Well, here we are~ chapter two of our pirate story! We hope you enjoyed the last chapter and are sorry that it took so long to get this one out. We got busy and uh…forgot that we had it written to post later. ':D

Reviews are much welcomed!

Thank you so much to TheGirlFromEgypt and Maya for your comments! They're greatly appreciated. ^^



Behind the Horizon

Chapter Two

"We'll see each other again. I promise."

"L-like I care if you leave!"

A small laugh escaped the teenager's lips as he ruffled the younger boy's hair. "Don't cry."

The young boy turned, wiping his eyes furiously. "I'm n-not crying!"

The tanned boy smiled, lifting his hand from the other's head before turning away. "Until we meet again."

The point of the sword pressed against a panicky Lovino's neck, though fortunately for him, not enough to through skin. "Stowaways are—"

"Captain! The Miedo!"

The sword jerked away sharply, leaving a nick in the younger man's skin as the blonde Captain whirled to face the sea. "Ready the cannons!" He pulled the Italian to his feet, earning a shaky grunt.

Lovino felt his body begin to tremble a shirtless man drew him back. "R-release me!" His efforts to escape had gone unheeded—he was harshly swung sideward as the Captain sauntered toward the ship's railing. Drawing near at an impressive speed was a different ship, closely equal in stature to this one, though it's red and gold flag flailed against the wind.

The blonde laughed, "He seems to be quite bold today." He turned towards a raven-haired man who had come to stand beside him. The sailor manning the ship's large wheel began whirling it around, facing the opposing vessel.

"Captain," said the sailor keeping hold of the quivering Lovino. "Whaddya wanna do with this rat 'ere?" He scoffed, "He looks pretty weak and useless to me."

Cold green eyes studied the struggling prisoner for a moment before taking the crewmember's sword. He pushed it into Lovino's hand, he froze. "Instead of wasting my time killing you, how about we have you die a more...honorable death, hm?"

Accompanying his words came the first thunder of cannon fire; it was followed by a swift splash, causing the man's face to darken as he turned to look at the men responsible.


Lovino stared down at the blade with widening eyes. What the hell was he supposed to do with this thing? He…he couldn't use something like this!

It was then that he was precipitously pushed to the side as the sound of cackling pirates began a crescendo, filling him with a sense of fear he'd never experienced before. Looking down at the blade in his hands and then to the ship nearing with every passing second, Lovino swallowed deeply. Was there anywhere he could escape to?

Damn it, Feliciano, you're going to kill us both!

When the other ship was close enough, ropes were dexterously thrown and latched onto The Robin. Riotously swinging from those ropes were the opposing pirates wielding weapons ranging from swords and to pistols and rifles. The sound of boots landing on the wooden ship clicked and clacked, and the cacophony of the fight swelled in his ears—that's it, he thought, he was going to die here!

A figure rushed past him, meeting another's sword, he found himself shoved out of their way callously. It was overwhelming: the smell, the sounds, the sights…was there nowhere he could hide from this chaos?

A bullet whizzed past his ear and he froze. He couldn't even muster the instincts of fight or flight as the battle raged furiously. Lovino looked about for the crates he hid behind the other day, and when he spotted them he hurried behind them. There were so many pirates on board, shouting battle-cries and fighting for their lives and the lives of their comrades—and, if he was correct, pride.

He spotted a pirate with an interest-provoking white mask hiding his eyes. He wore a wild smile on his lips even as the blood from his enemy splattered onto his shirt. He turned, gracefully clashing swords with two others. Yet another pirate with short spiky blonde hair wielded a sword with his own style.

But the pirates on the Robin weren't at all stricken by fear by those from the ones on the Miedo. They fought back fiercely. The black haired companion of the Captain wielded his sword with...with a sort of ancient poise. Almost like…like a samurai he had long ago heard of.

But the most conspicuous pirate had naturally tanned skin and long hair tied in a low red ribbon. Hanging from his neck was a beaded chain ending at a Cross charm on the middle of his chest. Over his shoulders he wore a blood-red doublet, and in his curled hand was a shining sword that remained pointed to the deck. His boots clicked against the wood as he ambled towards the captain of the Robin, a dark smirk on his lips. Something about this man...something was...familiar? No, that couldn't be right. He'd never met a pirate in his life, before today that is.

Lovino jumped as the crates tumbled down around him, two pirates having run into them as they brawled. Darting around fighting pairs, he turned and barely had time to bring his sword up as the tanned man swung at him.

"Valiant to protect your Captain, but get out of my way." The man's words were heated, a Spanish accent thick on his tongue.

His face red, Lovino tried to tell him that he wasn't a pirate, but was thrown aside by the swift movements of the pirate, and he found himself face to face with the masked man.

"Well, you're a scrawny lad aren't ya?" said the masked man. He pushed down on his sword, making Lovino sequentially, push back to keep from having his limbs frayed. He gulped at the man, whose smile had faded to a thin line.

