February 10th, 4 days away from Valentines day. Ichigo absolutely dreaded holidays such as this one, especially considering most of the females attending his school are a little off their rockers. Especially the ones he was friends with. He lied, stomach side up in his bed, cradling the back of his head in his right palm while he rested the left on his abdomen underneath his school uniform shirt. He carressed his stomach while letting out a series of long, dreadful sighs. He closed his eyes slowly, drifting off into a sweet sleep...

"The hell is your problem?" a female voice brought him to an abrupt hault from his slumber.
"I'm exhausted. That's my problem."
"But, you barely did anything today. In all of your classes, or at least the ones we share, all I've seen you do is sit there staring out the window."
He opened his eyes, they soon met with the ones of whom he was speaking to. They were big and raven, beautiful hues indeed, complimented with long feather-like fluttery eyelashes. Her silky raven locks fell around her round rosey cheeks acting as a curtain, theiving her of her peripheral vision. She was an angel in his eyes. One who had fallen straight out from the deepest realms of heaven, if there is one, and straight to Earth with bad intention in mind. That being said only about her attitude.

"Well," Ichigo paused, sliding his palm down his face and over his mouth, holding it there. Her tiny delicate hand reached out, lifting his much larger masculine one from over his mouth. "Well?" She repeated him.
"Rukia," Ichigo sighed, "listen. I'm tired. I just am. Why're you concerned anyway?"
"Don't flatter yourself," Rukia snickered, slipping into his bed on the other side of him, the one pressed against the wall, "I'm not concerned about anything about you."
Ichigo blinked once, speechless, not by what she said, but by what she did. Her climbing into his bed beside him was a feat he was not ready for, and one he absolutely did not expect Rukia to accomplish. She propped herself up, back against the wall and legs swung across Ichigo's stomach. While she was making herself comfortable she was also making him very very uncomfortable.

"You know you care about me."
"I didn't say I didn't care about you, I simply said I'm not concerned about you for anything. Not at the moment at least."
"What are you doing?" Ichigo finally asked.
"Hm. Nothing. Just sitting here with you." Rukia replied.
Ichigo lifted himself up, propped up on his elbows, only to find himself in an even more awkward predicument. As he lifted his body up to take her into his full view he realized, she wasn't wearing her uniform skirt. In fact she wasn't wearing bottoms at all. He was extremely flustered at this point, which Rukia of course caught on to right away.
"Problem?" she taunted him.
"Where...w...your skirt?"
Rukia looked down into her bare lap, her bright pink panties standing out, truely making a statement. Then looked up to meet eyes with Ichigo.
"I took it off."
"Well, duh but...why?"
"You know Ichigo, I've been here for a long time. In your closet and whatnot... and I think it's unfair that the only time I can get undressed or get comfortable is when you're sleep, or not home. It's frustrating."
"It's my bedroom." Ichigo slid out from under Rukia's legs, standing to his feet.

"Well I live here too, y'know." Rukia pouted.
"Yeah, because I allow you to."
"Because you l- -"
"Ahhh, shut up." he cut her off mid-sentence.
She pulled her knees up to her chest in a balled up sitting pose, resting her chin on her kneecaps. Ichigo cleared his throat loudly, trying to take his mind off her for a second or two. He was struggling to keep the red colour from creeping up onto his face.
"Fine." He blurted out.
"Fine. You can...do whatever makes you comfortable. Around here. Even when I'm here. And I'll...suck it up or something." Rukia's eyes sparkled a bit. God she was so cute. He couldn't stand it. His heart swelled up inside her chest, as well as something else. Inside his boxer breifs. He quickly turned away from her, isolating himself in the solitude of his bathroom, slouching over the sink.

