mall. She steered the beauty around tipped over dustbins and piles of debris lying on the road, taking care not to scratch the car so soon after she had found it. Today was food day, Quinn decided; a day spent scavenging around abandoned convenience stores and markets for whatever she could eat. She would have to stock up on as much as possible before dusk – that was when they came out. The thought of not getting home before dark haunted her every single day. She applied extra pressure to the accelerator at that menacing thought, it was already nearing noon and she had done nothing productive yet.

After two years of surviving on her own, she had learned several things regarding her situation. For two years she had not seen another living soul in Lima. Quinn concluded that they had all either died, left or had been converted into those horrible, demonic creatures that to this day still made her shiver in fear and disgust. Sometimes she believed she was the only unaffected person living on Earth. How long had it been since she'd seen one of her own kind? It was too long. She couldn't even remember the voice of another human.

Quinn's thoughts drifted onto her life before this 'apocalypse' had taken place. High school. What a distant and unfamiliar term that had become. Quinn had only been seventeen; a senior, when the world came crashing into chaos. She thought of the cheerios, her numerous ex-boyfriends… all these things were so insignificant compared to her life now. The only aspect of her old life that touched her heart was glee club. Quinn swallowed hard, thinking of the days she would spend flicking through a Tennessee Williams script while Rachel Berry arrogantly belted out song after song. It almost made Quinn cry out as though she was in physical pain.

Rachel Berry. What had become of her? Quinn gripped the steering wheel, punishing herself for not trying to suppress her thoughts of the past. Recently it had become more of a problem, at first she had tried to ignore thinking about high school, but every time she tried, more nostalgia would well up inside her; she missed the normalcy of life so much. The worst part was the loneliness. It was so silent. Sometimes the silence became so overwhelming that the sound of background static would burn in her ears. She would often curl up into a ball in the corner of her basement, hands over her ears and eyes squeezed shut, wishing for night to arrive faster. Nighttime. She knew when the day had ended as soon as the first bloodcurdling scream burst through the unendurable quietness. Then, gradually, one scream would be joined by another, and then another, until there was a whole chorus of cries coming from the infected. For a moment Quinn would feel relief from having a noise to hear at last, and almost as soon as the relief came it would be washed away with cold fear. Although nothing was more terrible than the silence of the world, the howls and shrieks of the undead never ceased to raise the hairs on the back of Quinn's neck. She shuddered in her seat, causing the car to jerk as if it were agreeing with her.

Quinn stopped the car outside a seven-eleven on a street that seemed relatively unfamiliar. She had to pry the automatic doors open, before stepping into a somewhat empty store. She set to work immediately, sweeping everything left on the shelves into a large duffle bag she had brought with her. There wasn't much. She paused to check the expiration date on one of the mac and cheese boxes: 1st June 2010. It would have to do. What other choice did she have? Within five minutes the store had been emptied into two large bags, both of which she flung into the trunk of her gorgeous car before hopping into the driver's seat and speeding away. A few blocks later she arrived at a small superstore and ran the same protocol. As she stuffed her fifth duffle bag into the trunk, she let out a heavy sigh. This was her life now. Survival. That was all she had time for, especially since she was so alone. Even after two years, this lifestyle was a unfamiliar to her everyday.

Next up on her mental survival list: clothes. Don't scoff. Despite the zombie apocalypse Quinn still needed things to wear, especially when blood spurting all over you was a regular part of life. Quinn pulled up to a department store and casually left her car immediately next to the doorway. The large revolving doors needed an extra shove to even budge. Quinn's leather boots echoed throughout the eerie, dull-coloured mall as she made her way to the women's attire section. Quinn, Santana and Brittany would spend hours strolling this place, once bustling with life. On the left was the milkshake store they had spent years lounging in, and just up ahead was the massive penny fountain that Santana had pushed Brittany into one summer. I'll never forget the look on Brittany's face! Quinn chuckled a little to herself before shaking her head aggressively, failing again to repress her nostalgic thoughts. You'll never see them again, she declared in her mind, blinking away tears that were starting to form.

Suddenly in the corner of her vision she saw a movement. Instinctively Quinn placed her hand on the grip of her pistol, ready to shoot once again as she had done so many times since the disaster took place. She pivoted on her left foot, blonde hair whipping around, only to find herself facing a full body mirror. Tense muscles relaxed and her face softened before pouting her lips, embarrassed at herself for trying to defend from a mirror. Another sigh escaped her as she took in her tired frame. It had been a long time since she'd studied herself. There was never any time for the girl to be vain anymore. Quinn had quite obviously lost a bit of weight, and she had already been skinny before all this happened. Today her hair was left down, grown out considerably since junior year nationals. She'd had to cut it on her own since then, and was surprisingly adequate at the task.

Her eyes shifted down to study the simple, blood red (not real!) blouse that was buttoned up to her chest and tucked into dark navy jeans. A large belt hung around her waist, pulling her jeans down low enough that she had had to use suspenders to hold everything up. On her belt she kept her only two friends, two identical fully automatic glock 18s that she had 'borrowed' from the military reserve bunker in Columbus. They had saved her life countless times. Of course, they were not the only two weapons she carried around daily. On her side she kept a .44 magnum revolver in a holster on her suspenders, it was an exceptionally powerful gun she reserved for the most monstrous of the undead. Apart from that, a knife was also fastened to her black leather boots. Various types of bullets hung in belts around her thighs; it was all very Lara Croft. At least I look like a badass, she thought, though she didn't feel particularly confident.

One benefit from being in a zombie apocalypse was an infinite choice of attire. Quinn's inner rich-white-girl personality surfaced and she found herself sifting through piles and piles of designer clothes. What would it be today? A Ralph Lauren sweater or a blazer from Zara? If only I was not the only human left in the world, this would be perfect. Instead she lifelessly moved clothes around; hazel eyes showing no emotion at all. Slowly she moved onto the necessities: socks, forty-dollar underwear… the whole lot. The next time Quinn looked at her watch it was four-thirty. Shit! Dusk was going to settle very, very soon. How long had she been here? It had to have been at least three hours. Quinn and her armfuls of new clothes raced out into the foyer, the only sound being her boots smacking the ground with new found purpose. Quinn shoved her way out through the revolving doors to meet a yellowing sky. She needed to move fast. After flinging her 'purchases' into the back seat she sped off home.

The Cadillac pulled into the driveway and then into the garage. The blonde settled into a routine, rolling up the windows, closing and bolting the garage door, unpacking today's loot from the trunk, and bringing it into the lounge. Next she checked all the windows and doors, made sure the wooden planks over all of them were holding steady, before taking her new supplies down into the basement. Thank God her parents had renovated it into a massive underground bunker, as though they were preparing for this exact circumstance. The basement had its own kitchen and bathroom, useful for when she was stranded in her home because of the raids. She did have to maintain her own generators though. It had not been two seconds after she sat down on her cot when the first bone-chilling scream pierced the silence. This happened every night, but every time Quinn still jumped, like she had been electrocuted. Quinn rubbed her temples as the screams developed into a chorus. She rolled her eyes. Don't they ever get bored of this? Pretty soon her exhaustion cancelled out her fright and she slumped into the cot, kicking off her boots and unfastening her belts. Lately the screams had had an increase in amplitude and duration… From Quinn's experience, that usually signaled that someone was being hunted. For a moment she allowed a hope to flicker in her mind, could there be… No. It had been more than a year since Quinn had seen a living human, by now all her optimism had been flattened into nothing. She quickly brushed the hope aside and instead reached for her earplugs and flicked the lights off, before sliding into a cold and lonely sleep.