"W-wait, damn it!" Lovino shouted as he moved to the side, "I'm not a pirate, I swear!"

The masked man's mouth opened a little to say something, but the words slipped from his lips as he turned to see the man in the red doublet, one who Lovino guessed was the Captain of the Miedo, in a fierce fight with the blonde captain. The speed at which they swung their swords was implausible, and the hate in their eyes near terrifying.

"Became a coward have you Arthur, to allow your crew to die for you instead of facing me yourself?" The Spaniard's sword thrust at an opening, but was blocked by the swift dodge afforded by the other.

"He's not mine; I don't know what in the world he was thinking," came the sharp reply. "But you're skills have clearly gone unused!"

He paid no attention to his remark, only swinging his blade at the man Arthur. The pirate in the mask, having heard their words, stopped pressuring the Italian; instead turning to fight others with no hesitation. Lovino wasn't sure if he should be relieved or petrified. What fate awaited him in this savagely fight? He looked down at his blade, eyes narrowing at the thought of his brother. There was absolutely no way he could survive in a place like this! He was so weak...and stupid (though he did have to admit, Feli had his moments). He'd pick a fight with a pirate without even meaning to!

Arthur chuckled as he pulled his pistol from its holster. "You disappoint me, Antonio."

"Ah, amigo. Don't think so lightly of me."

Antonio ducked as the gun was fired before lunging for his opponent, and he knocked the pistol away. But just as quickly was Arthur's hand on his sword, and pointing it at the Spaniard with the other's blade at his neck—a standstill between them.

Though silence should have reigned, the battle went on. "Your ship has suffered heavy damage, even if you killed me it would still be a loss on your side." Antonio smirked at the red faced captain. "Which is more important, my death or the continuation of your life on the sea?"

"Heh, I should call you cheat," said Arthur. "Attacking right as we leave port…your move seems almost cowardly."

"Excusas." He leaned forward then, flipping the Arthur's hat from his atop head and revealing the sweated blonde head.

"Cap'n!" called the Robin's crow's nest look-out. "Government ships!"

Both Arthur and Antonio looked out to the distance, the sails of governmental ships were swimming towards them—and they looked to be heavily armed. Both turned their attention back to each other with gazes' stern with discontentment.

"This isn't over."

They pulled their swords back and turned away from each other. "Not until one of us is dead."

Lovino watched, bewildered as the pirates commanded their ships to flee. The authority they held over the others was amazing; how could one man rule all of those others? It was then that the captain of the Miedo turned to him, and their eyes met—locked. Those shining emeralds gazed into his own for a long moment, and widened suddenly. Lovino's face reddened and shifted to the deck—why the hell is he looking at me like that?

"Sadiq, grab the kid and get back to the ship!"


Lovino hollered a protest as he was lifted off of the ground and slung over a muscular shoulder. "Let go of me, you bastard!"

"Hold on tight!" the pirate named Sadiq, excitement thick in his voice. He bounded up stairs of the ship and took hold of a hanging rope before swinging back and swiftly launching himself through the air. Lovino shouted and tucked his face into the man's white shirt—and when he heard his boots land on wood he yanked himself away from the man, falling onto the hard deck.

"Turn about!" shouted the captain, "Evade to the east!"

Sadiq left a steaming Lovino on the ground while he walked to his captain, both sheathing their blades as the ship drifted east. "Aye, good decision."

Antonio let out a lengthy sigh. "Si…no need to get in a pointless skirmish with those navy dogs."

It was then, as the sea and wind pulled the ship away from the oncoming armada, that the tall captain turned his gaze upon the now standing Lovino once again. A small smirk played on his lips as he watched him sway, "You're still new to this life, you haven't got you're sea-legs."

Glaring at him, Lovino snapped out, "Of course I don't! I'm not a pirate, idiot!" Was it really so hard to understand?

Antonio looked taken aback, turning to his first-mate with a raised brow before drawing closer to Lovino, walking around him as if in a study. "If you're not a pirate, what were you doing on Kirkland's ship?"

With a huff Lovino glowered at the captain, determined not to allow how this man intimidated him to show through. "To find my brother."

To his surprise, the pirate's eyes lit up, "Ah, so you do have a brother!"

"What's that supposed to mean? Have you seen someone that looks like me?"

"Unfortunately no, mi amigo. Or I would have remembered him. Who could forget such a cute looking curl?" With his words he pulled on the outcropping curl, causing the younger man to blush brightly. A nostalgic look glossed his eyes as he straightened himself.

Lovino pulled away, his gaze ablaze with warning. "Don't touch me! And don't call me you're friend, either!" What the hell was with this guy? How dare he touch his curl! Lovino took a few steps back before tightening his fists together. The captain—Antonio was his name?—put his finger to his chin inquisitively while Sadiq and the blonde pirate from before watched them silently, as if expecting something from their commander.

