Wanna be friends: lets talk writing.t*u*m*b*l*r.c/o/m (take out the spaces and wacky characters)

Feel free to send me prompts or ask me questions or whatever floats your boat :)

Hey, me here. As much as I would like to take all of the credit, I cannot. Zoey belongs to: Vipergirl02

Angie belongs to: Chocoholic300

Rachel belongs to: The great, Rick Riordan

Feel free to r&r, constructive criticism is always appreciated and flames will be used to roast marshmallows.

I woke up at nine thirty in the morning, the fancy new alarm clock that my dad justhad to buy me beeping and buzzing. As soon as I sat up a feeling of dread overcame me. It was September third, the day that we were going to make the five-hour car trip from upstate New York to The Clarion Ladies Academy in Hartford, Connecticut. Ugh. That school was going to be filled with the brats of the rich and aristocratic, if Dad hadn't allowed me to bring two of my friends, and they were coming for protection more than anything else, I don't know what I would do.

"Miss Rachel, your father sent me to...oh good, you're already awake. Mr. Dare sent me to wake you up and tell you that you're going to leave in an hour and to make sure your guests are ready." Melody told me. Melody is the current housekeeper, and I'm surprised she's lasted this long. She seems nice enough, but nobody ever works at the Dare household for very long; either they fold clothes incorrectly (I don't see why that's just a problem), forget to garden my mother's tomato garden (she only has it to brag about how she 'Spends time with the earth' when her bridge club comes over), or prepare a dinner that has one too many calories for the diet that Mom thinks she needs to be on (once again, don't see the problem with this).

"Okay, I'll go get them," I sighed; this was going to be a long day. I grabbed a pair of purple jeans with rips and paint splatters, and an off-white t-shirt. Everybody else was probably going to be decked out in designer goods and ten pounds worth of jewelry; I was definitely going to make an entrance.

I put on my fuzzy moose foot slippers (they were a Birthday present from Percy) and walked out of my room and into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth as fast as I could, ran down the stairs and out the back door. I cut across my mother's tomato garden, it's not like she actually gardened in it anyway, and into the guesthouse. The guesthouse was small compared to the main house, but I always felt terrible about it; the guesthouse alone was triple the size of Percy's apartment, and double the size of Annabeth's house. I walked in through the big double doors and toward the bedroom where my friends Angie Jasper (well I suppose if I was really being formal I should call her Angelica, but nobody ever does), and Zoey Drake. Angie was already awake and dressed, being organized was one of her many talents, but Zoey was still asleep.

"Hey Angie," I called.

"Hey Rachel, can you help me wake up Zoey? Daughters of Hypnos don't like to wake up, and I've been trying to get this particular one awake for an hour." It took both of us shaking her and yelling in her ears for a good three minutes before she opened her eyes.

"Zoey, get up! We leave for Hartford in thirty minutes," Angie said.

"What? Twenty minutes? Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" Zoey asked, outraged. I looked at Angie, she looked at me, and we both broke out into a fit of laughter.

"I don't see what's so funny," Zoey told us, which just made us laugh even more.

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After we'd all finished getting ready we packed our bags and headed for the car. My dad had decided to rent us a limo, which normally I would have been annoyed about, but as it turns out we needed a lot of the room for our school duffels. I sat in the middle of the back with Angie on my left and Zoey on my right. Zoey had her brown hair in a braid. She was wearing a blue hoodie and white skinny jeans that had more holes than mine did. Angie also was wearing her hair in a braid, I bet they planned that, and she had on a t-shirt and jeans. I pulled out my sketchpad and settled in for the journey. About half an hour into the trip I finished my first drawing. It was of a girl with spring green eyes, and wavy dark brown hair being hurt by some type of monster. I, being the Oracle of Delphi, every now and then have prophetic visions and sometimes they influence what I draw, this must have been some sort of warning, but what? So of course, I chose to do the only logical thing and ask the daughter of the goddess of wisdom what she made of it.

"Angie, look at this drawing."

"What? Oh sorry, I wasn't listening." She took out her earphones and I repeated the question.

"What do you think of this drawing?" She studied the drawing for a minute.

"I think it's a drawing of a girl being mauled by a monster."

"Thank you Sherlock, I got that much. But what do you think it means?"

"I think it means that you were wise to bring us with you."