Chapter 3
(drinking for confidence)

"Lissa would have done it."

Max scoffed again as she crammed her head in further to the back of the wooden cabinet. Her hands grabbing at anything that resembled a bottle.

"Lissa would have done it," Max mimicked once again to herself before grumbling unpleasant adjective about the girl. "Lissa would have done it my ass!"

A cling of a bottle and the unfamiliar sound of the liquid swishing around made a dark grin appear on Max's face. If Fang could get away with drinking than why couldn't she? She took the bottle out and lifted it up in view. The French words on the label were barely noticed as she un-popped the already opened wine and sculled the rest of the drink down.

It didn't take long for the wine to take the desired affect.

"Oi, Fang!" She mumbled, her body wavering to the side like it had it's own personal mind. Max felt relatively calm- her body was dis-attached from her brain and any semi-clear thoughts were swiped from her head.

"Max... ?" Fang mumbled, still not very coherent as he appeared from his room. His hair was disheveled and his eyes were droopy- implying he was trying to sleep.

"That's my name- don't wear it out!" Max almost sang. She somehow found her self on the floor- did she just fall? Eh, she didn't feel the pain, she might tomorrow though but she didn't have a care in the world. She must admit she liked this feeling- this feeling of carefree, not having to worry, not having to stress.

"You 'kay?" Fang asked, his eyes concerned as he helped her up again. He faintly smelt of alcohol and the little sleep he managed to get sobered him up a little.

"Of course- why wouldn't I be," Max slurred, ripping her arms away from his grip. She didn't need his help.

"Max... are you drunk?" Fang asked, eyes wide.

Max scoffed, "Pssh, no. I'm just... drunk of happiness." Max was proud of her cover up- even if she hiccuped in the middle of her sentence.

"Ahuh... " Fang didn't believe her for a second. He was about to give her lecture- much as she did a few hours ago. Slight Deja-vu moment as he started "I can't believe you would do this- you of all people... " And then one look at her face that wasn't even looking at him and more concentrated on the picture frame on the wall, Fang realized how hypercritical he was being. Especially since there was still alcohol in his own system.

"Whatever, get here," Max demanded as she pulled Fang towards her and smashed her lips to his. To say he was surprised was an understandment.

"Mm-Max!" Fang said, sobering up quickly, "What's gotten into you?" He asked as he pulled away but then realised he knew exactly what has gotten into her.

Max was stunned, she must have caught him off his guard. She went in for another kiss and Fang had to physically restrain himself to not give in. He knew she was drunk. He knew he shouldn't take advantage off her... no matter how bad he wanted to...

"We can't," Fang managed to say against her lips, her hands clawing up his body and under his shirt.

"Yes, we can," Max replied, her finger nails scraping against his chest, making his body shiver.

"No." He pushed her off him. If she continued, he knew he wouldn't be able to stop himself from taking it further. And besides, he knew Max doesn't like him- this is the alcohol's actions. She wouldn't ever think of Fang like this. And that's what tormented Fang the most.

"But I you," Max said with sincerity, tears forming in her eyes as the rejection hit. She sounded so believable, and Fang almost believed it too... if she hadn't hiccuped in the middle of her sentence.

He just watched her... nothing to say to her.

"Fangy-pooo...?" Max drawled, wide eyed and innocent. "Come to bed." Her finger trailed down his chest fron his adam's apple and he audibly gulped.

"Max, stop. I'm not going to take advantage of-"

"Blah blah blaahhh... Man- you talk to much," She slurred, turning around and walking away from him. "If I had red-hair you'd be all for it..." She muttered to herself, her voice full of hurt. She was so quiet that Fang couldn't hear, even with his sensitive hearing.

Me... Talk too much? Does she not know me at all? Mr Silent? Mr Stoic? Mr... hey, where did she go?

Whilst Fang was musing to himself- he barely noticed Max go downstairs and out the front door.

"Max!" Fang shouted from the sky as he spotted his tipsy leader stumbling on the footpath below. He had been searching for her for a full twenty minutes. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't worried about her.

