Author Note: I was looking through my stuff and found both my Infernal Devices books and my DVD of Beauty and the Beast sitting next to each other and I could not help but think they had things relating to each other...So I wrote this. I shall be making it similar to the movie but the Infernal Devices characters will hopefully have their same personalities.(I say hopefully because only Cassie Clare can make Will extremely funny.)
Disclaimer: I do not own the idea of Beauty and the Beast, nor do I own the characters... I feel worthless now!
On the outskirts of London, looking over the great city, lied a palace that held the royal Herondale family. Edmund Herondale and his wife had three children with raven hair and luminescent blue eyes, though their only boy was known to have the most prominent eyes, which were a bright shade of sapphire.
The beautiful family slowly died from a passing illness, leaving only the second-born and only boy alive. He was 9 years of age at the time but with his family gone and only the servants to raise him he began to grow ill-tempered and bitter.
On a stormy winter night during the boys twelfth year, a poor and frail peasant came knocking at the great palace doors. The young Herondale, surprised by the noise after being alone for so long, had forgotten life was occuring outside his castle. He walked to the door and opened it to see the old beggar and backed away, repulsed by her ragged appearance.
"I have no place to stay. May I stay in your palace warmth for the night so I shall not freeze?" asked the the ancient peasant, offering him a rose in return for the shelter. He laughed at her offer and turned his back to her.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, sir. Do not be foolish enough to be convinced of ones worth by a simple appearance." she noted calmly. When the prince scoffed again and asked the doorman to shut the door on her, her mask drifted away to reveal a beautiful woman.
Her hair was a long and flowing blond and her eyes were captivating, for they were entirely blue and stared straight through into the prince's soul. She shined like the sun as she addressed him with a voice ringing like bells. The prince tried to apologize when he saw the beggars true self but the servant of fae ignored his pleas for mercy.
"There is no compassion or mercy in your heart. Your heart is of nothing more than a beasts." And with that the woman flashed her hands at him and bright light came from the tips of her long, delicate fingers and hit him square in the chest. He fell to the ground and writhed as his appearance transformed.
"Until you teach your heart to love and another is capable to love you back, you shall remain the way your innermost heart reflects. Beastly." she continued, grinning without humor, "This rose," She held up the rose she had previously offered and dropped it next to him, "will bloom until your eighteenth year and then it will die. You have until then to love and for it to be returned. If this occurs the spell will be broken but if not, you will remain a monster forever."
The glowing woman then dropped a book with gray bindings and a brown case next to the rose."This book will tell you what is going on in the outside world if you ask it to. Your question must be pointed though, not a general question."The prince shot up and slammed the door shut in the womans face and stormed up the staircase leaving claw marks in his wake.
He passed servants and saw they too transformed into what they resembled to be. The maids were cleaning supplies, where others were candles or violins. The prince rushed through his room to his mirror to see, not himself but a large black animal. He had large horns and claws to match his razor sharp teeth. He growled in rage and slashed at everything he could see in his bedroom but this, he knew, could not change him.
Years passed and the kingdom remained unaffected and the castle remained cursed along with its inhabitants. The aging Herondale became hopeless, for he knew no one could ever truly love a beast.