Title: Façade
Author: Malfoi ( [email protected] )
Category: Romance/Humor/AU
Keywords: Slash, Harry, Draco, Jane Austen, Alternate Universe
Rating: R
Spoilers: Books 1-4
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. The views and actions of the characters in this fanfic are not those of J.K Rowling.
In other words, the characters aren't mine... but the situations I put them in sure are.
Author's Notes: Slash AU inspired by Jane Austen. JKR's favorite author is Jane Austen, so the setting seemed fitting. I want to thank my imouto ( ff.net - Obscurus ) for beta-ing and giving me the support and confidence to post this! *huggles imouto* Also, the title Façade and the subsequent chapter titles are inspired by Edith Sitwell and William Walton's comic piece. Feedback is welcome, flames will be used to roast marshmallows.
Chapter One

"Harry!" A voice called him from the front porch. Harry glanced up from the lake and stood, dusting off his slacks as he turned to face his Godfather. "Coming, Sirius!" At twenty-two, Harry was fresh out of university. He tried to smooth his unruly hair, his fingers brushing lightly across the lightning bolt shaped scar that marred his forehead, the result of the accident as a child that had taken both his parents lives.

For most of his life Harry had lived with his mother's relations, the Dursleys. They had treated Harry as an abomination and a burden, treating him no better than the servants in the household and hiding from Harry the knowledge that he was, in fact, an heir to a quite considerable fortune. A fortune that Harry had collected when he turned 18 and had been 'rescued,' so to speak, by his Godfather, Sirius Black, recently returned from abroad.

Harry lived with Sirius and his Godfather's longtime friend Remus Lupin. In the past four years the two had been inseperable, and Harry suspected the attatchment went much further back than that. He entered the front of the mansion, settled comfortably in the countryside of Godric's Hollow, which took its name from that great estate.

His Godfather greeted him with an embrace and handed him the letter, his dark eyes sparkling with excitement. Remus looked up serenely from the couch where he sat reading and smiled once as Harry opened the letter.

"It's from Ron" He grinned, scanning the contents quickly. "He hopes I'm having a good holiday and invites me to spend the summer months with his family at the Burrow." A slim dark brow arched. "And he wishes to acquaint me 'most passionately' to a Miss Hermione Granger of Lambton." Harry laughed before continuing, his brow furrowing at what he read next.. "He states that his family is going to be spending the fortnight at Dumbledore's estate, but that Dumbledore has extended the invitation to myself in the hopes that I might attend the ball he's holding on Friday, next." Eager green eyes looked up to meet his Godfather's and he smiled. "I am allowed to attend, I hope? You won't miss me too dreadfully?"

Sirius laughed, exchanging a look with Remus. "Of course I'll miss you! We both will, won't we Remus?"

The grey haired man smiled pleasantly. "Of course, Harry. We shall miss you. But we would not dream of keeping you from such an exciting event."

Harry grinned, thanking them both before hurrying upstairs to pack for the journey from Godric's Hollow to Hogwarts, an easy distance indeed on 50 miles of good road.


The carriage pulled up in front of the rather forboding but still picturesque estate of Hogwarts. Harry stepped out, brushing the dust from traveling from his dark green coat that brought out the brilliance of his green eyes.

He leaned back, slipping the brown top hat onto his head and craning his neck, eyeing the mansion, windows alight. He could make out people's forms inside, dancing, talking, sitting and playing cards. He tugged at the waistband of his coat lightly before walking to the entrance.

Once inside, the ball atmosphere was contagious.

"Potter! I say, Potter!" a cheerful voice bellowed from within. Harry turned and grinned, seeing his longtime friend Ron Weasley coming towards him, a lovely girl on his arm that Harry recalled by the name of Miss Granger. She smiled, her eyes sparkling with wit as she embraced him.

Ron was blushing almost red enough to match his hair, threatening to overpower his maroon coat that was just barely starting to show signs of wear around the cuffs. Harry noticed his gloved hand closed tightly around Miss Granger's and he smiled knowingly before Ron even opened his mouth.

"I believe congratulations are in order?" He asked, a smile curving his lips.

Ron's enthusiastic grin confirmed that his suspicions were correct. Harry bowed and kissed Miss Granger's hand as Ron introduced them. "Hermione, I want you to meet Harry Potter. My best mate these ten years at least."

Hermione curtsied politely and smiled. "I'm honored to make your acquaintance, Mr. Potter. Mr. Weasley has told me so much about you." Her hair was arranged attractively in curls that framed her face and piled elegantly on her head.

