So sorry for the late late late update. I know I am waaaaay overdue. Our home computer totally just died on us and I have no way to write except for at school and I hardly have time to write there either, not with all the "snow days" we have been taking off because we're afraid of a little snow flake or something like that. Anyways, I'll try to get these chapters up faster now that I have some time during the week where I don't have somewhere to be. Thanks my lovelies!









(At Fairy Tail)

He regretted what he had said to her. She was obviously in love with the Dragon Slayer. Why did he always have to act before he thought? It was a useless method that more often than not got him into trouble. And this time was one of those times.

Natsu had driven Levy away with his conceded words. He didn't think as to why she was acting the way she was and was asking question like she was. Until now of course…

After Levy had left, Lucy had yelled at him, scolding him for not understanding her blue-haired friend's feelings. Everyone knew that Lucy knew what was going on. She had witnessed it firsthand. She had told everyone that Levy cared for him, and that may have grown into love somehow.

And now, two weeks after she had left, no one had seen a glimpse of her. She was gone, most likely back to the Phantom Lord ruins, where her 'beloved' was.









(With Levy and Gajeel)

By the time the couple had arrived back at the guild ruins, Levy was exhausted. She wasn't used to doing so much in one day. Sure, she often taken on jobs that would keep her up for a good day for so, but she wasn't used to this much…. everything. They talked, they laughed, they made love (a lot), and the walk to the waterfall lake had been long, the walk back had been worse, and Levy was just plain exhausted.

Gajeel noticed her fatigue; she was practically forcing herself to walk now. He knew she was tired and he wanted to help her, but he also knew that she was too proud and self-conscious to ask for help, not unless she really needed it.

"Shrimp?" He stopped, putting his hands on her shoulders lightly. She looked up at him, the sunlight bringing out the circles under her eyes. "You alright?" She nodded, and then shook her head, "Want some help?" He asked. She looked down before nodded, almost as if she felt weak asking for it.

Without a warning, Gajeel picked Levy up in his arms, letting her sit the basket on her torso. Then, he began walking again. Once they had reached the guild, he looked down to see her sleeping deeply. He smiled fondly and carried her into the guild and to the room they had been using as theirs, dropping the basket in the doorway of the room once he entered it.

Levy stirred and opened her eyes a Gajeel tucked her into bed. He smiled fondly at her and pressed his lips to her cheek, telling her to go back to sleep. Once she was sound asleep again, he made his way to the shower, ready for a much needed wash down.

Though nothing could get the smell of his little shirmpy bookworm off of his skin.









(With Natsu)

He had to make things right, he just had to. Levy was a part of his guild, his family, and he had to apologize to her. Remarkably, the Fire Dragon Slayer had made this decision on his own, no pushing from his other guild mates, especially the other members of Shadow Gear.

Though her scent was faded, Natsu was able to follow his nose, finding himself at a tree where her scent mixed with the scent of cold iron. From there, he followed the mixed scent, figuring that they had run into each other there and had decided to go back to the ruined guild hall.

Once he had reached the hall, the scent was stronger, more overpowering to his sensitive nose. Not only could he smell books and iron, he could also smell arousal, which made him want to puke. With a sigh, and some hesitation, he followed the scent, finding a sleeping bluenette and the sound of water running. Natsu walked up to the bed, and gently shook Levy. Once she opened her eyes, he hung his head.

"Natsu, what are you doing here?" She asked softly, a frown etching into her features.

"I came to apologize." He whispered fists clenched at his sides in nervousness, "I didn't realize how you felt about Gajeel. I didn't care to see it, nor did I want to. I see now that I was wrong. You care for him and I had no right to say the things I did the way I did." He told her, "I'm sorry, Levy. I should have respected your obvious feelings."

What surprised the Dragon Slayer was when the small girl jumped off the bed and threw her arms around him, "Thank you, Natsu." She whispered, "I love him so much. I can't be away from him," She explained, pulled away from him. She sat back on the bed, smiling.

"Will you come back to the guild? Lucy's a wreck without you." He told her, making her giggle and smile wider as she nodded. As she stood up, the sunlight caught her ring, making it shimmer in the light, "What's that?" He asked curiously.

And if it was possible, her smile grew wider as she lifted her hand to show him the ring, "Gajeel asked me to marry him. Isn't it beautiful?! He proposed a couple hours ago, while we were picnicking at a gorgeous lake. On the way back, he told me that he had made it for me a few days ago."

