OKAY, by now I'm sure most of you are pissed beyond words as to why I haven't updated anything good in forever. The answer is simple of corse: Laziness. I am a lazy a-hole, I know so don't try to kill me via Reviews. Reviews are nice though... Telling me how I'm doing 'n' boosting me confidence...

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Bleach. I don't even own Yumi or Zen. They belong to the lovely Jessiker. She isn't on here, but she does have great ideas. (when it comes to Yaoi) She likes to read a lot of (Yaoi) stories on here. Her life kinda revolves on drawing and dieing of fangasm.

Please review and make mee feeeeelll Better~!

The vast land of Hueco Mundo is endless and heartless.

In order to survive in the barren wasteland, one must feast on the flesh of one's comrade.

In order to rise to the top of the food chain one must feast on the flesh of one's comrade.

In order to get anywhere in life this brutal and bloodthirsty desert, one must be equally brutal and bloodthirsty.

You must devour to live.

That is how it has always been, and always will be in this terrifying land.

The creature desperately tried to crawl forward, yet the broken and feeble would not allow this action. It screamed as it felt its flesh be torn for its being and consumed by the large white tiger. The tiger simply ignored the creature as it ripped another disgusting piece of tissue from its writing prey. Her cold blue eyes were dull and unseeing as she tried to imagine the palace of Los Noches and when she would become an Arrancar. How much better her life would be then. Now more feasting on the weak for an evolution and trekking though the grainy desert, forever greeted by the moon. Instead she would serve Lord Aizen and maybe become an Espada.

It was then she noticed the creature behind her.

Her body whipped around at top speed, a piece of the creature hanging from her joules as it stained the white sand a deep crimson. She let out a low warning snarl at the coyote. The coyote walked lazily closer giving small flash of its sharp, white teeth. This time she added a harsh glare and bared her teeth practically taunting him to step closer and face the wrath. He stepped closer it was then she lunged at his ridged form.

Her back itched, her butt hurt, and she was about ready to kill Zen. The little ray of fucking sunshine had intruded on her nap to tell her word of Grimmjow's…. one handed situation. At least it wouldn't be hard for him to choose what hand to jerk off with now… But still. Now she was leaned up against one of the various white pillars listening as her twin counterpart babbled on about how Aizen had taken it, and how much she wished he would remove Grimmjow's mouth and do them all a favor.

"And then FOOSH! Lord Tousen just lit up his arm like fireworks! No chance of that idiot hoping to regenerate that baby," Yumi listened to the long drawn out explanation, yet she kept her gaze on the floor desperately trying to ignore Zen's ecstatic hands as she spun the tale.

"Wow really? That kinda sucks…" The white haired Arrancar drawled out as she observed make-believe patterns in the marble floors.

"Kinda? Yumi! Are you even listening to me?" Zen grabbed the other girl's bare shoulders and shook her back and forth, slamming the back of her head into the pillar with every tug. "Grimm-kitty lost his position! You could join the Espadas!"

"Tch, as if your stupid Lord Aizen would ever let me. The lazy sack of shit can't stand real talent and skill," Her voice was filled with venom as she spoke of her 'lord.' Yumi wretched her sister's petite hands from their death-vice on her shoulders. "That bastard thinks he can rule over us like some fucking king? He is no better than Grimmjow. His lackeys always in his shadow are nothing more than a show of intimidation. He is nothing but a weak Shinigami coward." All while Yumi was making her declaration of hatred, she couldn't help but to notice the ebony-haired girl's eyes widen and the frantic hand waves and strange eye twitches. "What the hell is your problem? You're acting like you've just seen a ghost."

"Is that how you really felt about me, Yumi?" Her blood ran cold and her heart just about fell through her stomach, "Of course I never really felt that you had admired me." His hand found its way to her sharp chin and his spidery fingers seem to lock her jaw in place. She wasn't really scared, no; she was more surprised by his sudden appearance. Well the saying does go 'Speak of the devil and the devil shall come,' her mouth twisted in a sarcastic smirk as about a million comebacks flashed though her head.

"You should know that admiration is the furthest emotion from understanding, Lord Aizen,"

Zen stared at the two with a look of horror. The tension was tangible in the air and she could practically see the sparks bouncing between their locked eyes.

"Aren't ya 'specially cheeky taday, little Yu," It must be raining assholes…. Yumi's teal eyes left Aizen's to glare down public enemy number two, the fox-faced bastard himself, Gin Ichimaru. She couldn't the massive loathing that seemed to overtake her when she saw the two together. Her feelings about Aizen were pretty much along the lines of complete and utter hatred. She didn't mind Gin when he wasn't being a snarky bastard. His grin though…. That unsettled her stomach. It seemed that it spoke to her, saying 'Am I good? Am I bad? Keep on guessing, you'll never know.'

"I tend to be cheeky every day, Gin. " Slapping away Aizen's disgusting hand away from her chin, she gave a sharp turn and began to walk away Zen in tow sputtering apologies at the two lords. "I could care less about the two of you, Zen, quit apologizing already! You're giving me a fucking headache,"

"B-but- I-I-"

"Shut up!" Yumi all but growled.

"Yumi-san, I'm not done talking to you," The immense spiritual pressure leaked out of Aizen, causing Zen to immediently stop and folded into herself, her breaths came erratically and a cold sweat broke out on her brow.

Yet, Yumi Sousaku held her ground, not even fazed. A bark of laughter left her lips as she tilted her head in his direction, the biggest shit-eating grin plastered on her face.

"Is that all you got Aizen?"

I've never really liked Aizen, sure he goes whoosh and breaks a perfectly good pair of glasses then is all slikky-slikky with the hair...

Review ya'll