The trio walked together towards the ballroom itself, Harry and Ron chatting about past adventures in school and Hermione laughing cheerfully at their stories.

"Why, Mr. Potter. Here I thought that Ron was the wild one of the pair of you! Now I see all his mischief was your idea." She teased.

"Pfft. You think that's mischief?" Harry grinned back, instantly at ease with Miss Granger as if he had grown up with her and Ron both. "I'm sure Ron has told you about his brothers, Fred and George, and all the trouble they've caused in the Regiment with their jokes?" Harry's eyes scanned the ballroom as the three entered, settling on an arrogant looking fellow standing opposite him, an expression of abject boredom sitting on his features.

The gentleman was dressed impeccably in the latest fashion, his coat a deep royal blue that seemed almost purple. Expensive Indigo dye, he would guess, even from this distance in the candlelit ballroom. The darkness of the dye contrasted with the paleness of his hair, so blonde and fine it looked like flax. Harry's gaze continued downward to the impeccably tailored trousers and fine boots, polished to a high shine. As he drew his gaze back up he blushed to notice his study had not gone unnoticed. The young man arched a fine brow, blue locked with green across the crowded dance. Harry was intrigued by the arrogance contained in that look, feeling himself drawn under its power. The gaze was broken only as the trio was interrupted by Ron's younger sister, Ginny. He smiled fondly at her and complimented her gown, noting the blush that stained her features as she smiled back shyly.

Ginny was the only girl in the Weasley clan, and as such, she and Harry had been intended for each other nearly since her birth. Now finally at a marriageable age, both Harry's family and the Weasleys expected an announcement of engagement. Ginny was, after all, the only sister of Harry's best friend and Harry certainly had no other attachments. Yet Harry hesitated, still. Not wanting to push Ginny into a marriage with him merely because it was expected. Well, that was what he told himself. Ginny seemed to have little problem accepting their match as inevitable and had the good grace to enjoy his company exclusively.

When he glanced back to where the gentleman had been he was gone. Harry frowned, but was distracted this time by his friend Ron. He barely noticed when Hermione excused herself for a moment and left Harry with Ron and Ginny. Harry asked pleasantly about their parents' health, his eyes wandering around the room as Ron pointed out various relations. He saw Ron's oldest brother Bill chatting with their host, Dumbledore, near the refreshments. He finally discerned Percy's figure in the corner, chatting with a soft spoken fellow Harry knew to be Neville Longbottom. The aforementioned twins, Fred and George, were playing a rousing game of cards across the hall in the parlor, and Mr and Mrs. Weasley were seated at a table nearby, involved in lively conversation with their son Charlie, who also happened to be Commanding Officer of the Regiment. One of the reasons that Fred and George were able to get away with as much mischief as they liked.

It was at that moment Hermione reappeared, attached to the mysterious gentleman Harry had seen before. Harry had rarely seen his friend anything but friendly, but as the blonde joined their party, Ron's features hardened. His normally good humored brown eyes darkening and looking as welcoming as granite, a sentiment echoed in the eyes of the blonde. Harry noticed a small muscle twitch in the blonde's throat and was startled out of his daze by Ron's angry voice.

"Hermione, darling. What is HE doing here?"

Hermione arched a brow at her husband to be, startling Harry with her ability to hold her ground. "Mr. Malfoy is a longstanding friend of my family, Mr. Weasley. He was invited here at my request." She then turned to Harry and smiled. "Mr. Potter, I would be pleased to make your acquaintance to Mr. Malfoy."

Harry extended his hand hesitantly after glancing at Ron, who looked fit to kill. "Harry Potter. A pleasure, sir."

Draco eyed him lazily before extending his hand in return, his voice a slow drawl. "Draco Malfoy." Their palms touched only briefly before Draco pulled his hand back, as if he were afraid of contracting a disease. Harry glowered, affronted.

Hermione coughed politely and introduced Draco to Ginny. Harry stiffened, feeling protective of Ginny instinctively. Draco seemed to notice this, a grin forming at the corners of his lips as he touched his lips to the back of Ginny's palm. "I would like to inquire if you are engaged for the two-next, Miss Weasley? If not I would be overjoyed for the pleasure of your company." His voice was low and seductive. Harry couldn't help but shiver at the intimate, dulcet tones.

Ginny looked bewildered, her eyes glancing wildly from Harry and Ron's faces as she blushed. "I-I am not engaged, Mr. Malfoy." She took his hand hesitantly and Draco smirked at Harry and Ron before walking off towards the dance floor.

Ron looked ready to spit fire, his eyes dangerously hot. Harry's feelings towards Malfoy were no less amicable and he bristled, watching the couple start to dance.

