WARNING: Slight spoilers of Ace Attorney.
And I still don't own these games, so no wedding for now.
Epilogue _ After one hundred years of slumber
Three years quickly passed by, and Mia was now the head of a successful law firm. Hers and Diego's name kept gaining fame. Especially in tricky cases where all the evidence seemed to point at the client, it was said that they would always pull through… if the client was innocent, of course.
That trial had changed their lives for the best. Mia lifted her head from the papers in front of her to remember.
Iris had resumed her Literature studies, this time under her real name. She divided her time between the temple, the city and Kurain. While Morgan never acted like the mother she was, she finally accepted her after Iris announced she didn't have any intention of becoming Master and after she got Pearl to talk to her under an impressive mark of twenty seconds, becoming best friends and true sisters before three minutes had passed.
Edgeworth had taken a long vacation too after the trial. Mia remembered how Iris had run to him to tell him something she didn't quite catch. He seemed taken aback, but the moment broke when Larry attacked them from behind. There had been rumors of him having a great argument with his mentor, Manfred von Karma, and soon after he began travelling around the world. He came back every now and then, sometimes for months, but he was a different man. Easier to deal with (most of the time).
Larry was still Larry, and Mia learned through and through what that meant. Who was it that told her: 'When something smells, it's usually the Butz'? So true. He had not only been a witness in various cases; just last week he was almost charged with a murder he never committed. The murderer, Sawhit or something like that, was not the smartest of criminals, but he did give her a hard time.
Speaking of which, she had done a very good job with the statue Larry gave her as 'payment' at the end of the trial. The clock inside had been carefully removed, and instead a big stack of papers took its place. Once the head was again into place, no one would be able to tell that inside was the information that would send Bluecorp and Redd White to bankrupt.
The phone started ringing, and she wondered for a moment if it was Maya again. She would be coming that day; it had been a while and Mia was really looking forward to it. She had planned to take her sister and cousin to a new hamburger restaurant nearby, and maybe have some girls' time alone with them. Actually, Mia knew that Diego was preparing a surprise for her, and she secretly wished it would involve white dresses and a big cake.
She answered, giving her back to the front door. She could see the lights from the rooms of the hotel across the street.
"Hello? Fey & Co. Law Office, how may we help you?"
"Mystic Mia!"
Mia instantly knew that something had happened. After a lot of persuasion, Iris only called her that when she was upset or excited. She sounded both, but there was also something else. Was it hope?
"What's wrong?"
"He woke up!"
"He woke up! Feenie woke up! The doctors made me go outside, they want to conduct some tests on him, see if everything is alright… you know how worried they were when his hair started to lose color… but he's been awake for more than ten minutes now, they say this time it could be for real!"
"Really? That's great, Iris! And how are you feeling?"
"Me? Why would you ask that?"
"Don't try to fool me. Tell me what's bugging you."
"Well… the last time he regained consciousness it was just a few minutes but… he talked."
Mia pinched the bridge of her nose. "What did he say?"
"I'll be there in twenty minutes. Don't do anything reckless, got it?"
The person on the other end of the phone laughed, more animated than ever.
"Of course not, what could I do in a hospital? I'm so happy, Mystic Mia. I'm scared too, but mostly I'm happy. Sometimes I feared it was never going to happen."
"Just wait until Maya, Pearl and Diego hear about it. They won't give you a moment of peace. And don't forget sister Bikini, she is going to love this."
Mia took her purse and two sets of keys; after some thought, she took the statue as well and hastily closed the door. The statue was thrown under the passenger's seat, and she dialed a number from her phone's memory. After three times, the answering machine beeped.
"Diego, I have a favor to ask of you. Can you go pick Maya up at the train station? I'd hate for her to go at the office and find it empty, you see…"
Yes, things were definitely going well. And Mia felt that they would only get better from that moment on.
Once again, thanks for reading!
P.S.: I'm thinking on doing a sequel, or maybe more, but I don't think it would be anytime soon. I'd rather have them completely written before posting them. ^^