Here's the last chapter for "Control"! Originally this story was going to be a one-shot, but I'm happy that it ended up being a couple chapters long. It's short, but it was a lot of fun to write. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read and thanks to those who review! It really means the world to me. Artemiangel, That would certainly be an incredibly funny scene to see! Haha... And although my story doesn't play out exactly like that, I hope you enjoy what I came up with!
The hotel owner didn't even hesitate. He fired the gun, causing Rahzel to cry out in alarm, but Baroqueheat was fast enough to fall to the ground and roll out of the way before the bullet could hit him. He jumped back up quickly and ran over to the hotel owner, placing the blade of his sword against the man's throat before he had any time to react. The manager's eyes widen in shock and fear.
Baroqueheat chuckled. "I told you that you were underestimating me," he said in a cocky voice. He winked at Rahzel. "See, nothing to fear, my love. There was no way I was going to let this guy have you before I had my turn."
Rahzel groaned and buried her flushed face in her hands. "Dammit Heat… Just stop talking, please…"
"Aw come on…" the brunette continued. "You could at least thank me and treat me like the knight in shining armor-" Baroqueheat suddenly stopped in the middle of his sentence when his captive raised his gun again, this time, pointing it at Rahzel.
"Let me go," he said through clenched teeth, "or I'll shoot the bitch."
"Bitch?" Rahzel fumed. "How dare you say-"
"Shut up!" he roared. His hands shook nervously, but his finger rested on the trigger, daring either of them to call his bluff. "Get this damn sword away from my neck right now!" Baroqueheat couldn't risk Rahzel's life. He dropped his arm, his sword disappearing, and backed away from the hotel owner slowly. The owner rushed over to Rahzel, grabbing her arm and forcing her to stand beside him. He pressed the gun against Rahzel's forehead. "Now, you're going to come with me, and you're going to do exactly as I say, do you understand me?"
"I refuse!" Rahzel argued. She remained still though, for she was scared that if she so much as flinched, the man would shoot her. "I… I want no part of whatever you have planned. Just leave me alone!"
"Do you want a bullet in the brain?" the man yelled, pressing the barrel of his gun against her head even harder. "If you keep running your mouth like that, you're going to get it. And you're little boyfriend here will follow right after you."
"Baroqueheat is so not my boyfriend…" Rahzel mumbled, narrowing her eyes in annoyance.
"I think that's the least of our problems, Rahzel-chan." Baroqueheat pointed out.
"Stop this pointless chatter! Both of you just shut up!" The man glared at Rahzel. "Now, I'm going to tell you one last time. Come with me!"
Suddenly, there was a loud bang as the door to Rahzel's room flew open and slammed against the wall. Rahzel and the hotel owner jumped. Baroqueheat just crossed his arms across his chest and smirked. The hotel owner looked toward the door and his face paled. Heavy footsteps sounded as the person walked into the room. Rahzel didn't dare turn her head to see who was joining them.
"Let her go," an angry voice growled.
Rahzel's eyes widened with happiness. She knew that voice! "Alzeid…" she whispered.
"Or what?" the hotel owner challenged. He was trying to sound fearless, but his voice was shaking slightly. It was obvious that he was scared of the albino man.
Alzeid pulled a gun from his pocket and pointed it at the older man. "Do you really want to find out? I can guarantee that I won't miss, and you will die instantly."
"If you shoot me, I'll shoot your little friend here," he replied. "So go on and try it. Are you willing to risk her life?"
Alzeid scoffed. "You don't stand a chance." As soon as the last word left his mouth, Alzeid fired his gun, sending a bullet spiraling towards the hotel owner. Rahzel's eyes widened and she waited for the sound of a second gun firing and the impact of a bullet in her own head. However, she was knocked to ground before the second gun went off. She squeezed her eyes shut and felt a heaviness on top of her when she landed on her back. She slowly opened her eyes again and saw Baroqueheat on top of her.
He grinned and winked at Rahzel. "So, we're here again?" he said in a low, suggestive voice.
"If I get woken up one more time," Alzeid snarled before Rahzel had the time to reprimand Baroqueheat for his comment, "you two will end up just like him." He grabbed the dead manager, flung him over his shoulder, and walked off to dispose of the body. The door banged shut behind him.
"Wait a minute!" Rahzel yelled, hoping her partner could still hear her. "You're just going to leave him alone with me?"
"Rahzel-chan…" Baroqueheat purred, caressing the girl's face, "you hurt my feelings when you talk like that. Can't you just enjoy my company?"
"If you would behave respectably, maybe I could," Rahzel snapped.
"What are you talking about?" the brunette man asked innocently. "I'm always respectable around you."
"This is not respectable!" Rahzel shouted, struggling against him. "This is not the proper way to treat a young lady!"
"Oh, I don't know about that," Baroqueheat said. "I know plenty of young ladies who are more than thrilled to be treated this way, especially by me." He smirked at the raven haired girl. "Want to see what else they like?"
"No!" Rahzel screamed as he lowered his face to hers. She wiggled frantically underneath him, trying to free herself.
The two of them froze when the door banged open once again. Rahzel's blue eyes widened and her face paled. They slowly turned their heads towards the door. Standing in the doorway, a livid glare on his face, was Alzeid. He narrowed his eyes at the two of them on the floor. He walked into the room, slamming the door shut behind him and stood beside them, his arms crossed.
"What the hell?" he said in a soft, irritated voice. "All I wanted was to get some sleep. And, as usual, the two of you are getting in the way of what I want." He sighed and reached out, grabbing the back of Baroqueheat's shirt. He easily pulled the other man off Rahzel, turning him so that they were face to face. "What are you doing to her?" he growled.
Baroqueheat shrugged and smiled innocently. "I'm not doing anything that she didn't ask for," he insisted.
"Liar!" Rahzel as she sat up. "He is a liar!"
"Quiet," Alzeid snapped, turning to look at the teen girl. He returned his attention to Baroqueheat and sighed. "There are so many other women in this town that you could harass," he said exasperatedly. "Why do you have to bother Rahzel?"
"I assure you, I was not bothering her at all," Baroqueheat said with a chuckle. "She may have been yelling, but I can tell what she really wants."
Alzeid scoffed and dragged the other man towards the window. "I'm assuming this is how you came in, so this is how you're going to leave too." He casually shoved Baroqueheat out the window, knowing that the brunette would be fine and land safely. Then he spun around to face Rahzel again. "Now, what should I do with you?" he mused.
"Nothing!" Rahzel exclaimed. "I'm the victim in all of this! You should be fussing over me and making sure I'm alright!" Alzeid raised his eyebrows at the girl, and Rahzel blushed. "Right…" she said in a much quieter voice. "You don't fuss over anything."
Alzeid reached down and lifted Rahzel to her feet. Before the raven-haired girl could thank him, he tightened his grip on her and began walking, pulling her behind him. She whined, demanding to know what he was doing. They didn't walk far though. He stopped in front of the room's small closet and pulled the door open. Without any hesitation, he pushed Rahzel into the small space and shut the door.
Rahzel gasped and felt along the door, hoping to find a doorknob, but was disappointed. She slammed her fists against the door. "Alzeid!" she yelled frantically. "Alzeid, let me out right now! Alzeid, please!"
"You seem to be the center of all the noise that is keeping me awake," the albino said in a smooth, cold voice. "With you in there, I'll finally be able to get some sleep." Ignoring the Rahzel's cries to be let out, Alzeid left the room, returning to his own. As he laid down in bed, pleased that he was going to be able to sleep, he hoped that he would remember to let Rahzel out of the closet before leaving in the morning.
The End
Once again, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!
-Mew Painappuru