Ron exploded at Hermione, who gave him a glare and an indignant "Men!" before storming off to join the Weasleys, smiling cheerfully at her future in-laws.

"Who is he, Ron?" Harry asked softly, his eyes never leaving the pair. He stiffened as Draco said something apparently witty and Ginny laughed, her face an open smile.

"Draco Malfoy. One of the most unpleasant men I've ever had in my acquaintance. Rude, patronizing, and too rich even for him." Ron snorted derisively. "Hermione's family is acquainted with them. They're from the same county-Lambton. But Malfoy has always made it quite clear who's family is superior to the other. He rarely associates with anyone. Insufferably proud."

Draco chose that moment to face their direction, his eyes locking gazes with Harry's once more, another smile curling at the corners of his mouth, but this one almost sinister in its temper.

"He's intent on Ginny, then?" Harry asked flatly, his eyes flashing angrily.

Ron shook his head, confused. "He's never been acquainted with her before. But I guarantee that this is the last time she dances with the likes of him!"


The next afternoon found Harry alone at Hogwarts. Or so he thought. The Weasleys had undertaken a visit to the Regiment and Harry had declined, begging tiredness from his long journey to Hogwarts. He was slightly fatigued, but had desired the time alone to muse on the occurrences the night before at the ball. As he wandered down the grand staircase he was hailed by his host, Dumbledore.
Harry bowed, thanking Dumbledore for his great kindness in extending the invitation meant for the Weasleys to include himself.

Dumbledore laughed pleasantly, his old gray eyes twinkling. "From what I hear, young man, you shall not long be separated from the Weasley clan, eh Mr. Potter?"

Harry had colored and Dumbledore chuckled. "Perhaps you would fancy a game of billiards, Mr. Potter? I am not much for the game myself but I have a fine table in the West Drawing Room that is very comfortable for solitaire, so I'm told."

Harry's eyes lit up, as billiards was one of the few games he enjoyed. He considered it nearly a sport and had spent many hours at university becoming quite skilled. He thanked his host before walking off in search of the West Drawing Room, not seeing, in his enthusiasm, the knowing smile upon Dumbledore's face.

The West Drawing Room proved to be exceedingly difficult to find. Harry would swear the staircases moved on him when he wasn't looking. At last he poked his head into the correct doorway, his eyes falling on the fine table and the equally fine body that was bent over the table.

Malfoy held the cue firmly in his hands, taking no notice of Potter as he entered, invading his privacy. With a calculated gaze he took his shot, finally stretching, placing on hand on the small of his back to massage the muscles there. Harry held his breath as he waited to be discovered, studying Malfoy intently from the rear. His overcoat was discarded, draped casually over an armchair and leaving him in only a simple waistcoat and blouse over another pair of fine trousers and boots.

At last the blonde turned, regarding him with some astonishment as well as embarassement. Harry flushed. "E-excuse me, Malfoy. Dumbledore suggested I play a round of billiards I had no idea that I would find you here." He regained his nerve by the end of his speech, squaring his shoulders and narrowing his eyes at the man before him.

Draco arched a brow, quickly recovering from the surprise. "Indeed, Potter. Dumbledore suggested to me the very same thing. And as I was here first" he trailed off suggestively and looked away, studying Potter beneath pale lashes, praying the room was dark enough to conceal the faint blush that stained his cheeks. He turned his back to the other man, attempting to concentrate once more on his game.

Harry glared, presented once more with Malfoy's backside. "Solitaire isn't enjoyable anyway, Malfoy." He ventured smoothly. "Why not prove yourself the man you're reputed to be?" His fingers were balled tightly into fists as he waited, outwardly calm, for Malfoy's response.

Draco turned around again, his expression once more that controlled mask of arrogance. A smirk twisted over the aristocratic features that reminded Harry of the glance across the dance floor when Malfoy had been dancing with Ginny. "I assure you, my reputation is exactly as it appears to be." The blonde replied calmly. "And what can be said for the Boy Who Talks Big?"

Harry grabbed a cue from the rack at random, giving the impression he did not have much care for which cue he selected nor the game in general. Quite the opposite was actually running through Harry's mind. "Shall we discuss the stakes, Malfoy?" He said, chalking the tip of the cue casually.

Draco narrowed his eyes. "What do you have in mind?" His voice was clipped, indifferent.

Harry set the cue aside, bending over the table to arrange the two balls opposite the cue ball. "Three lives. Every time one of us wins, they get to ask a question. Deal?" His gaze was clear and honest, meeting Malfoy's earnestly.

"Done. But I get to go first."