The clumbsy leader carelessly stumbled her way onto the middle of the road- giving Fang a better view on her, as no nature-stripped trees concealed her from where he was above.

Too bad Max was too distracted by her feet then to see the 3ton truck heading her way.

Fang's eyes widened.

He shot down to the Earth as fast as he could, his wings tucked in behind him as he soared towards the ground.

Max heard the loud honk of the truck and looked up, fasinated. The headlights blinded her but that was okay- she thought the truck just needed a hug. Just as she did. She couldn't even remember why she was so upset. But she welcomed the truck nonetheless.

Fang's breath caught in his throat as he realised he wouldn't make it in time. Especially as Max held her arms out towards the truck and hobbled closer to the incoming vehicle.

"MAX!" He cried, tears forming at the brims of his eyes as what he witness played out in slow motion.

The truck driver hit the brakes, only managing to make the massive truck skid along the road faster, the wheels squealing against the ashvalt. A smile lit up Max's face just before the truck hit her.

The force of the impact flew Max's body grusemly across the road and into the ditch in the side of the deserted road like a ragdoll. Fang was only a second away from jumping infront, the side mirror or the truck managed to nick him in the cheek, yet it still didn't stop him from flying towards his bestfriend. His heart beating loudly in his chest, his adreneline pumping through his viens... tears, falling from his midnight-black eyes.

The truck flipped itself into a stop, landing on it's side- it's cargo spewed along the road. The sound of the exhaust hissing though the air...

"Max... baby, speak to me," Fang's voice broke as he pushed her hair from her face, her blood smothered on his shirt as he gently lifted her head to his lap.

"Hmm... " Max moaned, her eyes flickering opened.

Fang thanked whatever God there was out there that his Max was alive. More silent tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Tell me what hurts," Fang demanded, watching as her body subconsciously curled up.

"My boobs," She groaned, peeling her ripped shirt off her body sloppily. Fang looked away, giving Max some dignity as her black bra stood out amongst her tainted blood-stained skin. Fang couldn't help but look at the huge, deep gash along her chest.

"Don't touch it!" Fang scolded, swatting her wandering fingers from pulling on her jagged skin.

"Don't tell me what to do," Max grumbled, apparently not able to feel the pain as much as she should.

"Stop it," Fang demanded again and roughly grabbed her wrists to stop her from harming herself even more.

"Since when do you care?" She yelled, there was no way Max would ever have said something like that to him, ever. She's still wasted... Fang thought miserably. It was quiet before he answered.

"Max, you're hurt and drunk- let's get you to your mum's-"


Fang just stared at Max, her face serious. She sat up from him and turned her body away from his grip. The gory wound bled more from her moving.

"You're opening the cut more-"




"Stop saying-"

"Shut up and kiss me" She interupted. Her demand so unexpected he couldn't help but want to obey her. She looked at him helplessly. Her eyes pleading with him. He couldn't say no to her, not now, not ever. "Please, Fang..."

He leaned in closer and Max quickly closed the gap. She didn't even give him time to realise what was happening.

What started out to be soft and gentle kisses soon sparked passionate and hungry kisses. Somehow Fang found himself above Max, trying not to hurt her by pressing his weight on her.

"Come here, you" Max murmered softly, pulling his body onto hers completely. He'd never felt so right- though Max was going to be in extreme pain when she woke up to her bloody body. He felt happy, complete... loved. This was it, he knew it. Max was it for him. He did love her, she was absolutely perfect- made for him. But the taste of Max's blood on his lips bought him out of his love-induced daze, he pulled away fro her warm mouth.

"Max... I think we should stop," He ground out as Max nipped and sucked his neck, finding his pressure point easily.

"I don't believe you think that for a second..." Max almost purred, looking meaningfully into his eyes.

The safety of the truck driver as the truck's engine blew up behind them, leaving them in an atmosphere of smoke as small bits of burning debris fell from the sky, didn't even cross Fang's mind. Especially as Max began to undo his belt...