"Look..." said Lovino, dismissing the curious gaze he was receiving from the Spaniard."I'm just looking for mi Fratellino. And since he isn't here..."

Antonio laughed, cutting him off. "What is your name?"


"Your name? What is it?" There was something in the pirate's eyes...something, he couldn't quite discern.

No! It didn't matter; he just wanted to get the hell off this ship.

"That isn't any of your business."

The man chuckled, "So feisty. You remind me of a certain person I used to know. Two, in fact." He grew serious then, pinning Lovino where he stood with his gaze, even if his eyes were still some hinted with a sense of good nature. "Your name is my business. There's no way we can take you back to that port now."

"What? Then what the hell am I supposed to do?" The Spaniard quirked a brow, as if sifting through his thoughts for an answer.

What was so familiar about this guy? There were a bunch of people named Antonio where he lived…maybe he'd met someone who looked like him before. Lovino ceased his thoughts. The only thing that mattered was getting off this ship and finding his brother! He fumed, cheeks flushed red with rage. Consecutively, the gesture only earned him another smirk from the Spanish captain standing across the deck.

"You certainly will not be a lay-about," he chuckled, turning his gaze to the Turkish man still leaning against the railing beside the gunwall. "Amigo, could we find something with this one here?"

"No!" Lovino exclaimed angrily. "I'll jump off if I have to!"

"Long way to shore," said Sadiq with a lazy yawn, receiving a deeper frown from the Italian.

Antonio chuckled, moving out of the way of a man moving to fix the arch of the sail. "Get you some proper clothes, checked out by the doctor, and a job to do. Staying on is probably your best bet of finding your brother." Before Lovino could argue Antonio made a gesture and he felt his arm taken in a tight, but somewhat polite grip by the first mate. "Off to the doctor with you while I go and find someone who knows where the extra clothes are."

Glaring over his shoulder at the retreating captain, Lovino growled lowly. As if he'd ever like a life with a bunch of lowlifes.


The doctor's cabin was on the east side of the ship; it was small, but surprisingly comfortable. The doctor—excuse him—Doc was a somewhat elderly man with side-burns and a beard, and small round glasses on the bridge of his nose. He wore a kind smile on his face as he looked at the nick on Lovino's neck before taking a bandage from his drawer, all after a wash and lathering on a bit of stinging ointment.

"It doesn't look like much, but who knows what's on a pirate's blade? Don't want it getting infected."

As Doc wrapped his neck in the bandages, Lovino looked to the man leaning against the wall with his arms folded over his chest. He lifted his hand, pulling the white mask from his eyes without taking any notice of the curious Italian watching his every move.

"Why do you wear that?" He couldn't stop the question from passing his lips, he was just so damn curious. He had to admit that it did look a little intimidating, but...

The man grinned, "At least you've got guts to ask what's on your mind, but be careful with that instinct." The compliment, or was it a warning, distracted Lovino for only a moment before Sadiq began talking again. "Antonio's got a certain reputation on the sea, if others knew he had an older man as his first mate they'd think it was lack of experience...probably a lot of pirate rules yer not interested in."

"You're right. I'm not interested," he crossed his arms over his chest as soon as the Doc was finished with his neck. He ran his fingers across the cloth, sighing as he jumped down from the wooden stool. He tightened kept his gaze away from Sadiq, who was studying him curiously. "What?"

The Turk raised his hands. "Nothing, nothing….hm." He paused. "If you don't tell us your name, what're we supposed to call you?"

Glaring, Lovino refused to answer as they walked down the ever-swaying hallway. To his annoyance, his continued silence only seemed to amuse the pirate. He tried to move forward, but the man's serious comment had him stopping in his tracks: "I can just make up a name for the crew to call you."

Lovino reeled, his cheeks bright red as the man continued, "How about 'Lass', does that suit you?"

"You bastard! I'm not a girl! My name is Lovino, damn it. There! You happy?" He marched off down the hallway below the deck and turned towards the stairs, but he was forced to stop when he ran nose-first into a well-toned chest.

Antonio smiled down at the annoyed Italian, now holding a bundle of clothes between them. "Here's a new change of clothes, and a set for tomorrow as well," he explained when the younger man didn't take them.

"I'm perfectly fine with what I'm wearing," came the snapped reply, but it only caused both of the pirates to laugh.

The first mate came up and put a hand on his shoulder. "Lovino, you'll stick out in those clothes. Meaning: enemies will know you're not experienced, and go after you first."

Grinning, the captain forced the clothes into the stunned Italian's hands. "It's brutal at sea. Hurry and change, then I'll come find you for lunch. Only get the tour today, mind you." He turned to leave but soon stopped and looked back at the former stowaway, a playful smirk on his lips. "Welcome to the Miedo, Lovi."