Emily spent 2 days in the hospital before her mother aka the ambassador came straight faced to her daughter's side. Emily knew this was her chance to tell her mother about Gregor but before she could open her mouth her mother was shouting orders.

"Get out of that bed and get some clothes on! We are leaving."

"Where are we going?"

"Home. Where else?"


"But nothing. We are leaving this depressing place now."

"Yes mother."

While sitting in the limo, Emily looked at her mother.

"Mother, please. Gregor-"

"Yes Gregor told me about you and that girl. I'm very disappointed with you. Do you know what will happen if anyone finds out about this?"

She sighs.

"But mother-"

"That is why we are leaving tonight."

"But. What!"

"Don't you dare, raise your voice to me! Yes, we will be here for the trial, okay? But from now on you are coming with me on business trips. Gregor has been demoted since he can't seem to look over you well."

"No! He's gonna kill me."

"No he won't, child. He would never hurt you."

"Mother, you don't understand."

Emily sighs.

"Can we make a stop first?"

The ambassador nods. Emily passes the sheet she got at the hospital to the driver. He turns and starts driving to the destination.

As they arrive to the destination, Emily jumps out of the limo.

"It's okay, Mother. I'll be right back."

The ambassador doesn't bother to turn from her phone. Emily knocks on the door.

"Is JJ here?"

The girl nods and lets the girl in.



They hug.

"Okay I don't have long. I need your number."

"Okay here."

JJ scribbles and hands her a piece of paper with her new number on it. Emily shoves it in her pocket.

"Thanks. We're moving. I'm going with my mother. My mother doesn't like you so we need a code. What do you want to be called?"

"How about Shelby?"

"Sure and I'll go by Elizabeth cause no one would think you would call the Ambassador."

"So those are our new names I like it."

"Me too."

A horn honks outside.

"I got to go. I'll call you later, Shelby."

"Bye, Elizabeth."

They hug goodbye and Emily runs to the car.

"Who was that?"

The ambassador said knowing it was the motherly thing to ask.

"Oh it was a friend that I wanted to say goodbye to before we left."

"That important to you? You sure it wasn't your little bitch?"

She whispered the end not wanting to be obscene. She had high standards and couldn't have her ideas lessened just because of a foolish child or an obscene word.

"No, it was just a friend. It was my friend, Shelby."

"Good. I want you ready by 8 o'clock to go. The jet will be waiting so don't be late, okay?"

"Yes, Mother."

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