Rukia rolled over in his bed, victorious. A smile crept upon her face, one that stretched from ear to ear. "Yes! Finally!" she cheered to herself, burying her face in Ichigo's pillow. She inahled deeply, drowning in his scent, it made her dizzy and lightheaded as she did it. Her eyes fluttered closed, her eyelashes batting rapidly as they did so, until she was fully asleep. Something about the scent of him just relaxed her, and she felt at ease. Ichigo peeked out through a crack in his bathroom door before flinging it all the way open. What he saw shocked him. Rukia, who was once just complaining about being uncomfortable, fast asleep in his bed. In his bed. Exposed from the waist down. The swelling in his pants resumed. He swallowed incredibly hard, the urge to control hiself wasn't nearly as strong as he'd wished it was. He found himself struggling to keep himself from pouncing on her and ridding her of those pesky panties and uniform blouse. His fingers fidgeted horribly, he had to ball his hand into a fist. Slowly, cautiously, he approached her sleeping body, holding his breath. He bent over burying his nose into her neck, taking in slow long breaths. As he inhaled and exhaled the tiny strands of hair tickled her face and neck, causing her to moan softly in her sleep. His mind was heavy with desire.

Rukia stopped breathing for a second. Ichigo flew back in panic, ready to defend himself with some absurd excuse, but she had only paused for a moment to turn her body over, now lying on her back. Ichigo exhaled with relief, slowly approaching her once more. He straddled over her sleeping body, making absolutely sure not to disturb her slumber. He balanced himself over her, propping himself up on his hands and knees. He leaned down ever so gently, his lips brushing against hers. They were so soft and moist, he kissed her. It wasn't enough. He kissed her again, longer this time, his breath becoming shallower and shakier by the second. He slid his school shoes off while running his hand down her body, gently. So very gently. Hesitantly, he slid his hand into her panties running his index and middle finger along the contour of her labia. As he carassed her he could feel her clit becoming erect, and her labia began to quiver. He watched her sleeping face change into something oh so sinful, it was too much. Just the look on her face drove him into a state of pure ecstasy and lusting. He was amazed that she was still asleep, this however made him much MUCH more brave with his actions. In a swift move, he inserted the tip of his middle digit inside her til it was buried up to the second joint. She was so soft, and hot, and wet around his finger. Tight too. He imagined if she was this tight around his finger how amazing she would feel constricting around his...

He flew back off of her, so quickly in fact he almost knocked himself right off his own feet. The shock from her ringing cellphone threw him straight out of his state of pure wanting. Quickly, in the fastest movement he had ever made in his life, he slid out of his room on his socks and jumped from the top of the stairs, down. "Hey! Watch where you're stepping asshole! You almost jumped right on top of m- -"
"Shut the hell up, Kon." Ichigo snarled, stomping the stuffed animal lion into the ground.
Listening past Kon's wails of pain, he tried to see if he could manage hearing what Rukia was saying or doing.
"Ichigo!" she cried. It's all over. His life, over. Everything. Over. Begrudginly, he carried himself back up the stairs to his bedroom door, maybe she didn't know. Maybe she'd called him for something else. "What?" he said coldly.
Rukia, kneeling on his mattress, looked over to him. Her face burning red. "Uh...um..."
"Um...have you seen my skirt...?" she choked out.
Ichigo's heart jumped up into his throat. He can't believe he got away with it.
"No. It's probably in the laundry though. What's the matter? What's got you looking so embarrassed..."
"Nothing!" Rukia snapped, placing her hand on her burning hot cheek.

"Alright, alright sheesh... why're you looking for your skirt anyway, huh? What happened to you wanting to be comfortable too..."
Rukia hurled her loafer straight at Ichigo's face so quickly he almost didn't dodge it in time. She threw her other one, but he had closed the door before it could reach him. She knelt there, silent, on Ichigo's bed, blushing so hard it was almost feverishly hot. Her hands trailed up her inner thigh to her panties and she ran her finger up and down the crotch of them, pulling them away to examine how wet they were. She blushed even harder. "Did...was Ichigo... touching me?" she whispered to herself, gulping heavily. On the other side, Ichigo slid down the door, sitting on the ground exhaling in more relief. His heart was pounding in his chest so loud he was sure Rukia could hear it from inside his bedroom. He placed his hand on his chest to slow it down, but it continued to beat hard and heavy. The images played back in his mind of him, touching her, kissing her, so close to fulfilling his ultimate want... he sighed, closing his eyes and dropping his hand to the ground. "I'm scum." he mumbled to himself.