I do not own the rights to the original Labyrinth storyline, so on and so forth. Read and review, thank you for the time.

This little piece is around three years old, haha. Just found it again last night. I remember writing it in high school science during a documentary.

Jareth knew that he would never own Sarah completely as he had once desired. He easily recognized that her heart would forever hold courage. That she would always have her own opinions to share...whether he cared for it or not. She would eternally be her own person.

Nevertheless, she finally chose him, and she chose the Labyrinth. She chose the Underground Realm over her own dear mortal world, the land of Abovegrounders. And she now, remained at the Castle Beyond on her own accord. Sarah had confirmed this is what she wanted each time he would inquire if she felt differently.

She wanted to love him, regardless if she did not quite fear him. And she permitted him to rule her, even though it was to a certain extent.

But still, she always would be the Sarah he knew so well, and she'd always be the maiden filled with fire and ice, who was capable of making him bend to her every wish at one moment or another.

Therefore, as long as she wanted this, wanted what his world could offer her, it was enough.

As long as she stayed, he would be content. It was defiantly—enough.