Outside of the valley

It was a cloudy day in the valley of piece. Villagers were tending to there shops. People were doing there final runs because the day was starting to end. Little ones told there friends goodbye and rushed home. Soon shop after shop started to close down. Vendors went home to rest and relax after a days hard work. Everything seemed fine a normal ending work day ,but there was something out of the ordinary. Two things out of the ordinary. On top of a hill outside the valley. Two figures looked down upon there destination. There faces were cloaked and could not be seen.

A sense of determination came with them. The proceeded down the hill. Taking there time. Trying to blend in. As they approached the gate. They looked down the street. They could see the streets people gathering there things and heading home. They proceeded down the street. As they were walking they got glances from curios villagers ,but they eventually turned to there own business shrugging it off.

The two cloaked figures soon came to the dragon warrior noodle shop. They looked inside and it was empty. Except for a goose cleaning the tables. The figures walked inside and approached the goose.

The goose dropped the rag he was using on the floor and as he was going to pick it up. He noticed a black robe and a foot was slightly sticking out. He looked up without standing up. He tried to look at there faces but he could only see black.

He quickly stood up

"uh I'm sorry but we are closed but feel free to come tomorrow" He said nervously. The figures stood there for another couple moments. Finally one of the spoke.

"We do not wish to dine here we seek information" The figure said bluntly. The goose was shocked but did not show it

"Then what is it you wish to know" he said uneasy. Scared out of his wits of being robbed.

"We travel here to see the wedding of the dragon warrior" The figure spoke.

"oh well the wedding is in a week" the goose said

"Thank you for the information Mr….." the figure said leading him on

"oh Where are my manners my name is Mr. Ping" He said

"Thank you Mr. ping" the figure said turning around to walk out. As this happened the other figure turned and followed. As they walked out they left a very scared goose behind. He quickly finished cleaning so he could go inside.

When the figures left they quickly went into a dark ally and started to speak

"oh great the wedding is in a week" one figure said bitterly

"we will just have to blend in till then" the other said

"when this is over im going to dance on his grave" the first one said

"patience we will get our revenge" the other said

"oh ill get it alright nobody denies me"

So what do yall think im have been working on my writing skills. Hope yall liked my chapter. Oh and one more thing im going to start working on a long story and I was wondering what yall think. Please review and tell me what you think. Oh and sorry for the short chapter next one will be longer