Natsu grabbed her hand and started at the ring, wide eyed, "He proposed!" He yelled. After a minute, he looked back up at her, releasing her hand, "He loves you." She nodded, knowing it was a statement, not a question, "I'm happy for you Levs." He told her, pulling her into another hug.

"Oi, flame brain, hands off my fiancée." Came a rough voice. Levy smiled as she looked over Natsu's shoulder. There stood Gajeel, wrapped in only a towel at his waist. Natsu immediately released Levy and slapped a hand over his eyes.

"PUT SOME CLOTHES ON YOU METALLIC FACED FREAK!" He yelled, small flames erupting from his mouth.

"I CAN WEAR WHATEVER I WANT YOU HOT HEAD. THIS IS MY GUILD!" Gajeel yelled back, hitting Natsu with is iron arm.

Levy laughed, and then gasped as his towel fell. The two Dragon Slayers kept bickering back and forth, Gajeel hitting Natsu and the other covering his eyes.

"Ne, Gajeel-kun." Both men looked at her, "Your towel." He looked down, and roared in frustration, making Natsu laugh at him. Levy just stood there, smiling sweetly and innocently as Gajeel growled and went back into the bathroom, mumbling something about putting his clothes on.

Natsu shook his head when Levy looked his way, "You've changed." He told her, "I've never seen you like this. I guess you really do love him."

Levy was shocked. This was the most mature that she had seen Natsu be, ever. He wasn't usually like this, "Natsu…. Thank you for understanding."

"Are you coming back?" He asked her, "To Fairy Tail?"

She sighed, "I don't know. I'm scared of how everyone else is going to take the news. I want to be with Gajeel and if they don't accept that, then I'll leave with him. Go wherever he goes and stay by his side."

Natsu pulled his wide grin on her, "Of course they'll be okay with it. We're family and family supports each other. We're nakama and nakama always want you to be happy. And if they don't take your word for it, they'll just have to take one look at you two, and they'll know you're serious about him." He told her, assuring her fears.

She smiled back at him, "Thanks Natsu."









(At Fairy Tail)

She was hesitant to go inside, Gajeel could tell. He was right there beside her, his hand clasped around hers. Natsu was on her other side, giving his support and loyalty to his nakama. But she just wouldn't budge.

"Shrimp," She looked up at him, "You have to do this. We have to do this. It's the only way to be sure. If they love you as much as pinkie here says they do, then you'll be fine." He told her, ignoring Natsu's growl of his hair being salmon, not pink.

She sucked in a deep breath, then let it out, "Okay." She whispered, "Let's do this. I want to see my family again. I want you to meet your family."

Gajeel smiled, in a way that he had never smiled before and together, they pushed the doors open, and we're met with silence. Everyone's eyes were on them, on Gajeel. The man who destroyed their guild, though it was now rebuilt, and better than before.

"LEVY-CHAN!" The blonde launched herself at Levy, wrapping her in a tight embrace. This caused Levy to release Gajeel's hand and hug Lucy back, "I missed you so much!" She cried.

Levy let out a laugh, "It's okay Lu-chan, I'm back." She said to the blonde, "And I brought a friend." She added.

Lucy glanced at Gajeel and laughed, "I see that."

Gajeel looked away from the two girls, blushing and grumbling under his breath.

"Anyways," Levy started, after pushing the emotional celestial wizard off of her, "I have something to tell all of you." She took a deep breath and grabbed Gajeel's hand, "Gajeel and I, we are in love." He squeezed her hand, "And we are getting married." She finished.

The guild went silent, making Levy think the worst, until they erupted in cheers. Everyone was smiling and offering her congratulations as she walked by them on her way to where the master was. Makarov just started at them, a frown lightly etched on his face.

"Oi, old man." Gajeel started, earning an elbow to the side from Levy, "Let me in the guild." He said. The master grumbled, "What?" Suddenly, Gajeel was crushed by a giant fist.

"Don't you- hic- talk to me that –hic- way, boy. Not after- hic- what you did to our- hic- guild and to L-hic- Levy." He slurred drunkenly, "Mira, get the –hic- guild stamp." He ordered.

Levy smiled at the master after he raised his fist from Gajeel, "Thank you master." She said.