Taka and his brother Mufasa, were fooling around with their best friend, Layia. They were having a wonderful time the grass of the savannah. Mufasa was the strongest of the three, then Layia, then Taka. They all took a small break and started walking, Taka ran ahead, Layia snuck behind him and pounced. Her and Taka play - fought for a few minutes until Taka grew tiered and let his guard down for a split second. Layia took the opportunity and pounced on him once again, pinning him to the ground.

"Pinned ya!" She screamed happily.

"B-b-but, h-how could I lose to a G- g-girl?" Taka stuttered out. Mufasa looked at his brother and shook his head,

"I can't believe you got pinned by a GIRL!" he said teasingly.

"shu-" Taka was cut off by Layia.

"Oh it's on now Mufasa," she exclaimed while biting Mufasa's ear. He screamed in pain, he thought she nearly bit his ear off, while Taka laughed.

"Why the heck did you bite me?" Mufasa screeched.

"To teach you a lesson." she replied.

"And what lesson would that be?"

"Girls can be just as strong as boys." she told him matter of factly

Taka looked at them both and shook his head, "Oh Gees, why cant you two be moreā€¦.Grown up?"

"Because Taka, all three of you are children," A strong voice explained.

Taka turned around to see King Ahadi, him and Mufasa's Father.

"Father," Mufasa and Taka screamed as they ran towards him. Layia bowed.

"You know you don't need to bow Lay, you're like a daughter to Uru and I." Ahadi told her.

"I'm sorry, it's just, you're the King and I should be respectful." Layia replied.

Ahadi chuckled, "Your mother taught you well."

At that, she smiled brightly. The king had told Mufasa to come with him.
Taka and Layia stayed and watched Mufasa and Ahadi walk back to Pride Rock.

"Come on Taka, lets play!"

" Alright, Alright. Tag you're it!"

Meanwhile at Pride Rock.

The happy expression Ahadi wore was now gone. He looked stressed.

"What's wrong dad?"

"Mufasa, my son, this decision has been a tough decision but, I have chosen The future king." The present King told his son.

"Really Father? Who have you Chosen?" Mufasa's face brightened, he would be happy if he or his brother have been chosen.
"It is You Mufasa, for you are more of a leader then Taka."

"Thank you Father!"

Ahadi smirked slightly, "Go, play with your Friends but you will begin your Training tomorrow."

Wow, sorry for the short chapter but there will only be a few. R&R please :)