Author's note:

Percy/Penelope- Princess

I do not own Harry Potter.

Written for the Romantic Drabble Challenge. This is an AU.

Dear Mother,

Last night, I had dinner with Percy. We had a picnic on a small hill. It was so romantic! He is so good to me, Mother!

Earlier this week, he had a… argument with his family. It was a really awful, according to Percy. Mother, I know that Percy is not perfect. He easily offends people. To be blunt, Percy is to blame.

Mother, I'm not upset with him. He is extremely ambitious but he treats me well. I'm like a princess to him. Percy just does not… phrase his words correctly.

I'm not saying that Percy is mistreating me. He is good to me. A bit… snobby but… didn't you once say that no man is perfect?

Remember that year when I was petrified? Percy and I had been dating during that time. I've been told that he visited me, every day, during lunch and after classes had ended. He didn't cheat on me. I know that I don't have any proof but I think that this is where faith and trust comes in.

Me being petrified was a year ago. How he reacted during that time period does not matter, right? I know that he is faithful to me. In fact, when he asked me to marry him during that picnic, and I did not hesitate to tell him that I would marry him.

I truly desire your advice. Marriage is a big step to take. Aren't I worrying over nothing? How is everyone at home? I heard that Lucy is pregnant?

I'm a bit confused about... everything. I love him. I tolerate him. That's enough, right? It has to be enough.

